
作者&投稿:吉贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Key to written exercises
Lesson 32
1 He is opening the window.
2 She is sharpening this pencil.
3 She is dusting the cupboard.
4 She is emptying the basket.
5 He is looking at the picture. B
1 What is Mr. Richards doing?
Is he cleaning his teeth?
No, he isn't cleaning his teeth. He's opening the window.
2 What is my mother doing?
Is she shutting the door?
No, she isn't shutting the door. She's making the bed.
3 What is the dog doing?
Is it drinking its milk?
No, it isn't drinking its milk. It's eating a bone.
4 What is my sister doing?
Is she reading a magazine?
No, she isn't reading a magazine. She's looking at a picture.
5 What is Emma doing?
Is she dusting the dressing table?
No, she isn't dusting the dressing table. She's cooking a meal.
6 What is Amy doing?
Is she making the bed?
No, she isn't making the bed. She's sweeping the floor.
7 What is Tim doing?
Is he reading a magazine?
No, he isn't reading a magazine. He's sharpening a pencil.
8 What is the girl doing?
Is she turning on the light?
No, she isn't turning on the light. She's turning off the tap.
9 What is the boy doing?
Is he cleaning his teeth?
No, he isn't cleaning his teeth.

He's putting on his shirt.
10 What is Miss Jones doing?
Is she putting on her coat?
No, she isn't putting on her coat. She's taking off her coat.


1.Yes,martin is talking to Gary.
2.They may go abroad.
3.Gary's wife wants to go to Egypt.
4.They will travel by sea.
5.Yes,it may be cheaper.
6.Yes,it takes a long time.
7.Because his wife worries too much.
1.I'm not sure.They may be Australian.
2.I'm not sure.She may be Russian.
3.I'm not sure.They may be Chinese.
4.I'm not sure.They may have been bakers.
5.I'm not sure.She may have been a doctor.
6.I'm not sure.He may be the boss.
7.I'm not sure.She may be twenty-one.
8.I'm not sure.They may have been seven.
9.I'm not sure.He may have been over eighty.
10.I'm not sure.She may have been under fifty.
11.I'm not sure.It may be the 16th today.
12.I'm not sure.It may have been Wednesday yesterday.
13.I'm not sure.It may be the 20th today.
14.I'm not sure.It may be expensive.
15.I'm not sure.It may have been difficult.
16.I'm not sure.She may have been young.
17.I'm not sure.He may have been tired.
18.I'm not sure.They may be watching television.
19.I'm not sure.She may have been looking for a new job.
20.I'm not sure.They may be standing.


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