语法 SAT 急!!谢谢啦!!

作者&投稿:玉吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对于楼上这些 几近 误导的说法.......无奈了.....

1. 不是her错了, 因为后面已经用she指代了baby 已经指明是女的; 被认为应该用by: be considered precocious by her family. 被动用by 还有什么争议么??
2. particular in 改为particular about, particular有 挑剔的意思, 说家雀对建巢不挑剔, (所以它们把窝建在信箱里楼缝里), 做挑剔讲时 搭配为 particular about
3. 在接待处的是 吵闹的顾客, 三层蛋糕, and生动的音乐, (这些) 已经成为了 许多婚礼庆典的标志. 成为标志的 是 客人 蛋糕 和音乐 三种东西, 应该成为三个特征, 用复数 characteristics.

从句的结构是: one of many hidden caves is larger than the size of Monaco.
比较双方是 cave 和 size of Monaco 比较双方不平行
要么是the size of a cave 和size of Monaco比较, 要么是cave 和Monaco比较.

比如 "我比你大", 或者 "我的年龄比你的年龄大", 但是不能说 "我比你的年龄大" 或者 "我的年龄比你大". (跟绕口令似的.....)


一、在比较结构中,需要看两个比较对象在句子中充当的成分。如果是主语进行比较,那么 than 或者 as ... as 后的比较对象应该用代词的主格形式;如果是宾语进行比较,则需要用代词的宾格形式。
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than we.
——句中的比较对象是主语 the winner of the contest 和 we

* She is a better athlete than I.与我相比,她是个更好的运动员。
——比较 对象是主语 she 和 I:

* The news surprised Pat more than me. 这个消息让帕特比我更感到吃惊。
——比较对象是宾语 Pat 和 me

* I dislike no one more than her. 没人比她更让我讨厌。
——比较对象是宾语 no one 和 her,

二、其实这里的 than 是连词,也就是说,than 连接的是一个省略了重复成分的比较状语,如上述的两个句子就是如此,因此可以还原为——
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than we (were talented)
* She is a better athlete than I am (a athlete).
* The news surprised Pat more than (it surprised) me
* I dislike no one more than (I dislike) her.
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than us.
* She is a better athlete than me.

than we 就是比我们.......

the winner of the contest was far less talented than we (are talented).

than we应该是错的。
要么就完整:than we are talented。后面是个句子,成分完整。没有问题。
要么就要讲成:than us.后面是个句子但是成分不完整,这时如果只保留一个主语的话,这个主语是要用它的宾格的,不能用主格形式。如:
He is taller than I am.
he is taller than me .
He is taller than I.这句是错的。

一、在比较结构中,需要看两个比较对象在句子中充当的成分。如果是主语进行比较,那么 than 或者 as ... as 后的比较对象应该用代词的主格形式;如果是宾语进行比较,则需要用代词的宾格形式。
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than we.
——句中的比较对象是主语 the winner of the contest 和 we

* She is a better athlete than I.与我相比,她是个更好的运动员。
——比较 对象是主语 she 和 I:

* The news surprised Pat more than me. 这个消息让帕特比我更感到吃惊。
——比较对象是宾语 Pat 和 me

* I dislike no one more than her. 没人比她更让我讨厌。
——比较对象是宾语 no one 和 her,

二、其实这里的 than 是连词,也就是说,than 连接的是一个省略了重复成分的比较状语,如上述的两个句子就是如此,因此可以还原为——
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than we (were talented)
* She is a better athlete than I am (a athlete).
* The news surprised Pat more than (it surprised) me
* I dislike no one more than (I dislike) her.
* the winner of the contest was far less talented than us.
* She is a better athlete than me.