
作者&投稿:诺适 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  ACCA在国内称为"国际注册会计师",实际上是特许公认会计师公会(The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants)的缩写,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。ACCA资格被认为是"国际财会界的通行证"。许多国家立法许可ACCA会员从事审计、投资顾问和破产执行工作。ACCA在欧洲会计专家协会(FEE)、亚太会计师联合会(CAPA)和加勒比特许会计师协会(ICAC)等会计组织中起着非常重要的作用。

2014年12月ACCA考试题型作了改革,F5业绩管理 Performance Management (PM)原题型:3小时5道简答题;新题型:3小时20个单选5道简答题。

ACCA是"英国特许公认会计师公会"(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)的简称,是世界上领先的专业会计师团体,也是国际学员最多、学员规模发展最快的专业会计师组织。ACCA会员资格得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。
ACCA的科目设置如下,共16门(学员需通过12门必修科目及2门选修科目 共14门课程)
第一部分为基础阶段,主要分为知识课程和技能课程两个部分。知识课程主要涉及财务会计和管理会计方面的核心知识,也为接下去进行技能阶段的详细学习搭 建了一个平台。技能课程共有六门课程,广泛的涵盖了一名会计师所涉及的知识领域及必须掌握的技能。具体课程为:
F7 财务报告 Financial Reporting (FR)


ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted 1 Introduction
Tinkerbell Toys Co (Tinkerbell) is a manufacturer of children’s building block toys; they have been trading for over 35 years and they sell to a wide variety of customers including large and small toy retailers across the country. The company’s year end is 31 May 2011. The company has a large manufacturing plant, four large warehouses and a head office. Upon manufacture, the toys are stored in one of the warehouses until they are despatched to customers. The company does not have an internal audit department. Sales ordering, goods despatched and invoicing
Each customer has a unique customer account number and this is used to enter sales orders when they are received in writing from customers. The orders are entered by an order clerk and the system automatically checks that the goods are available and that the order will not take the customer over their credit limit. For new customers, a sales manager completes a credit application; this is checked through a credit agency and a credit limit entered into the system by the credit controller. The company has a price list, which is updated twice a year. Larger customers are entitled to a discount; this is agreed by the sales director and set up within the customer master file.
Once the order is entered an acceptance is automatically sent to the customer by mail/email confirming the goods ordered and a likely despatch date. The order is then sorted by address of customer. The warehouse closest to the customer receives the order electronically and a despatch list and sequentially numbered goods despatch notes (GDNs) are automatically generated. The warehouse team pack the goods from the despatch list and, before they are sent out, a second member of the team double checks the despatch list to the GDN, which accompanies the goods.
Once despatched, a copy of the GDN is sent to the accounts team at head office and a sequentially numbered sales invoice is raised and checked to the GDN. Periodically a computer sequence check is performed for any missing sales invoice numbers. Fraud
During the year a material fraud was uncovered. It involved cash/cheque receipts from customers being diverted into employees’ personal accounts. In order to cover up the fraud, receipts from subsequent unrelated customers would then be recorded against the earlier outstanding receivable balances and this cycle of fraud would continue.
The fraud occurred because two members of staff ‘who were related’ colluded. One processed cash receipts and prepared the weekly bank reconciliation; the other employee recorded customer receipts in the sales ledger. An unrelated sales ledger clerk was supposed to send out monthly customer statements but this was not performed. The bank reconciliations each had a small unreconciled amount but no-one reviewed the reconciliations after they were prepared. The fraud was only uncovered when the two employees went on holiday at the same time and it was discovered that cash receipts from different customers were being applied to older receivable balances to hide the earlier sums stolen. Required:
(a) Recommend SIX tests of controls the auditor would normally carry out on the sales system of Tinkerbell, and explain the objective for each test.
(b) Describe substantive procedures the auditor should perform to confirm Tinkerbell’s year-end receivables balance.
(c) Identify and explain controls Tinkerbell should implement to reduce the risk of fraud occurring again and, for each control, describe how it would mitigate the risk.
(d) Describe substantive procedures the auditor should perform to confirm Tinkerbell’s revenue.



ACCA F7科目讲什么内容
答:2、考试形式:分季机考或笔试 3、考试时间:笔试3小时+15分钟 机考是3小时20分钟 4、考试分数:110分(50分通过),10分种子题不计入学员成绩 从2017年3月在英国和欧洲的考试中心每天两场考试,学员现在将有3小时20分钟来完成考试(外加至多10分钟时间用来阅读考试要求)5、考试题型:Section A为选择...


ACCA F7考试知识点:合并财务报表疑难解析part2
答:ACCA F7是ACCA中其中一门科目,现在给大家进行知识点解析:“合并财务报表”,一共分为三部分,这是第二部分,帮助大家对逐个击破合并财务报表中的“疑难杂症”。另外,合并财务报表疑难解析part1和合并财务报表疑难解析part3分别点击红色字体即可查看哦。F7.合并财务报表(consideration transferred)主要讨论...

答:其中,P4-P7为选修课程,4门任选2门考试。ACCA考试题型与考试时长 1、BT科目考试题型:Section A(共76分,46道题,30道2分值题,16道1分值题):单选、多选、判断;Section B(共24分,6道题,每题4分):题型包括:下拉菜单、单选、多选、判断。考试时间2小时 2、MA科目考试题型:Section A(...

答:acca考试的题型一定要熟知,利用平时的学习时间多做几套题,熟悉题型也很重要。1、 论述题:快速构思如何论述,在答卷上把该答的要点和在每个要点下准备的论据列出,再展开。简短的开篇介绍和最后的结论必不可少。要用到的概念也务必做解释。平时做题的公式化论述语要背下一些。2、计算题:很多计算题...



答:F4:原题型:3小时 10个单选;新题型:2小时45个单选5个多任务题;F5:原题型:3小时5道简答题;新题型:3小时20个单选5道长题;F6:原题型:3小时5道简答题;新题型:3小时5道简答题;F7:原题型:3小时5道简答题;新题型:3小时20个单选3道长题;F8科目题型:原题型:3小时5道简答题;新...

答:acca考试为全英文考试,有随时机考与分季机考两种形式。acca考试F1-F4为随时机考,具体报考时间与报名费用,考生需联系机考中心确定。F5-F9、SBL、SBR及P4-P7科目(4选2)为分季机考,考试时间相对固定,一般在每年的3月、6月、9月与12月的第一个周一至周五。acca考试科目 阶段考试科目考试题型考试时...

答:—您可在MY ACCA内选择通过E-mail接收考试成绩。方法二:短信接收(SMS)—您可在MY ACCA内选择通过SMS接收考试成绩。方法三:在线查看考试成绩—所有在ACCA全球网站上登记的考生都可在线查看自己的考试成绩。accaF7可以免考吗?acca考试的F阶段科目都是可以免考的,SBL、SBR和P阶段是没有免考的。