
作者&投稿:迪杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My Idol Cai xukun

As you know , there's some famous words " Singing ,dancing ,rapping and basketball." My favorite idol is Cai xukun.

He is a good singer .He sings very well.He told us "The more effort,the more lucky" I agree with him .He is not only a singer but also a postive person.He likes music very much.

Although some people donot like him,he is still himself and believes he is the king of the music world and never gives up . When I listen to his songs ,I feel happy and relaxing.

So I hope that all his efforts can be seen by everyone and that more people like him as much as l do.






My Idol Cai Xukun
Cai Xukun is a popular Chinese singer, rapper, and actor. He was born on August 2, 1998, in Zhejiang Province, China. He rose to fame after participating in the reality show Idol Producer in 2018, where he ranked first and became the center of the boy group Nine Percent. Since then, he has released several hit singles and albums, and has won numerous awards for his music and acting performances.
What makes Cai Xukun my idol is not only his talent but also his personality. He is known for his hard work, dedication, and positive attitude towards life. He always encourages his fans to pursue their dreams and never give up, no matter how difficult the road may seem.
In addition to his music and acting career, Cai Xukun is also active in charity work. He has donated money and resources to various causes, such as education, poverty alleviation, and disaster relief. He believes that everyone has the power to make a difference in the world, no matter how big or small the contribution may be.
To me, Cai Xukun is not just a celebrity, but a role model. He inspires me to work hard, be kind, and stay true to myself. I hope to follow in his footsteps and make a positive impact on the world, just like he does.
In conclusion, Cai Xukun is a talented and admirable artist, who has won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. His music, acting, and personality have touched many people's lives, and he continues to inspire and motivate others to be their best selves.
蔡徐坤是一位受欢迎的中国歌手、说唱歌手和演员。他于1998年8月2日出生在中国浙江省。他因参加2018年的真人秀节目《偶像练习生》而走红,他在节目中排名第一,成为男子组合九 Percent 的中心。自那以后,他发布了多首热门单曲和专辑,并因其音乐和演技表现而赢得了众多奖项。

答:My favorite singer is Cai xukun. He is a good singer .He sings very well.He told us "The more effort,the more lucky" I agree with him .He is a postive person.He likes music very much.Although some people donot like him,he is still himself.when I listen ...

答:So I hope that all his efforts can be seen by everyone and that more people like him as much as l do.译文:我的偶像蔡徐坤。如你所知,有一些著名的词“唱歌,跳舞,说唱和篮球。”我最喜欢的偶像是蔡旭坤。他是个好歌手。他唱得非常好。他告诉我们“越努力,越幸运”我同意他的观点。

我的偶像蔡徐坤英语手抄报 我的家英语手抄报
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我的偶像蔡徐坤 - 草稿
答:      有一个能激发我前进动力的人,他就是我的偶像蔡徐坤。      一头微微有些凌乱的碎发,帅气的脸棱廓分明,眼睛里有星星,让人移不开眼,笑容是这么的暖心、大气而灿烂,就像是一轮暖阳的化身,满满的都是阳光的味道。    初识他是在...


答:题目为《我的偶像蔡徐坤》600字作文如下:我的偶像蔡徐坤 每个人的性格不同,喜欢的偶像也不一样。有的人偶像是古代人物,有的人偶像是现代名人,还有的人偶像是文学影视里的人物。但我的偶像是一位现代歌星。我喜欢的偶像以蔡开头,坤结尾,徐居中。我的偶像很努力,很优秀,也很绅士。他23岁,左脸...

答:52.53M 语言:中文 平台:安卓APK 推荐星级(评分):★★★ 游戏标签: 我的偶像 偶像游戏 明星游戏 我的偶像安卓是一款模拟偶像换装游戏,在游戏中,有很多明星等着你来装扮,海量精美炫酷的服饰任你选择搭配,将一个个偶像打扮的时尚靓丽,你就是时尚造型师和搭配师!我的偶像内购...

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