
作者&投稿:淳祥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Pair work。




public two-year colleges。


private non-profit four-year colleges。


Warm-up video。









language ability。

critical thinking。

Text One。


four common lies and some common-sense facts。


the more likely they send their children to college。

filling out all those admission forms。

remains the single best investment。

some form of advanced training。

non-college vocational training。

a social problem。

soaring college tuition debt。

college is worth it。


1、Those experts base this claim on two so-called“facts.”One is that high-prestige employers no longer require a college degree for their jobs.The other is that some successful business giants have dropped out of college。

2、Against the first excuse,the author says that most of those jobs are low-prestige,low-wage positions that probably have never required a college degree.Against the second excuse,the author presents the fact that billionaires send their own children to college。

3、Because college changes lives.A college education ensures that the children from poor families rise to a significantly higher income level and higher social status in the future。

4、Artificial intelligence may take over some repetitive and mechanical work,but there are jobs that require human hands,human intelligence and human emotions.People need specialized training before taking those positions。

5、Because law school and medical school students graduate with hundreds of thousands in debt and they need to pay it off within limited time.Being defense lawyers or general practitioners cannot ensure them an adequate pay to cover the debt。

6、The educators’innovation work mainly focuses on three aspects:refunding public education,improving food and housing security for college students,and redesigning curricula and ways of learning。


1(Answers may vary.)

The text says that some educators are working on the problems,like refunding public education,improving food and housing security for students at college,and redesigning relevant curricula and ways of learning.Some other possible strategies may also work:

More professional experiences throughout college.For students,it is important not to wait until junior or senior year to engage in career preparation.Early experiences offer a chance for students and employers to start building authentic relationships rather than relying on a rushed。

Better mentoring.Educators and colleges should offer career orientation programs for students.These programs are expected to prepare students for a greater understanding of career opportunities and options,and to assist them in making meaningful and informed career choices.

More scholarships:Many students graduate from college with enormous loan debt,or they limit their education in an attempt to control costs.Scholarships are the most desirable form of financial aid。

2(Answers may vary.)

Academic Reading Skill。

1、The situation is described in Para.1。

2、In Para.2,the author proves with evidence that the claim“college isn’t worth it”is made on false bases,which reveals her position— she is against it。

3、Para.3says“Here are the four most common lies you are hearing and some common-sense facts to keep you and your teenager on an even keel while considering and applying for college,”from which the reader can tell that the author will discuss it fully in the subsequent sections。

The body consists of four sections from Para.4to Para.14,each section beginning with a“lie.”

Two pieces of information are mentioned in Para.15.One is“we are working to innovate in our colleges.”The other is“high school seniors and their parents need to close their ears to the false,even fraudulent,idea that‘college isn’t worth it’。

Language Enhancement。

your thin CV。

you haven’t achieved much at college。

the report about his academic misconduct。

he would be deprived of his PhD。

researchers at Northwestern University。

that diets high in fat can throw off the body’s internal clock。

complaints you make。

you are alienated from people around。

keep going for a goal that is impossible to achieve。


Professor Li Qi from the Higher Education Research Institute,Beijing Normal University,said that higher education worldwide has been gradually developing from elite education to mass education since the1960s.With the increase of the enrollment and the competition for college employment rates。

According to The Blue Book of Examinations:China College Entrance Examination Report(2019),“the gross enrollment rate of China’s higher education reaches45.7percent,which is higher than the average level of middle-and high-income countries。”

This proportion will continue to rise.China’s higher education is shifting from elite education to mass education,and there occurs inevitably the phenomena of grade inflation and certificate inflation。

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