
作者&投稿:帛姿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语专业 关于《飘》中斯嘉丽的婚姻观的大纲~



Having read the novel Gone With The Wind written by American writer Margaret Mitchell,I was deeply shocked. The novel, which Margaret spent about 10 years on, not only created a myth,but also show her own personal charm to the world. Novel's underground is based on the Civil War which happened in the United States, according to the changes of the Civil War starts the circumstances, so it has divided the macro history into micro history of personal experience. We can realise that misty thinking of Margaret through characters changes of people.

Heroine Scarlett is a simple but very complex figure. On the surface she has kinds of good quality,quiet, good-hearted, full of ability like her mother Aland, but the vast majority of cases, the restless temperamenrd to her behavior. Contacting her at first, I thought that she is just a beautiful, stubborn and proud princess. She 's so beautiful that almost all the young men in the book are tempated by her. She seems to have become accustomed to dealing within these young men, like a cold hot fire but locked of love to blame, which almost makes many men crazy. She has strong cravings in all the good things, and she wants to take away all the boy's

Such blatant selfishness seems exaggerated. But her exaggerated and performance doesn't work on Rhett Butler and Ashley Wilkes, and makes a completely different effects. Scarlett can't grasp the heart of Ashley Wilkes, who is out of her control. To my surprise, she produced some mystical love toward him. But to nigmatic Rhett Butler,she gain the feeling of hate. These two feelings, as the main theme of the novels from beginning to end.hearts around her, even her older sister's valentine's .

Scarlett's hasty makes her pay a great price! In order to show that she is not “no buyer” to Ashley Wilkes, she get married with Charlesa Hamilton who she doesn't like. Soon after the war broke out, Charles die, Scarlett become a widow. At that time, she is just a willful child, consequences and responsibility don't seem to have relations to her. Due to her rebelious character,the “moral standard” doesn't work on her, but keep widow life away from plain and boring. So she continues to show her own charm and still attracts a lot of men.

War has changed Scarlett, and it also enables me to a better understanding toward her. She kills the Northen soliders at the critical moment, and creats a causein extreme poverty. It all reflects her strong, courage, indomitable. In order to protect her families and industries, she had to get married with Frank Kennedy, which shows her spirit of sacrifice to us. Business established period, her unique wision of the economic, commercial talent, the spirit of daring to struggle, in fact , those advantages are very common of traditional women, but easily overlooked in the past time. Scarlett is a proud woman after all, she turn a blind eye to many beautiful things around her, such as Melanie Hamilton Wilkes' love, and Rhett Butler's care, not to mention the treasure! Instead, she constants to pursuit the Unreal misty love toward Ashley. When she grasps, Melanie Hamilton Wilkeshas been dead, Rhett Butler's love burst. But Scarlett is still so strong, it seems that nobody can see through her.

I am so deeply shocked by the indomitable spirit of Scarlett facing difficulites. But to attain her end by hook, I feel offensive. And I am so angry with her infatuation attitude to Ashley Wilkes. While the more care Rhett Butler give to Scarlett, the more joy I get. But at last, Rhett fell dispointment and left Scarlett, what a pity!

I think every one of us has her own desires, each person is serching for her own happniess . The desire will be a driving force for us, and the desire can improve the development of culture. Science and technology may also lead to crime and war. Though desires may have some bad effects on us, it very important. We will pursue our own happiness, although we there might be some difficulties and disputes, we should not give up our desire!




答:《飘》从写作艺术上来说,不愧于世界名著之一,小说极富于浪漫情调的构思,细腻生动的人物和场景的描写让人不禁身临其中。 从《飘》的内容上说描写的是美国南北战争时期南方动乱的社会现实,以"乱世佳人"斯佳丽为主线,描写了几对青年的爱情纠葛。斯佳丽年轻貌美,为了振兴家业,她把爱情和婚姻作为交易,三次婚姻没有一次...

答:第一次:报复阿希礼。第二次:为了不失去塔拉庄园 第三次:她认为瑞特和她很像

答:一口气看完经典长篇小说《飘》我开悟了 它写尽了一个女人在苦难面前勇往直前的奋斗史。有时候,女孩子还是要自私一点很多人说,斯嘉丽有点囗囗声声说爱着希礼,但面对困难时,又会妥协于现实,嫁给不爱的但是,我觉得她是一个特别拎得清的人。 她特别清楚她要什么,即便牺牲爱情,她也要守护她的家族,让家人不挨饿,不...


答:《飘》读书心得5 看完《飘》以后久久不能平静,给了我很多的思考,合上书的那一刻,就像是送别即将远行的朋友。斯佳丽终于长大了,可瑞德却要离开了。有些难过,但也许不完满才是真实的人生。 喜欢斯嘉丽的不完美,理解斯嘉丽的无奈,她的三段婚姻都是不幸的,斯嘉丽把感情看成两个人的交锋,在这场战斗比赛中,她总是...

