
作者&投稿:裘刘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In chinese lastest move to fight inflation,the government said that Chinese banks would be required to set aside large cash reserves.Chinese central bank said that affective Monday,large banks here would have to set aside 20.5 percent of their cash,an increase of half percentage point.Th emove essentially reduces amount of cash avaliable for loans.
It was the fourth time this year that the central bank has raised the required reserve ratio.
the decision came just days after China said that inflation rose at fastest pace in more than two and a half years.
In March,the consumer price index climbed to5.4 percent ,even though economic growth modertated slightly .China is worried that some of the high levels of inflation in years could disrupt a booming economic that is being fueled by heavy
bank lending. Food prices have been soring in China,but wages,housing prices and raw material are also rising.

In modern society,more and more girls like going shopping so much . As a Shoppingaholic, I also hope to spend less money to buy more things.
So , I want to talk about Sunday market . ther are a lot of Sunday Market in foreign countries. The people like going there so much . and especcially students . if you are a students ,you don’t have to spend more money and you can buy a lap top in Sunday Market .Although the lap top is a second hand thing, the seller can promise the lap top ‘s quality. At the same time ,you have got some necesities in the Sunday Market.
For attracting more customers,
Some manager in department store ,make some spaces to the sellers ,the sellers in Sunday Market don’t have to spend more money on the space ,they can earn more money.
I like the Sunday Market so much . Beacause, you not only have got a lot good things , but also you can save more money ,that is one stone beats two birds . I will go there if there are some Sunday markets in Beijing .


So-called inflation, is "monetary aggregates" relative "total" items increasing phenomenon, roughly speaking, is the money "excessive" phenomenon. From around the world experience, inflation is generally produce two important consequences: one is the monetary purchasing power, 2 it is to redistribute wealth. Inflation is the most dangerous of economic growth, this is a recognized economic growth "demon", which may make China's economic growth, may damage to China's economic growth mode of profound change. 所谓通货膨胀,就是"货币总量"相对"物品总量"不断增大的现象,粗略地说,就是货币"过多"的现象。从世界各国的经验来看,通货膨胀一般产生两大重要后果:一是货币购买力下降,二是财富重新分配。通货膨胀是经济增长最为危险的恶魔,这一公认的经济增长的"恶魔",既可能使中国经济增长遭受重创,也可能促成中国经济增长方式的深层次改变。


China Shifts Policy To Choke Inflation
  The announcement by China's leadership of a tougher economic policy for 2008 shows a new consensus that more has to be done to address risks of inflation and overheating in the nation's fast-growing economy.
  The new position, which formalizes a policy shift already under way over the past couple of months, was announced yesterday at the close of the annual Central Economic Work Conference chaired by President Hu Jintao.
  The rise in inflation, which this year was running at 4.4% through October, has become a major concern of the leadership and has apparently trumped any worries about a slowdown in the world economy.
  Although policy makers have been expressing concerns about rapid growth in bank lending and corporate investment for some time, inflation brought new worries of eroding living standards and increased social tensions.
  China's inflation has so far been confined mostly to food prices, but it is a definite concern. In October, for example, cooking oil cost 34% more than a year earlier. Policy makers say their goal is to prevent such price increases from spreading throughout the economy.
  In order to achieve that, a 'tight' monetary policy will be followed for 2008, a rare and significant change in the official stance. Since the middle of this year, officials had characterized China's monetary policy as 'stable-to-tight,' which itself was somewhat tougher language than the previous standard of a 'stable' monetary policy.
  The new policy was announced by the central bank and the main economic-planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, two bodies sometimes seen to be at odds.
  What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix. In recent weeks, the central bank has been rolling out a tougher supervision system to try to ensure that commercial banks next year will adhere to often-ignored lending quotas.

China Shifts Policy To Choke Inflation

The announcement by China's leadership of a tougher economic policy for 2008 shows a new consensus that more has to be done to address risks of inflation and overheating in the nation's fast-growing economy.

The new position, which formalizes a policy shift already under way over the past couple of months, was announced yesterday at the close of the annual Central Economic Work Conference chaired by President Hu Jintao.

The rise in inflation, which this year was running at 4.4% through October, has become a major concern of the leadership and has apparently trumped any worries about a slowdown in the world economy.

Although policy makers have been expressing concerns about rapid growth in bank lending and corporate investment for some time, inflation brought new worries of eroding living standards and increased social tensions.

China's inflation has so far been confined mostly to food prices, but it is a definite concern. In October, for example, cooking oil cost 34% more than a year earlier. Policy makers say their goal is to prevent such price increases from spreading throughout the economy.

In order to achieve that, a 'tight' monetary policy will be followed for 2008, a rare and significant change in the official stance. Since the middle of this year, officials had characterized China's monetary policy as 'stable-to-tight,' which itself was somewhat tougher language than the previous standard of a 'stable' monetary policy.

The new policy was announced by the central bank and the main economic-planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, two bodies sometimes seen to be at odds.

What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix. In recent weeks, the central bank has been rolling out a tougher supervision system to try to ensure that commercial banks next year will adhere to often-ignored lending quotas.

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