
作者&投稿:栾云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

























  (一)To “Water Song”

  Su Shi

  At the Mid-Autumn Festival in the year Bing-chen (1076) I enjoyed myself by drinking until dawn and became very drunk. I wrote this poem, thinking of Ziyou.

  Bright moon, when wast thou made?

  Holding my cup, I ask of the blue sky.

  I know not in heaven’s palaces

  What year it is this night.

  I long to ride the wind and return;

  Yet fear that marble towers and jade houses,

  So high, are over-cold.

  I rise and dance and sport with limpid shades;

  Better far to be among mankind.

  Around the vermillion chamber,

  Down in the silken windows,

  She shines on the sleepless,

  Surely with no ill-will.

  Why then is the time of parting always at full moon?

  Man has grief and joy, parting and reunion;

  The moon has foul weather and fair, waxing and waning.

  In this since ever there has been no perfection.

  All I can wish is that we may have long life,

  That a thousand miles apart we may share her beauty.

  (Robert Kotewell & Norman Smith 译)

  (二)Prelude to Water Melody

  Su Shi

  How long will the full moon appear?

  Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky.

  I do not know what time of the year

  ’T would be tonight in the palace on high.

  Riding the wind, there I would fly,

  Yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be

  Too high and cold for me.

  I rise and dance, with my shadow I play.

  On high as on earth, would it be as gay?

  The moon goes round the mansions red

  Through gauze-draped window to shed

  Her light upon the sleepless bed.

  Against man she should have no spite.

  Why then when people part, is she oft full and bright?

  Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again;

  The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.

  There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.

  So let us wish that man

  Will live long as he can!

  Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty she displays.

  (许渊冲 译)

  (三)Tune: “Prelude to Water Music”

  Su Shi

  On mid-autumn night of the yea bing-chen (1076), I drank merrily until dawn, got very drunk and wrote this poem, all the while thinking longingly of Ziyou.

  Bright moon, when did you appear?

  Lifting my wine, I question the blue sky.

  Tonight in the palaces and halls of heaven

  what year is it, I wonder?

  I would like to ride the wind, make my home there,

  only I fear in porphyry towers, under jade eaves,

  in those high places the cold would be more than I could bear.

  So I rise and dance and play with your pure beams,

  though this human world – how can it compare with yours?

  Circling my red chamber,

  low in the curtained door,

  you light my sleeplessness.

  Surely you bear us no ill will –

  why must you be so round at times when we humans are parted?

  People have their griefs and joys, their joining and separations,

  the moon its dark and clear times, its roundings and wanings.

  As ever in such matters, things are hardly the way we wish.

  I only hope we may have long long lives,

  may share the moon’s beauty, though a thousand miles apart.

  (Burton Watson 译)


答:水调歌头 苏轼 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间。转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里...

答:水调歌头·明月几时有 Prelude to Water Melody When the Moon Shines Bright 【宋】苏轼 By Su Shi 【Song】丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。At Mid-autumn Festival, I spent the whole night drinking. When drunk, I wrote this poem as a work to miss my brother.明月几时有?

答:水调歌头 【译文】明月什么时候出现的?(我)端着酒杯问青天。不知道天上的神仙宫阙里,现在是什么年代了。( 明月几时有? 把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?)我想乘着风回到天上(好像自己本来就是从天上下到人间来的,所以说“归去”)( 我欲乘风归去,)只怕玉石砌成的美丽月宫,在高空中...

答:但愿人长久,千里共婵娟的英译为:My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away.也可以翻译为:Would that we could live a long life and together share the moonlight a thousand miles away!最简短的翻译是:May we all be blessed with longevity.还...

水调歌头 英文翻译
答:水调歌头·潇洒太湖岸》 中仄仄平仄,中仄仄平平(韵)。 潇洒太湖岸,淡伫洞庭山。 中平中仄平中,中仄仄平平(韵)。 鱼龙隐处,烟雾深锁渺弥间。 中仄平平中仄,中仄平平中仄,中仄仄平平(韵)。 方念陶朱张翰,忽有扁舟急桨,撇浪载鲈还。 中仄仄平仄,中仄仄...

答:宋·苏轼《水调歌头》:“人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。”英译 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.原词 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天...

答:I raised his glass ask blue sky Don't know heaven fairy palace What time it is I want to ride the go to heaven Also worried that heaven too high Can't stand the cold Then I arose to dance Where like on earth Moonlight rotation, bathed the gorgeous castles Moonlight enter ...

答:译文 丙辰年的中秋节,高兴地喝酒直到第二天早晨,喝到大醉,写了这首词,同时思念弟弟子由。 明月从什么时候才开始出现的?我端起酒杯遥问苍天。不知道在天上的宫殿,今天晚上是何年何月。我想要乘御清风回到天上,又恐怕在美玉砌成的楼宇,受不住高耸九天的寒冷。翩翩起舞玩赏着月下清影,(月宫)哪里比得上在人间?

答:《水调歌头·平山堂用东坡韵》是南宋诗人方岳所作,此词从登平山堂所见景物写起,转入抒情、议论,除了怀念欧阳修、苏东坡两位“文章太守”以外,也抒发了对国土未被收复的愁恨。 翻译/译文 平山堂上伫立远望,秋雨过后,江岸的山色在晴空映衬下分外青碧。一个人辗转大江南北,有多少忧愁思绪,都付之一醉,暂且忘却吧。乘...

但愿人长久 千里共婵娟的意思
答:“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的意思是:只希望这世上所有人的亲人能平安健康,即便相隔千里,也能共享这美好的月光。这句话出自宋朝苏轼的《水调歌头·明月几时有》,是中秋望月怀人之作,表达了对胞弟苏辙的无限怀念。《水调歌头·明月几时有》【作者】苏轼 【朝代】宋 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知...