as well as和as good as的区别

作者&投稿:斐勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用于本义,两者意为“与……一样好”,但good是形容词,而well是副词。用于引申义,两者的意思很不相同:as good as意为“几乎”“差不多”(=almost);as well as表示“而且”。

1、用于本义,两者意为“与……一样好”,但 good 是形容词,而 well 是副词。


He speaks English as well as her.

His English is as good as hers.


(1) as good as 意为“几乎”“差不多”(=almost)。如:He as good as said I’m a liar.他无异于说我撒谎。习语be as good as one’s word意思是“说话算数”。

如:You’ll find that she’s as good as her word.


(2) as well as 表示“而且”。

如:She’s clever as well as beautiful.


3、A as well as B=not only B but also A该结构连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语通常与前面一个主语保持一致

如:Mary as well as her friends is going to Paris.


(1)Freedom tastes as good as they say it does. 自由的味道如同他们所说的那么美好。

(2)But not as good as you might think. 但事实可能没你想的那么好。

(3)My dear wife, you are just as good as cured. 亲爱的老婆,现在你简直就跟病好了一样!

(4)It means facing difficulties without denial, as well as fully enjoying thebeauty of each moment. 它意味着不拒绝面对困难,同样也完全地享受目前每一秒钟的美好。

(5)Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。

as well as和as good as的区别:good是形容词,而well是副词。as well as构成同级比较结构,意为和……一样好。as good as用于字面义,表示与……一样好,可视为as…as结构与good的自然搭配。


as well as的例句:He speaks English as well as a native speaker(他讲的英语是和英语是母语的'人一样好);as good as的例句:Theyvisitedsomefactories,hospitalsaswellastheschool(他们参观了这所学校,还参观了工厂和医院)。