
作者&投稿:金欢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急需 用英语介绍未来的学校或教室或未来的自己 80个词左右~

hello my name is@#$ 。 Today my talk is about the future of our school . there are three point I want to talk about. First, quality of education. Second, enviroment of our school. Third ,student in our school
OK, let's begin .The first is ~~~~~~~

that's all . Let me sum up. our school is developing very fast. no matter in quality but also in the enviroment. I believe the future will be wonderful.

my future
Everyone wants to know their future,but nobody knows it.I hope my future will like that.I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future.I help many people who is in difficulty.I will help the people are in need,no matter they are rich or poor.Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society.In order to have a good body,I will do some exercise every week.My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me.I will work hard to reach my future.Ok,this is the future in my dream.What’ yours?



In the future, it must be a time of great influence. At that time, our classroom will become very strange……


In the future, the desk in the classroom will become robots. When everyone comes to school, it will become a square for children to read and write on. In the morning, when you come to the classroom and need to hand in your homework, press the red button, the robot will stretch out two hands, then put them into your schoolbag, and find the homework in the schoolbag accurately.


How did he decide which assignments to hand in? The answer lies in him. Each robot is equipped with a miniature "ear" facing the platform. Whenever the teacher assigns homework, he will keep it in his "brain", and then determine which homework to hand in the next day according to the master's daily life.


Look! How interesting the classroom of the future is! It's amazing just to carry tables and villains. Is there anything more amazing? Of course, it's the automatic sit correction machine.


Now, many students are short-sighted because of poor sitting posture of reading and writing. With the machine to correct sitting posture, many students can avoid wearing glasses.


When you take up your pen and prepare for writing, the correction machine will extend a bracket according to the height of the chair. The bracket is not short, and it will make you just straighten your back. The lower end of the bracket, and a sponge ball, will let you make the distance between the table in your chest and the punch.


This is our future classroom, a convenient and unique classroom!


Hello everyone,do you know what our classroom look like in 2050?Now let me tell you something about it,I think,there will be no more desk ,Because,they,hid in the ground .When they are needed,they will appear,What's more,those the wall,will change a lot.We can see anything on it.Because it's is controlled by computer.

答:【 #六年级# 导语】教室,是我们每个人的去过的地方,教室是知识的海洋,是我们学习的天地。我们只知道现在的教室是什么样子,而未来的教室我们不能肯定,但我们可以想象,那就发挥我们的想象力,来想象一下未来的教室吧!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 未来的教室六年级科幻作文50...

答:到了你自己的桌椅旁,椅子就会给你自动按摩,课桌上没有大叠大叠的书本,只有一个玻璃屏幕何一支特殊的笔,只要有着一支特殊的笔就可以在屏幕上做作业了,所以上学时,你就不用再背着沉重的书包了,你基本可以空手而来。未来的教室可真神奇啊!你羡慕的话就去看看吧!打字好累 ...

答:未来的教室里还有一个机器人老师。日、美、英、法,以及各国的语言,他都会说。机器人老师一心一意地教育我们,让我们每个人成材。怎么样,我讲的还好吧,但愿科学家们能早日发明出这样的教室。【作文四:未来的教室】 一位老师对我说:“以前的教室设备很落后,现在可不一样了。”我...

急需 用英语介绍未来的学校或教室或未来的自己 80个词左右
答:hello my name is@#$ 。 Today my talk is about the future of our school . there are three point I want to talk about. First, quality of education. Second, enviroment of our school. Third ,student in our school OK, let's begin .The first is ~~~that's all ...

答:未来的教室里还有一个机器人老师。日、美、英、法,以及各国的语言,他都会说。机器人老师一心一意地教育我们,让我们每个人成材。 怎么样,我讲的还好吧,但愿科学家们能早日发明出这样的教室。 6. 未来的教室330字作文 在20年后,我们学习的教室已经不同了,因为它方便,所以我才改造了我们现代的教室。 上课*** ...

答:除了清洁器,教室里还有智能灯,它和普通的灯看起来没什么两样,但它是一种声控灯,只要说一声开,它就会亮起来,说一声关,它就会灭掉。 这时,我听见妈妈在叫我,我才知道我在做梦,但是我想:未来一定会有这样的教室。 未来的教室作文500字5 未来的教室功能十分多,别有一番情趣。想知道我们未来教室是什么样的吗?那...

答:假如我们坐在这样的教室里该有多麽的幸福!在未来的科学里一定会发明这样的教室,我相信这一天一定会来到!未来的教室作文400字 (二)小朋友们,你们想知道我们未来的教室是什么样的吗?我来给你们介绍一下吧!我们未来的教室墙壁和房顶是用面包做成的,窗户和窗帘是用各种水果做成的,黑板是用大糖块...


