
作者&投稿:势谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like this story very much, because it is a humorous folk tale full of smell of simple country
life.The feelings of being with the family and the simple pictures are really interesting.


-기는 -(는/ㄴ)다/하다就是“某件事情做倒是做了”的意思,后面的内容一般是转折

Always decided by the parents of children, often lack of judgment after grow up, become indecisive, but the lack of a sense of responsibility, don't even know how to be responsible for myself. So kids do anything in life will seemshy, will only obey the meaning of others, or even being at the mercy of. But in real life, many parents are accustomed to the "decision" firmly grasp in their own hands,"planning" for the children living and learning. Parents always make decisions by the parents of children, oftenlack of judgment after grow up, become indecisive, lack of sense of responsibility, don't even know how to be responsible for myself, don't even know how to be responsible for myself. If the parents to help children to make too many decisions, also can let the child forms a mental: anyway, this thing have parents to help me make decisions, I don't worry about him, when he one day needindependence, his path will go very hard.
As parents, we should trust, decentralization, less strict,less pressure on the child, have what thing, try to let thechildren to make their own decisions, decisions. Such,ability can let the children as soon as possible the formation of the independent personality and independent of society. Because, we who also can not alwaysaccompany the child during the. The time to let it go!Holding parents skirt toddlers can never learn to walk independently. Parents don't anything instead of childrenmake decisions, especially not to replace their thinking, tolet the children make their own decisions, develop theirability to make independent decisions. When children encounter something, parents should try to put the decisionright up to the children, let the children do their owndecisions.
Children gradually grow large, parents should graduallywithdraw from the child's life, let him make the protagonist,let the children make their own decisions. If parents reallyhard to completely let go, can try to have the awareness ofproviding children with select some not wrong, let the children make their own decisions. A two time, we slowlylet go, choose the space for children growing. If the children in their own decisions and put into practice,suffered a setback or caused the failure, the parents neverto be scolded, otherwise it is easy to hurt the child, so thathe didn't have the courage to do the next decision. Now dothe children make their own decisions, it should also be assured him the consequences of the decision to admit a mistake. The ability to make decisions is trained from childhood, parents should be responsible for the child's life, if you really want to let the children have ambition, then put the decision rights gradually to the children.


my god!太长了


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