
作者&投稿:堵荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
pulltion 英语作文 100个词左右,急求!!!~

我尽力帮你,希望不会迟了。 Fitness Plan(1) In this plan you will be exercising for a whole week. On Monday you will do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 50 skipping ropes, and run 100 meter. You will need to repeat that for half an hour and record how many times you did this. On Tuesday and Wednesday it would be the same, instead your times should have increased. On Thursday you will double what you have done on Monday to Wednesday, this will make your muscles sore but it works, be sure to record your times. On Friday you will go back to doing the Monday to Wednesday procedure, it will make you relax but still get exercise. This will make your body be fit. Fitness Plan (2) This plan is going to take a week's time. Everyday you will wake up at 6:00, then you will be running around your community until seven. After that you will have breakfast for half an hour and then relax for half an hour. After that you will be doing push-ups until you can't move any longer, the number should be around 100. This will take approximately an hour. Then you will do sit-ups for half an hour, do not relax in that time. Now your time should be around 9:30. It is time to do some sports. Pick a sport you like and play it until noon time and eat lunch. When its 1:00 you will head back home a relax for the day. 健身计划(1) 在这个计划中你将会用一个星期的时间做健身。星期一,你要做10次掌上压,10次仰卧起坐,50下跳绳,和跑100米。在半个小时中,你需要重复这些运动并写下你重复的次数。星期二和星期三跟星期一一样,但是你写下的次数应该会提升。星期四,你要做双倍,你的肌肉会酸但是运动的结果会很好。星期五,你做的运动将会跟星期一一样,这会让你放松但是还可以得到一定的健身效果。这会让你的身体更加健美。 运动计划(2) 这会用一个星期的时间。每天你要6:00起床,你要围着你的区域跑一个小时。然后你再吃早餐,半个小时,还会有半个小时休息。然后你要做掌上压到你不能再做的时候,你的次数应该是100左右。这会用大约一个小时。然后的半个小时你会不停止的做仰卧起坐。现在应该是9:30左右。应该是做运动的时候了。选择一个你喜欢的运动,玩到中午然后吃午饭,1:00的时候回家休息。 够不够?其实两篇都不好写,因为太过相似了,但是我已经尽力了,希望对你有帮助。


额 我不素勤快的人

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