
作者&投稿:章韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Declan's Prayer) - Declan Galbraith Twinkle inkle little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Star light, Star bright, The first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight, Twinkle inkle little star, How I wonder what you are, I have so many wishes to make, But most of all is what I state, So just wonder, That I've been dreaming of, I wish that I can have owe her enough, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the dream I dream tonight, 【译文】 小星星,   我想知道你是什么,   高高挂在天空中,   好像一颗钻石在天空,   星光呀!   明亮的星光呀!   今晚我看见的第一颗星星,   我希望我可以,我希望我可以,   我今晚的愿望,   小星星,   我想知道你是什么,   我有那么多的愿望,   但最重要的是我的状态,   所以就想知道,   我一直梦想的,   我希望我能   My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. by William Wordsworth, 1770-1850 我怦然心动 凝望天边的彩虹; 会让我怦然心动; 我生命之初如此; 而今成人仍如此; 我老了亦当如此; 否则我i宁可死去! 赤子是成人之父; 愿天生的虔敬心; 相系我的一天天. _____ 威廉.华兹华斯   恩~不能是爱情的吧~偶查了很久,基本都是一分钟不到就能读完的。 下面这篇偶认为很不错,恩··不短!很符合~~然后就是翻译,偶自己翻的~呵呵~翻得不好之处体谅哈~ angelsarealwaysthere 天使一直在那里守候着你 surroundingyouareangels, 你的周围围绕着许多天使, theyaretheretoguideyourpath, 他们一直在哪里指引着你前进的道路, ifweaknessoveresyou, 当你被软弱包围的时候, they'llgiveyoustrengthifyouwillask. 如果你向他们要求,他们会给你力量。 theyareyourprotection 他们是你的屏障 whenlifeseemstoohardtobear, 当生活好像难以忍受, andthoughyoufeelaloneattimes, 当你感觉生活总是孤单寂寞, theangels...theyarethere. 天使们···他们在那里。 theirface *** aybehidden 他们可能掩藏面容 andtheirvoicesyoumightnothear, 他们的声音你可能听不见, buttheyarealwayswithyou, 但是他们一直在你身边, throughyourlaughteroryourtears. 融入你的欢笑与泪水。 they'llwalkalongbesideyou, 他们会走在你的旁边, they'llguideyourstepsalongtheway, 他们会指导你人生路上的每一步, they'llfortyouandholdyou, 他们会支持你使你安心舒适, protectyounightandday. 他们日夜都会保护你。 they'llholdtoyourhandtightly, 他们会牢牢的抓着你的手, they'llnoteverletitgo, 一刻都不会甩开它 andthey'llgentlyleadyouforward, 他们会轻柔的指引你前进, takingeachstepveryslow. 慢慢的走好每一步。 forevenasyouslumber, 甚至当你睡着时, theywatchcloselyoveryou; 他们会非常近距离的注视你; theyaretherebesideyou 他们一直在你旁边 ineachandeverythingyoudo. 每时每刻你做每件事。 whenlifeisoverwhelming, 当你被生活压垮, andyourspirithasgrowntired, 你的精神愈发疲惫, knowthey'llbethereforyou, 知道他们一直会为你存在, toupliftandtoinspire. 让你振奋,让你激进。 andwhenyou'retornandlonely, andyouseenohopeahead, knowthattheywillnourishyou, yourspiriillbefed. andifthereesatimeinlife thatyourheartha *** eenbroken, hearthewords,"i'mhere,mychild," andknowyourangelhasspoken. foreveninthedarkesthour, whenallofhopeseemsgone, they'llgiveyoustrengthtoliveyourlife, anddesiretogoon. andifyourfaithinheaven, shouldeverfadeaway, they'llhelprenewyourspirit, andhelpyoufindyourway. eventhoughyou'reeverfilledwithdoubt, aboutthelifeyoulive, knowthattheyaretheretogiveyou allthattheycangive. foryousee,thefathersentthem, becausetohim,youmeansomuch, thathesentthem"justforyou,"myfriend, andyourlife,theywilltouch. theywillalway *** ehere, theywill"never"leaveyourside; andupontheirstrengthandguidance, youalway *** ayrely. takefortintheirguidance, drawstrengthfromupabove, andknowthattheirsweetpresence, isgod'spreciousgiftoflove. 差不多这个意思,我想睡了~先走了   1. I’m happy today and I think I will be happy everyday during the summer camp of the English studies. 今天我很高兴,我想我会每天都很快乐在夏令营的英语学习。 2. Today is very hot, and I feel a little nervous. But our classes were very interesting. Our teacher help us to make some nice names, and now each of us has a good English name. 今天是很热,我有点儿紧张。但是我们的课程是很有趣的。我们的老师帮助我们做出一些不错的名字,现在我们每个人都有一个良好的英文名字。 3. I have many good friends at school, but my best friend is Yang Yiting. We have been clas *** ates for many years. We are really very lucky to be together for such a long time. 我有很多好朋友在学校,但我最好的朋友是阳Yiting。同学们,我们已经很多年了。我们真的很幸运的在一起了这么长时间。 4. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. 她是一个好学生。她擅长英语。她喜欢说英语。她总报告新闻用英语在她的学校 5. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 她说我们是好朋友。我们经常送电子邮件互相每天。我非常喜欢她。

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