种棉 文言文的翻译】

作者&投稿:习屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Liao cotton 10 j

Plant high 70 centimeters, leaf color NongLu hypertrophy. Boll 8.43 a per round, idd, bell pointed. 146 days, LuoDe cultivation growth coated 137 days, suitable for cultivation, cream coated before flower rate 83-90%. Growth potential is strong, easy to BaoMiao, not premature aging, boll sex good, MianLing size uniform, open flocculent concentration. Average of boll weight and lint rate 3.0 grams of fiber length 72%, 35. 29 millimeter above. Strong resistance, and verticillium wilt disease of disease, seedling and lousy the bell disease is higher resistance. Cotton leaves, strong growth potential of loose, planting density shoulds not be too big, average RMB $6,000-7000 strains of flowering plant leave, 10 to 12.

2. Brocade 3

Extremely premature flowering plant varieties, compact, the biggest niche-fitness inclined or tubular, high-strength 65 centimeters, plant main stem amaranth, section 5-6 cm distance. Larger, leaf blade open flocculent live long, header. The bell ovoid, shell is thinner, easy to crack, open flocculent chang and concentrated, blowout period 15 to 20 days. Monoclonal boll 7.35 a 5.89 grams, boll weight. 135-140 days the whole growth period before, frost, don't spend rate 85% resistance to wilt disease, verticillium wilt, seedling diseases and lousy the bell disease resistance and yield levels are slightly better in liao cotton ninth. Can be appropriately density and stay branch. General FeiDe mu 7,500 BaoMiao tied to 8,000 plants, 8-10 section of flowering; BoDe 9,000 - $10000 slope of flowering plants, 6 to 7 paragraph. Low temperature keep more rain year less appropriate flowering. Western liao north and suitable planting. Pectinophora

Second, LuoDe cotton cultivation techniques

1. Choose, be ridges

(1) plot choice: cotton is hei wen, hei light crops. Liaoning belongs to the special precocious in the country, pectinophora pectinophora highest provinces is latitude, the north cold cool regions shoulds not be cotton; Cotton root developed, root were 2 meters above. Therefore, should choose soil deep cotton, fertility above-average flat or slope facing. Soil sticky heavy, back Yang, waterlogging va to unfavorable kind of cotton cold pulp, NongYan speak: "cotton seedling sex as fire, sand." best slip

(2) make ridges: cottonseed top soil ability, and want to take a leaf unearthed large resistance. Moreover, liaoning cotton production depend mainly on jun body, must guarantee of density, seeded preservation seedlings is the basis of cotton production. Therefore, must be careful preparation, seed cotton sprout bibulous slow, cottonseed itself are high in fat and protein, substance transformation long slow sprout, water quantity (weight), equivalent to seed cotton to keep sufficient moisture. Demand for early dozen cotton planting preparation, autumn, spring ridges best play ridges should also play in the end of march, the late finish before no more than April 5 (qingming ago). On KeLa, fine without preparation, soil water under virtual reality not less than 18%. Play ridges fertilization which shall not be less than 3,000 kg farm fertilizer.

2. Seed treatment

(1) fine soil seed choice: to select, remove flat tamunuts seed, DaMao seed, light seed to bud rate no lower than 90%.

(2) sun kinds: the cotton seed shell thickness, poor permeability, before planting the seeds must after air is basked in. Will cottonseed spread, sunny sun 2-3 days, day flipping a few times, cottonseed take in hand a shake a noise advisable. Sun kind of pay attention not to cottonseed directly on the cement and other easily breathable, prevent bask in out of death seeds. Not only can improve the sun kind of seed germination rate, increase the potential, and sterilization, germinate anti-insect effect, not to be ignored.

(3) take off flocking treatment: cottonseed off JiBo nap facilitate seeding (nap) must take off, his hair also recoverable for industrial raw materials -- linters.

(1) mechanical nap off. Cotton procurement departments shall cottonseed for one, two way off the nap, conditional three-course flocking to take off. (2) the sulfuric acid nap off. Not only facilitate selection from sulfate nap (through ShuiXuan, can use save artificially selecting seeds), and can remove the worm, germs on cottonseed is, can you still favors the cottonseed wrapper. Take off per 10 kilograms cottonseed nap add temperature of the nap of 110 to 120 pour sulfuric acid 500 ml, edge, stirring to dissolve hinters, then washing dry. (3), prevent and cure disease, reagent beforehand sowing.results pests: now the promotion of new technology, seed-coating cottonseed is not only can save seedlings, and sprout early 2-3 days, reduce seedling pest and reduce the cost. (4) with seed germination: cottonseed 30 to 40 ℃ water, soak seed of skin, cotton RenWei up layer, warm water for sowing seed to do frequently flipping, avoid heat accumulation in burn seed, especially a cotton plagues destroyed, in order to accelerate seed time, flooding, more should pay attention to hot churn cottonseed. If discover cottonseed become yellow, explain to burn seed sowing seeds, can't again. In the production practice, with 80-90 ℃ and the practice of water, this method seed can be very hot dead maturity bad cottonseed, but must pay attention to, must want the temperature dropped to 20 ℃ of cottonseed is about to without moving. Drought areas such as block water sowing seeds. Can germination

3. A seeding preservation seedling

(1) sowing seeds: the local temperature stability in 12 ℃, cottonseed emergence of local late frost, can avoid after namely for sowing optimum stage. Liaoning pectinophora suitable in four months mar.to general years late,.

