
作者&投稿:章虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.When he was a child,he often __B__ and nobady believed him including his parents
A.lay B.lied C.laid D.lain
2.Put some wet towels __A__ the door to keep the smoke out.
A.at the bottom of B.in the bottom of C.on the bottom of D.along the bottom of
3.If he __C__ us,we can't win the match
A.join B.won't join C.doesn't join D.is joining
4.Good reading skills are quite uesful __B__ our students.
A.to B.for C.on D.at
5.Parents don't allow their children __A__ out alone at night.
A.to go B.go C.going D.gone
6.Jenny can't come to answer the phone.She ___D__ a bath.
A.washes B.has C.is washing D.is having
7.___A___ sure you know the fire exit nearest to your room.
A.To be B.Be C.Don't be D.Not be
1.If you have any questions,you may ask for information from the ___received__(receive) desk
2.Blind people use their listening skills more than those with __sight_(see)
3.Have you decided on the __locution__(locate)of the new building yet?
4.A few minutes __later_(late),all the people were safe out of the theatre on fire.
5.Will you please __explain___(explanation) the third paragraph again for us?
6.He usually cares for others more than ___himself__(he)

一、选择填空题 在下面每小题所给的四个答案中有一个能够完成本题的正确答案,请


( )1. She enjoys __________ the articles in the magazine “Zhi Yin”.

A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads

( )2. --- I like soap operas. How about you? --- I agree _____________ you.

A. to B. for C. with D. on

( )3. Kelly, _____________ girl, wants to be a reporter.

A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. an 8-years-old D. an 8 years old

( )4. We can’t go out ________________ school nights.

A. at B. for C. on D. in

( )5. ____________ run in the hallways.

A. in B. for C. on D. from

( )6. ______________ talking! Here is the library.

A. Don’t B. No C. Not D. Can’t

( )7. ______________ talk loudly on the phone!

A. Don’t B. No C. Not D. Can’t

( )8. You ______________ in class.

A. don’t B. can’t C. not D. no

( )9. What do you ____________ soap operas? I can’t stand them.

A. do B. like C. think D. think of

( )10. Thank you for ______________ us! Next we’re talking about “Healthy Living”.

A. to join B. join C. joining D. joined

( )11. Do you know the boy _____________ sunglasses? He’s my new friend, Brad.

A. wear B. wearing C. wears D. is wearing

( )12. She has to help her mom _______________ dinner today.

A. makes B. making C. made D. make

( )13. Of all the things, the _____________ thing was the belt.

A. cool B. cooler C. coolest D. cooling

( )14. John, you have to wear ___________ shoes for gym class today.

A. sport B. sports C. sporting D. to sport

( )15. We have to get to the bus station ___________ 8 o’clock, or we’ll be late.

A. for B. in C. by D. on


Today is 16 . I got up very early (早) in the morning. I went to school at 17 six. 18 school was 19 clean (干净的). 20 were bright (明亮的). The sky was blue. Birds were singing all the 21 . All the boys were 22 white shirts. 23 were in nice skirts. We sang 24 danced, ran and jumped. We 25 little birds. How happy we were!

( )16. A. Children’s Day B. Children Days C. Day of Children D. the Children’s Day

( )17. A. near B. about C. only D. over

( )18. A. We B. Us C. Our D. Ours

( )19. A. very B. much C. too D. there

( )20. A. The windows in our classroom B. The window of our classroom

C. Our classroom’s window D. The windows of our classroom

( )21. A. day B. way C. today D. time

( )22. A. in B. from C. on D. like

( )23. A. Boys B. Girls C. Men D. Women

( )24. A. with B. or C. but D. and

( )25. A. looked at B. looked after C. looked the same D. looked like


Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese. But a call in English is quite different from one in Chinese. If you want to ask somebody to answer the telephone, you can not say. “Please ask Mr. XX to answer (接) the telephone.” Instead (代替), you must say, “May I speak to Mr. XX ?” If you want to ask who is answering the phone, you should say, “Who is that?” “Is that Mr. XX (speaking)?” Instead of “Who are you?” If you want to tell the other one who you are, you should say, “This is XX (speaking) instead of “I am XX.”

( )26. An English telephone is ____________ a Chinese one.

A. as good as B. better than C. the same as D. not the same as (与)

( )27. If you want to tell the people who you are, you should say, “ _____ ”

A. This is XX B. I am XX C. That is XX D. He is XX

( )28. If you want to ask who is answering the phone , you should say, “ __ ”.

A. Who am I? B. Who is he? C. Who are you? D. Who is that?

( )29. If you want to ask someone to answer the call, you can say, “ _______ ”.

A. May I speak to Mr. XX? B. Please tell Mr. XX to answer the call.

C. I want to talk to Mr. XX? D. Are you Mr. XX?

( )30. Which is right about the passage?

A. It tells the difference between making a call in Chinese and one in English?

B. We know how we call in English.

C. We don’t understand how we call in English.

D. It’s easy to call in English.


Channel (频道) 1
Channel 2

18:00 Around China

18:30 Children’s programs

19:00 News

19:30 Weather report

19:40 Around the world

20:10 TV play: Sisters

21:00 English for today

21:15 Popular music

21:55 Talk show
17:45 Computers today

18:10 Foreign arts

18:30 English classroom

19:00 Animal world

19:25 China’ 2005

20:20 Sports

21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying

21:45 English news

22:05 On TV next week

( )31. If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be __________.

