
作者&投稿:鲍怀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello, we haven't seen each other for quite a long time, have we?
yes, you are right
how is it going now?
very well. and you?
me too. which school are you study in(这里这个IN不可以少)?
I'm in ...
quite a good school
which class are you in?
application 3
what's your major?
which do you think is the most difficult major?
and your favourate one?
because I think it's helpful to learn another language
yes,you are right. try your best.Have you eaten just now?
not yet.
Then let's go together
OK.Let's go.


I asked him that how long has he been a driver.

How was your last trip?
Really? Where did you go?
I went to Vienna. It is a wonderful place!
Cool! How long have you been there?
About a week.
What did you do there?
I ate much delicious food,went to a concert,watched movies,climbed mountains and went sightseeing too. Oh, I almost forget it. I watched a nice nautch.
Nautch? Which kind?
Vienna Waltz.
Are there many dancers?
Yeah,many.They are so excellent.They can dance perfectly. I like that performance very much.
Sounds great! Maybe I will go there next time.
Awsome! I hope you could see that nautch too.
I hope so.

You travel last time is how about?
It is very good.
Oh? Which have you gone?
I have gone to Vienna. There really, it is very wonderful!
It is cool! You when that has staied how long.
A week is controled.
You when that has done some what?
I have eaten the food of many delicious foods , enjoy concert , watch film, climb mountain, there is still sightseeing. Oh, I forget nearly! I have seen one The dance of very brilliant site is performed.
Is dance performed? What dances?
Vienna waltz.
Has that many dancers?
Yes, it is many, also very excellent. Their dance jumps very well. I like that performance too.
Sound really good. Perhaps, it is that that I can also go next time.
It is too good. Hope that you can also go to see that that dance is performed.
I also hope.


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