有人能帮我把这一段文字翻译成 英文嘛?谢谢了,机器的免来,寻找英文高手,

作者&投稿:鲍茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Hello,ladies and gentlemen,I'm 26 and my name is Elly.after graduation from the university,I have learnt how to sale well for almost 8 years, so I think I have enough experience to work for this company.I want to learn more and do more for this company,I can show my talent inthe future,thanks!


I come from China's northern Inner Mongolia, a land of plenty, where there is fertile land and hardworking, kind-hearted people, cold winter to the people of Inner Mongolia strong character. In recent years, my hometown has developed rapidly although wood is still mainly agricultural, but because of relatively abundant mineral resources. Industrial development is also booming. I love my home, my people proud of Inner Mongolia

College, learning seriously, outstanding. Honest and trustworthy, active participation in extracurricular activities. Easygoing, cheerful, have good communication skills. Adaptable, responsible for serious and careful work, have a strong team spirit. Self-improvement efforts to find all available opportunities, hard-working. The greatest feature is the study and work full of enthusiasm. During the school received appropriate professional certificates and scholarships. After a year of exchange study abroad after their ability to get more of the exercise, learn how to live independently in a foreign good. Students get along well with other countries, Chinese and Western cultures can be very good for the communication. In my opinion, they have good ability and will to complete the work assigned by your company



答:麻烦有没有人能帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英语~~~谢谢~~~ 时间观念80年代中期,我国深圳蛇口提出“时间就是金钱”的口号。事实上,“时间就是金钱”这说法在我国早已存在了,“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”的说法已成为人们的口头禅。我... 时间观念 80年代中期,我国深圳蛇口提出“时间就是金钱”的口号。

答:手工翻译,杜绝机译 《骆驼祥子》是老舍先生的代表作,它成功的为我们塑造了中国现代文学史上第一个血肉丰满的都市个体劳动者形象。这部小说讲述的是一个来自农村的破产农民——祥子,来到城市,试图通过个人奋斗来实现自己的理想,但最终以失败而告终的故事。“Camel Xiangzi,” a masterpiece of Mr. ...

答:then turn into the process over a long period of time from common law to the written laws.民事习惯本身的特性,使它能与民法在调整私人生活关系方面起到相辅相成的功效;而民事习惯的功能论证了它是民法的补充规范。||This text pass to is habitual to analyze completely to the civil case...

答:more,and worry me less.翻的时候,我想起了我的父母,感同身受啊~他们也一样每次打电话都问寒问暖问吃的,也叫我别省钱...我很爱我的父母,经常对他们说“我爱你们”,就是怕以后后悔,因为现在再也没机会跟姥姥说”我爱你“了。孝心能感动天地,最后愿楼主父母健康长寿!全家幸福!


答:the high strength and high pressure of work, the courage to meet the new challenges. Have stronger organizational capability, activity planning ability, for the class activities during the college often advise. Strong team spirit, good together.其实翻译很简单的,你不用给我分的就行!

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答:using literature analysis, targeted to conducts the research to our countryagricultural colleges and agricultural extension"combination" mode, summarizes the special research withcombination mode and agricultural high schools produced.对不对你自己查。。。我让我老师帮忙翻得。。错了勿拍……...