求英语高手们翻译一篇高中英文阅读~~ 谢谢!!

作者&投稿:戊林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语短文的翻译 求翻译高手们帮忙~!~



比尔盖茨和通用汽车的总裁在一起吃午饭,比尔在讲关于计算机技术的话题。盖茨说:“如果几十年后汽车技术能与计算机技术同日而语,你就不会只开着V-8而是每小时最高时速1,0000英里的V-32 了,或者你会拥有一辆价值30英镑的经济型坐骑,一加仑油跑一千英里。无论哪种情况,一辆新车的标价都会低于50美元了。为什么你们这些家伙就是赶不上我们呢?”



急!!高中英语中译英 高手速进!! 人工翻译,鄙视软件翻译!
答:1 english poet william wordsworth borned on apr.7th,1770,and died on apr.23th,1850.he is one of the most outstanding romantic poets.2william wordsworth lived in country during his childhood,he often go to outdoor to play ,close to nature,which had an important impact on his ...

中译英,在线等——英语翻译高手速进!! 纯人工翻译
答:I think that using money to encourage a child to study this method is no advisable. Because learning from self is a child, self's thing learns being responsible therefore ought to be directed himself on by child. Use money to encourage a child to learn probably, being able to ...

答:这是”年兽“传说嘛 呵呵 正好有篇译文 ^_^ In the Pacific time, there is a ferocious monster, scattered in the dense forests and mountains, the people they called "years." "" The morphology ferocious, brutal nature, the fresh Feiqinzoushou, putting scales referred insects a day ...

答:With the acceleration of globalization, English, as an international language has become attracted more and more attention onto people.People's enthusiasm of learning English soars to unprecedented heights. As demands determine the market,all kinds of English culture industries emerge in ...

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答:我很想清醒,I want to keep my head clear,很想忘记你,trying hard to forget you,但是我做不到,but I can't help myself。依然还是那么在意你。I still care so much about you.关键词:Keep my head clear: 保持清醒 can't help myself: 不能控制自己 care about you: 在意你 保证...

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答:She is my good friend, she's far Panghu Hu beautiful but she is very cute like the character very cheerful Re Xinchang is happy to help others who will be a bit difficult to find her, she will put aside their own affairs went to help her people have difficulty It is a ...

答:Now, we only have one pressed the switch, the bright lights, how convenient it is. You know what, over 100 years ago, when the Edison Electric is a study of the number of failures before a successful research has been very common in the Electric?Edison Electric Research, in ...

答:The person's whole life is impossible and Bon voyage, all the luck, in advanced journey, our gross will meet like this or so of failure, also do not lack the success glad.Face the success or failure, should we do how?" the failure is the mother of the success", quite ...