
作者&投稿:秦贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lina: Oh my gosh, Rose, is that you?
Rose: Lina! Hey! What's up!
Lina: I am thrilled to see you here! What a surprise!You have changed a lot.
Rose: Seriously? Heck, no! I am still the same old Rose
Lina: No way, you are much more charming now.
Rose: Oh really, but look at you! What a big change, wow.
Lina: I know, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Here, this is my new phone number, call me anytime
Rose: Thanks, I'm sure i will.
Lina: I have to go now, see you!
Rose: Bye Lina! I'll contact you.


答:F:I am making a plan of my holiday.Y:So what are you going to do on your holiday?F:I haven't decided it yet.But I want to do something special,how about traveling?Y:Good idea!Where will you go?F:I would like to go to Yunnan,don't you think it's a beautiful...

答:主要讲的是一对夫妻在超市购物,遇到了一个朋友,邀请朋友去吃饭,最后加了一个收银员 A wife B husband C lily D cashier A:honey,i have bought eggs meat milk cabbage,what else do you think i should buy B:let me think,how about some bread?A:oh,that's great,we ...

答:What a coincidence! Lucy. You live near hear?Yes,and what about you? Why are you hear?I am doing shopping.I have to buy some salt.Really? I also want to buy a pair of shoes for my brother.How a bout going together?That will be fine.I have lots of experience to share...

答:超市英语对话1 1. Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?A:Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?B: No, we ran out of cookies. I'll go get some more in the supermarket.没有了。我会去超市买一些。2. Did you see my shopping list?有没有看到我的采购清单?A:Tommy....

答:B:long time no see,you bought so many stuffs A:it is all daily neccessary.wo when did your hair become so soft and shiny B:really,thanks.i begin to use another kind shampoo recently,it is better A:which brand is it?summer is coming,sunlight become bigger,hair is easier ...

答:me:hi!Ms. Ling!her:hi!Long time no see.How are you going?me:l'm fine.Thank you.And you?her:All are fine.Are you working for the market?me:yes,l am.l want to make some money by doing it.her:Good!

去超市的时候 两个人对话 会有哪些对话 如果有 用英语怎么说 要教学...
答:Can I help you?或者What can I dao for you?I want to buy ……but I don't konw where they are?Can you help me?这是顾客与服务员之间的简短对话,这是经常发生的。如果可能的话服务员还会为你推荐一些物品,这是就是:You can try this,I think it's very appropriate for you.或者...

答:U: Yes, I am looking for a gift for my friend for her birthday.A: We've got lots of birthday gifts, like this necklace, what do you think?U: I love it, but I am not sure my friend will like it, do you have anything else to recommand?A: Sure, we also have ...

答:Sam: I am very good. And you?Nick: I am fine. Thank you. Can I ask you a question?Sam: Ok.Nick: What's your favorite food?Sam: Let me think. I think my favorite food is fried rice(炒饭),how about you? What's your favorite food?Nick: I don't like fried rice....

答:关于超市的英语口语对话 超市一般经销食品和日用品为主,是我们经常去购物的地点。下面是我整理的关于超市的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!1. Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?A:Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?B: No, we ran out of cookies. I'll go get some more in the...