
作者&投稿:于竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The flight of time, time flies like a shuttle. "In the primary
school life is coming to an end, recall the unforgettable primary school life,
really a little miss. In my primary school life, there were so many things, they
like a shell. Some of its brightness dazzles the eyes. However, some dark


Leaving my bright and spacious classrooms; was about to leave the picturesque campus; leaving that be together morning and night of the teacher and the students, hearts can produce many memorable mood. Because in the past six years, the people that matter with indelible
memories for


I remember in the fifth grade vacation in the mountain city of travel memorable. At that time, we in not accompanied by parents and
teachers, followed by tours to Hongkong play. We happily relax, but, because of a little
thing, I told the
students strike
violently. This is what
happened: at the
beginning, two
students in our class in the fight, then I
and another
student to mediate, but advised to become the two of us in the fight, and then we two because angry began
to fight, finally "two lost all wounds," covered all over with cuts and bruises, back to their own room, then play the
days because it affects our mood, then think about why, everyone classmate a, for such little things will fight really don't deserve it, but our students that friendship that we apologize to each other.


Because we are a trifle and impulse noisy, it is because we do not mature. And then
we made up
again, it is because we have
a forgiving
heart, able to accommodate each
other's shortcomings. It makes me unforgettable, it taught me how
to get along with people, how to cherish the friendship.


Remember, every teacher in
school! Forget your eyes be courteous and accessible, forget your teachings. Is your sweat feeding us grow up happily, is your knowledge of the rain moistens our knowledge of the heart desire...... In this six years, teachers have been hard to cultivate, we not only learn knowledge from books, laid a solid foundation of learning, and know a lot of truth in life.


Forget, my dear students! Forget our friendship, but also can not forget the time we be together morning and night. Looking back over the past, is a colorful yesterday. Yesterday, our struggle in the examination room; yesterday, there is competition on the pitch we; yesterday, our arguments in the
classroom; yesterday, we in the choir singing...... Yeah, what a memorable yesterday, I can't forget.


Forget, this six years of
campus life! Every morning, the students come to school on time, early to read; morning exercises when the bell rang, the students stand Qi quickly, followed down the stairs; class, the students listen to the teacher carefully, to actively raise their hands to speak; and after school, on the playground active students movements...... Once a year the school sports meeting is a wonderful. The movement, his classmates cheers, cheers deafen the
ear with its roar, game players to abide by the rules, and strive to first, adhere to the friendship first, competition second principles, as if it were held a mini olympics. This is what I am familiar with the campus life.

As a Middle school student,I should look forward to the future and work out a detailed plan for my development.First of all,Reading is needed to accumulate the words and sentences.I plan to read 100 books in next three years.Then,LIstening carefully in the class is of great importance so that you will be able to acquire the knowledge.Finally,Working hard and never be late to school ,I should give up the bad habit of procrastination.If I can do the things aboved,I would make a great progress in my study.


My years in junior school life ended.Looking back the last three years of life,I learned a lot of knowledge and I made many good friends. Although I still have many shortcomings,I will try to correct. I will study harder in the coming years of high school and not to be naughty any longer. I am looking forward to the new term.I will listen to the teacher more carefully.When my classmates have difficulties in their study ,I will try to help them.If I do like this ,I will be very happy.How I wish the new term to come!

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答:以下是我为大家整理的忆初三作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 忆初三作文1 初中生活是一段往事;初中生活是一种回忆;初中生活是一次经历;初中生活是一种感受。时光流逝,岁月见证,掸去历史的浮尘,去挖掘自己三年初中生活真正沉淀的,真正铭刻下的东西。 ——题记 “光阴似箭,日月如梭”,转眼间,三年的初中生活就要结束。回...

答:如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的初三毕业作文9篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 初三毕业作文 篇1 花开花落,又是一年,又是一个夏季,又...回想那一天,兴奋的.一整夜睡不着。而如今,我结束了我三年的初中生活。毕业了,即将告别我的母校了。 三年前,我们满怀希望来到仙华,这所让我们向往的学校...

答:在这三年的生活中,我们一起追逐过,一起打闹过,一起幻想过,一起哭泣过,一起欢乐过,一起分享过。也许初中的三年生活,就犹如晴澈天空下的云,想永远留住,却无法实现。初三毕业作文 篇4 初三,初中最后一年,我有多不舍得你们,这里的点点滴滴,都有我们最美好的回忆。你们一直在我身边支持我...

答:我亲爱的三年初中生活,再见! 初三毕业优秀作文8 毕业的时候,难免会留下那伤感的泪花,有些同学可能是开心,也有些同学可能是伤心。当然,眼泪不能让大家再次生活在学校里,享受那共同学习,共同玩耍的时候了。 想起往事,那是多么伤感,大家这么多同学一起无忧无虑的玩耍,而现在,只能去想,去看那些照片。同学们不知道还...