In order to get the effective growth period, pectinophora used more "frost jiufotang after sowing, the late former sprout".

(2) by sowing density: general requirements to set the chosen varieties. FeiDe appropriate thin, flat slope BoDe appropriate close.

(3) planting depth: according to the selected density, skimming ZhuJu, no matter from sure JiBo or artificial planting, you must do isometric. Open ditch depth 5 centimeters, but must be planted in the horizon for improving above, mild seedling management. Turns the soil does not exceed 3 cm (arid areas of four LiBo except).

(4) check the density: BuMiao sprout field after the break, lack of seedlings to timely remedial. Area Lack of miao can take front and back, left to borrow leave double strains; Lack of miao more immediately, ensure reasonable density germination and seeding.

4. Field management

(1) early shovel, wade: cotton outstanding management an early word to promote seedling, early onset its method is early shovel, train, shovel, train, augmented geothermal, strong roots seedling promote early onset.

(2) non-uniform: after singling seedling ten to fifteen kg; according to the Now after 20 - according to the grey 25 kilograms.

(3) fine pruning of cotton: cotton yield pruning is the key. Generally in July 5-10 dozen top, July 15-20 DaWei pointed to when, in line with branches, ranging from the principle of when to differ branches. According to the requirements of flowering varieties leave pruning section number extending demanded to see, so as to call on August 5-10 natural broken flowers.

(4) chemical graft technology: to adjust during rainy a portion, water conditions, grew, excess, more than 2 cm plant growth, and before DaJian cotton plant height, leaf color more than 50 cm long, shallow, internode stem delicate cotton coated in July, cotton, cotton LuoDe early start flowering in flowering spraying 25% help strong meat and 5% shrink section amine control moderate growth. The rain in a normal year, soil fertility medium cotton plant height, after DaJian in 40-50 centimeters, in mid-july, with help of zhuang, blooming per meal 0.5 branch or shrink section water 50 kilograms 1.5 grams of dopamine, gush sparge tap or not after DaWei sharp. Drug use in principle master in the bolls, flowering and spend three times during the drug. If the field is growing relatively weak, can be in during the early flowering and spend two drug use. Take elixir control methods must determine whether the growth according to the field of medicine, and the size of the time and concentration. The field is growing enough cannot easily use, otherwise you will have negative effect. In addition, also not blindly increasing concentration and the dose. Stress-resistance.the cannot completely replace artificially pruning, must cooperate artificially pruning. 4 hours after poles in rain, must make up for re-jet spray. Shrink quarter when light and high temperature amino decomposition failure, should be in the afternoon when light weak spraying.

(5) foliage non-uniform boll weight and promote increased during the early: cotton flower foliar spraying linsuanerqingjia or 1%, can increase the urea fertilizer fluid boll weight and promote premature.

Low or moderate in cotton year after September 15th, with 40 percent of people to polythene 150 to 200 grams, the water 50 to 75 kilograms spraying, can promote early maturity, add frost flower rate before.

5. XuanLiu seeds timely pick,

Cotton frost flower and frost flowers before after prices vary considerably, frost flower not after should be mixed in frost flowers before within. Cotton picking to timely, prevent landing and intermingled with impurities.

XuanLiu kind of work is a cotton field based, the choice of analysing increase in standard strains within injection, surrounded frost kept for seeds, former spend only put single rolling for cotton, high yield, continue to lay the foundation.

原文 棉花,谷雨前后,先将种子用水浸片时,漉出,以灰拌匀。候芽生,于粪地上每一尺作一穴,种五七粒。待苗出时,密者芟去,止留旺者二三科。频锄,时常掐去苗尖,勿令长太高。若高,则不结子。至八月间收花。

译文 种棉花时,要在谷雨前后,先把种子用水浸泡片刻,再从水中捞出,用土灰搅拌匀称。等到种子上棉芽生出,在施了粪肥的土地上每一尺挖一个小窝,一窝种五七颗。等待棉苗长出时,太密实的除去一些,仅仅保留二三颗长得旺盛的棉苗。然后频繁地锄地松土,并时常掐去苗尖,不要让棉苗长的太高。如果太高,就不结棉子了。如此到八月间就可收获棉花。

注释:漉(lu )出:从水里捞出。
芟(shan ):删除,指除去多余的苗。
数(shuo ):屡次,经常。