A. TV play B. Sports C. Around the world D. Talk show

( )32. The program of _________ will let you know much about western (西方的) countries.

A. Sisters B. Around China C. Around the world D. On TV next week

( )33. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best program

for you is ______________.

A. Around China B. Animal world C. TV play D. Foreign arts

( )34. English classroom is a program that _______________.

A. lets you know something about classroom

B. tells you something about students

C. tells you something about school life

D. teaches you English

( )35. The program at the end of Channel 2 means (意思是) __________ on TV next week.

A. news B. programs C. people D. places

What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?

Colors are really made by reflected light (反射光线). We see colors because most of the things reflect light. Something is red, because it reflects most of the red light. In the same way, if something is green it reflects most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is white.

Some of the light is reflected and some is taken in (吸收) and turned into heat. The darker the color is, the less light is reflected and the more light is taken in. So dark-colored (深色的) clothes are warmer in the sun than light-colored (浅色的) clothes.

( )36.When something reflects light, we can ______________.

A. see its color B. see its heat C. not see its color D. see nothing

( )37. Something looks white because it reflects ________________.

A. some light B. no light C. all light D. less light

( )38. The dark-colored clothes are warm because ___________ is taken in.

A. more light B. less light C. more color D. less color

( )39. In summer ______________ clothes make people feel cool.

A. dark-colored B. red-colored C. green-colored D. light-colored

( )40. Which is the best title (题目) of this passage?

A. Dark Color B. Color C. Heat D. Clothes

四、单词拼写( 10分)

41. She enjoys nice ______________________________(话) about her looks.

42. What do you think of games _________________________________(表演)?

43. Would you please put our __________________________(主意) in next month’s magazine?

44. Which do you think is the ____________________________(酷的) thing in your room?

45. Thank you for _______________________________________(洗) clothes for me!

46. She wears _____________________________________(色彩鲜艳的) clothes every day.

47. Do we have to wear ___________________________________(制服) today?

48. Don’t go out on school _____________________________________(晚上).

49. No _________________________________(说话). The kids are sleeping.

50. Many old people love Beijing Opera, but I can’t _______________________(忍受) it.


51. How do you like soap operas?

___________ do you __________ of soap operas?

52. I can’t stand soap operas. (变为特殊疑问句)

___________ ___________ you ___________ ____________ soap operas?

53. Don’t be late for class.

You ____________ _____________ late for class.

54. Zhi Yin is my favorite magazine.

I ____________ ____________ the magazine Zhi Yin.

55. No photos here.

_____________ ____________ any photos here.


56. 你觉得电脑游戏怎么样?

____________ ____________ you ____________ _____________ computer games?

57. 欢迎收看中央电视台新闻联播!

____________ ____________ CCTV news!

58. 你赞同她的看法吗?不,我不能忍受。

Do you _____________ _____________ her? No, I ___________ __________ her.

59. 请不要在课堂上大声谈笑。

_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ loudly in class.

60. 今天她必须帮妈妈清洁房子。

She __________ ___________ ___________ her mom __________ the house today.


A: Hello. 61 __________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, this is Maria speaking.

A: Maria, 62 ______________________________________________? I can’t remember.

B: We have English, math, Chinese and PE in the morning. Then History and computer in the afternoon.

A: Do we have to wear a uniform?

B: No. 63 ___________________________________. Wear sports clothes for gym class, please.

A: OK. Did you go to a movie last night?

B: No, I stayed at home and watched the soap operas.

A: 64 ______________________________________________________________?

B: I love them, they are interesting. 65 ___________________________________________?

A: I can’t stand them. I think they’re too boring.

61. __________ 62. __________ 63. __________ 64. __________ 65. ____________

A. May I speak to Maria B. Are you Maria C. How about you

D. What do you think of soap operas E. What class do we have today

F. Don’t wear a uniform G. Do we have PE class today


假设你是一位班主任,请你为你班制定一份 Class Rulers,5-6条规则。


1、She didn’t know (where to go) at that time.
2、The woman left the hospital (and take a --- ~~~~ away).
3、I don't know (wher he is).


1.where to go
2.with a infant in her arms
3.where he is

答:一. 词汇 A)根据句意及首字母填词:1. What I___ do you speak? ——English.2. He is from C___. He is a Canadian.3. Tokyo is in J___.4. This is my new pen p___.5. My favorite s___ is music.B)用所给词的适当形式填空:6. Where___ (be) your parents form?

答:1.who can ( tell ) me ( something) about our class ? ( C )Do you have a pen pal ?(改为否定疑问句)Don't you have a pen pal?He often play basketball after school .(找出句中的错误改正)He often plays basketball after school.(第三人称单数、加s)翻译:他总...

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答:七年级(下)英语期末测试卷 I. 单项填空 ( ) 1. ---Hi, John. Where did you ___ your winter holiday this year?---Well, we stayed in Harbin.A. have B. spend C. use D. cost ( ) 2. Did you see Mary’s sister? What does she ___?A. be like ...

答:Please help me out with this problem. 请帮我解这道试题。5. with the help of 在……帮助下。With the help of her, he found his lost child. 在她的帮助下,他找到了失踪的小孩。另外还有can't 与help的用法 can't help do sth 没有能力去帮助...做某事.can't help doing sth 情...

答:七年级下学期单元检测题(一)(Units 1—2 )Class ___ Name ___ Marks ___一、选择填空题 从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个答案中选择一个最佳答案,并把其代号填入左边括号内。(15分)( )1. --- ___ you have a pen pal? Yes, I ___. ...