急求! 英语作文:学习英语的计划 只需40词

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急求! 英语作文:学习英语的计划 只需40词~

The new term is coming, so I think I should make a school schedule for myself. In the morning, I will read English texts to improve my spoken English. In each class, I will listen to the teachers carefully and make notes. After school, I will come back home on time and do my homework at once. After supper, I will go over what I learned in the day time and prepare for the tomorrow‘s classes. This is my school schedule.

关于参考“如何学习英语”的80词左右的英语作文,对于学习英语有一定的辅助作用,但这样是远远不够的。推荐报班阿卡索在线跟外教一对一学英语,地道口语轻松学,分享跟外教免费学英语链接:【点击领取外教一对一免费试听课礼包】如何学习英语的英语作文80词左右范文如下:How to learn English well?It’s true that to learn English well is every English learner’s dream. How to learn English well? You know “interest” is the key to study lessons well, so I’m sure you should be interested in English at the beginning. Of course, It’s very important also for each English learner to explore learning skills and efficient ways, because it can lead you to success in short term. In the end, I believe everybody who is good at English has a basic method, that is to learn more, to listen to more, to read more, to think more and to write more and so on. In addition, I think makeing firends with foreingers is also a helpful way to learn English well. If you can do it so, you must to be a good English learner in the near future.终于搞活动了,原价388元外教课程大礼包现限时免费送(包括1节外教课程+52节公开课+28件精美教材)。花同样的钱在阿卡索可以每天都上一节课,在别的机构一周一节课,而且外教不好约, 每天都可以学习英语效果更好,外教老师都持有tesol证书,有证的才是外教,没有证的是陪聊,阿卡索联合欧洲的英语学院,对学员进行测评考试,有没效果,考过就知道。期望回答可以帮助到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

First of all, I need to build up self confidence before learning English. Secondly, as words are the foundation of a language, I will memorize more words every morning. last but not least, to avoid learning "quiet" English, I decide to communicate with others in it as much as I can.
分给他 idea是最重要的

First of all,I believe I can study English very well.Second,memorize words every morning,because words are the basic of English.Third,do some English exercise and communicate with others in English.I don't want to learn the ''quiet'' English.

To master a language like English, is to have a conducive environment and to have proper schedule plan for it. Make oneself actively participate in all possible events to learn and practice English.