
作者&投稿:贰琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now I have got married. My wife and son are in China. My son three years old. This time I go to the United States is to an MBA.

  Language is an important communication tool for human beings, which is a major medium of culture heritage and development. As a matter of fact, language itself is a culutral phenomenon. Language including its written form plays an indispensable and fundamental part in the life and production activities of mankind.
  We know that every nation, in its own land or region, creates its own langage culture, which consists a unique contribution to the diverse culture of mankind. A nation loses its characteristic or spirit when it loses its culture. Consequently a unique part disappears from the whole body of human culutre. The equality of language and its culture is the foundation of the equality between countries and nations, which is closely related with national sovereignty and ethnical dignity. On the other hand, language determines the media and the right of speech, the right of elucidation and the right of appeal. Emotions, attitudes, and concepts which are included in language will translate into the cultural genes and the spiritual realm of mankind. Therefore, all the nations and ethnicities today treasure their language and cultural traditions more than ever.
  We hold that economic globalization and cutlural diversification, with the increasing inter-dependence of the world economy, should be integrated and developed harmoniously.


银行存款 Cash in bank
其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents
应收账款Account receivable
其他应收款Other receivable
材料采购Material purchasing
原材料Raw materials
产成品Finished goods
待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses
固定资产Fixed assets
累计折旧Accumulated depreciation
在建工程Construction in process
短期借款Short term loan
应付账款Accounts payable
应付职工薪酬Salary and welfare payable
应付福利费Welfare payable
应交税金Tax payable
应缴城建税 Tax for maintaining and building cities payable
资源税Resources tax payable
所得税Income tax payable
其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying
教育费附加 Educational Surcharges
地方教育费附加 Local educational surcharges
河道维护费 River maintaince surcharges
预提费用Drawing expense in advance
长期借款Long term loan
实收资本Paid-in capital
资本公积Capital reserves
本年利润Current year profits
利润分配Profit distribution
未分配利润Undistributed profit
生产成本Cost of manufacture
制造费用Manufacturing overhead
产品销售收入Sales revenue
产品销售成本Cost of goods sold
产品销售费用Sales expenses
产品销售税金及附加Operating tax and additions
教育费经费Educational Surcharges
地方教育费附加Local educational surcharges
城建税Tax for maintaining and building cities
其他业务收入Other operation revenue
其他业务支出Other operation expense
管理费用Administrative expenses
财务费用Financial expenses
营业外收入non-operating income
营业外支出non-operating cost
所得税enterprise income tax
以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment

太多了 我这个人有点懒 你一批批的发我估计会帮忙 但这。。。

答:一级和二级明细 类型 级次 科目编码 科目名称 资产 1 1001 现金 资产 1 1002 银行存款 资产 1 1009 其他货币资金 资产 2 100901 外埠存款 资产 2 100902 银行本票 资产 2 100903 银行汇票 资产 2 100904 信用卡 资产 2 100905 信用证保证金 资产 2 100906 存出投资款 资产 1 1101 短期投资 ...


答:借:银行存款 150 000 贷:实收资本(或股本) 150 000 2. 租赁房屋需要预交前三个月租金。签订租约时如数交足了54 000元。借:预付账款 54000 贷:银行存款 54 000 (或库存现金)3. 购买机器设备花费235 000元,加上15 000元安装费,共计250 000元。这笔钱将从6月底开始连续2 4个月等额...

求会计大神帮帮忙 拜托拜托
答:贷:待处理财产损益 1500(这是在未确认盘盈原因的情况下进行的处理,待确认原因后 再调整至其他科目)8、借:所得税费用 13000 贷:应交税费--应交企业所得税 13000 9、借:主营业务成本 150000 贷:库存商品 150000 10、借:短期借款 100000 贷:银行存款 100000 11、...

答:计入在途物资;货到验收入库后支付运费,计入原材料。运费按照重量分摊 借:原材料(或在途物资)——甲材料 280 原材料(或在途物资)——乙材料 140 贷:银行存款 420 材料采购,是计划成本下的科目

答:2.借:应收账款 351000 贷:主营业务收入—B产品 300000 应交税费-应交增值税(销项税额)51000 3.借:管理费用 3900 贷:银行存款 3900 4.借:营业外支出 20000 贷:银行存款 20000 5.借:财务费用 1500 贷:应付利息 1500 6.借:银行存款 30000 贷:营业外收入 ...

答:5#)贷:应付账款—C公司/银行存款—X行/ 预付账款—C公司 第7题就要看你的单价是多少了, 或者总金额是多少。第4、5、6题还需要根据实际情况来做,看你这些材料是用来做原材料或辅助材料,如果是辅助材料就变下相应的科目就可以了。不知道这样的回答你是否满意,希望能够互相讨论学习。嘻嘻 ...
