
作者&投稿:妫芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

God works. 上帝的安排。

 Not so bad. 不错。  No way! 不可能!  Don't flatter me. 过奖了。  Hope so. 希望如此。  Go down to business. 言归正传。  I'm not going. 我不去了。  Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?  I don't care. 我不在乎。  None of my business. 不关我事。  It doesn't work. 不管用。  Your are welcome. 你太客气了。  It is a long story. 一言难尽。  Between us. 你知,我知。  Sure thing! 当然!  Talk truly. 有话直说。  I'm going to go. 我这就去。  Never mind. 不要紧。  Why are you so sure? 怎么这样肯定?  Is that so? 是这样吗?  Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。  When are you leaving? 你什么时候走?  You don't say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。  Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。  You bet! 一定,当然!  It's up to you. 由你决定。  The line is engaged. 占线。  My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。  Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?  I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。  How big of you! 你真棒!  Poor thing! 真可怜!  How about eating out? 外面吃饭怎样?  Don't over do it. 别太过分了。  You want a bet? 你想打赌吗?  What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样?  Who wants? 谁稀罕?  Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。  Cheap skate! 小气鬼!  Come seat here. 来这边坐。 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。  You ask for it! 活该!  You don't say! 真想不到!  Get out of here! 滚出去!  How come… 怎么回事,怎么搞的。  Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。  It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!  thousand times no! 绝对办不到!  Who knows! 天晓得!  Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。  Don't let me down. 别让我失望。  It is urgent. 有急事。  Can I have this. 可以给我这个吗?  It doesn't take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。  Drop it! 停止!  Bottle it! 闭嘴!  There is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。  Easy does it. 慢慢来。  Don't push me. 别逼我。  Come on! 快点,振作起来!  What is the fuss? 吵什么?  Still up? 还没睡呀?  It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。  It is a deal! 一言为定!  Take a seat! 请坐!  Here ye! 说得对!  It can be a killer. 这是个伤脑筋的问题。  Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。  It's up in the air. 尚未确定。  I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。  Right over there. 就在那里。  Get an eyeful. 看个够。  Here we are! 我们到了!  I lost my way. 我迷路了  Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。  Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!  That is unfair. 这不公平!  We have no way out. 我们没办法。  That is great! 太棒了!  You are welcome! 别客气! I'm bored to death. 我无聊死了。  Bottoms up! 干杯!  Big mouth! 多嘴驴!  Can-do. 能人。  Don''t play possum! 别装蒜!  He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。  Make it up! 不记前嫌!  Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。  Any urgent thing? 有急事吗?  Good luck! 祝你好运!  Make it. 达到目的,获得成功。  I'll be seeing you. 再见。  I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗?  It is raining. 要下雨了。  I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。  Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。  Stay away from him. 别*近他。  Don't get high hat. 别摆架子。  That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。  Play hooky. 旷工、旷课。  I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。  Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。  Good for you! 好得很!  Go ahead. 继续。  Help me out. 帮帮我。  Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。  Lose head. 丧失理智。  He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。  Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗?  Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事实。  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。  She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。  He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。  Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。  Tell me when! 随时奉陪!  It is a small world! 世界真是小!  Not at all. 根本就不(用)。  Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。  Wait and see. 等着瞧。  Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气?  What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了? Hang on! 抓紧(别挂电话)!  Leave me alone. 别理我。  Chin up. 不气 ,振作些。  You never know. 世事难料。  I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家里。  She'll be along in a few minutes. 他马上会过来。  I'm not it a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。  He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。  Daring! 亲爱的!  She is still mad at me. 她还在生我的气。  I'll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平  Hit the ceiling. 大发雷霆。  She's got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款。  I don't have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。  I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。  I swear by the God. 我对天发誓。  Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。  You might at least apologize. 你顶多道个歉就得了。  Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西煮饭。  None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。  You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。  Do you have any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗?  What is your major? 你学什么专业?  My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。  It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 这是千载难逢的事。  I'll kick you out. 我将炒你鱿鱼。  I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。  There is nobody by that name working here. 这里没有这个人。  He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。  He pushes his luck. 他太贪心了。  Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋!  I can't make both ends meet. 我上个月接不到下个月,缺钱。  It is of high quality. 它质量上乘。  Dead end. 死胡同。   Would you mind making less noise. 能不能小声点

1、break down 损坏;瓦解;(组织、计划等彻底毁坏)
2、break into 闯入;强行进入
3、break off 中止;中断
4、break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发
5、bring about 导致;引起
6、bring forward 提出;提议
7、bring to 使恢复知觉
8、bring up 教育,培养,使成长
9、call at 访问,拜访
10、call for 邀请;要求,需要
11、call off 放弃,取消
12、call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁
13、carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营
14、carry out 贯彻(理论等),执行(计划等);实现(目标等)
15、come across (偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见;偶遇
16、come on 开始;进展;上演;来吧,快点
17、come out 出版;结果是(to be);出现,长出
18、come through 经历,脱险
19、come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原
20、come up 发生;走近,上来
21、cut across 抄近路,走捷径
22、cut down(on) 削减,降低
23、cut off 阻断;切断,使隔绝
24、drop by/in 顺便来访(无意的)
25、fall back on 求助于,转而依靠
26、fall behind 落后
27、fall in with 碰见;符合,与......一致
28、get across 解释清楚,使人了解
29、get along/with 有进展;生活得,过得
30、get at 够得着,触及;意思是,理解
31、get away 离开,走开,逃脱
32、get by 混过;通过,经过
33、get down to 开始,着手(此处to为介词)
34、get in 进入;收回,收获
35、get out of 逃避;改掉
36、get rid of 除去,摆脱
37、get through 接通电话;度过(时间等);结束,完成
38、get together 集合,聚集
39、give away 泄露,分送
40、give back 送还;恢复
41、give in 交上;投降,屈服
42、give up 停止,放弃
43、give way to 给...让路,对...让步(含屈服的意思)
44、go after 追求,求爱
45、go around/round 足够分配;流传
46、go by (时间等)过去;遵守,遵循
47、go in for 从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于
48、go into 研究,调查,进入
49、go over 复习,重温;(重复)检查,审查
50、go through 经历,经受(困难等)
51、hand in 交上,递交
52、hand out 散发,(平均)分发,发给
53、hold back 阻止,抑制
54、hold on 继续,不挂断,握住不放
55、keep on 保持,继续不断
56、keep up with 向...看齐,跟上
57、lay aside 把...搁置在一边;储蓄
58、lay off 休息;(临时)解雇
59、lay out 布置,安排;设计,制定
60、let alone 不干涉;更不用说
61、let down 放下,降低;使失望
62、live on (动物)以...为食;(人)靠...生活
63、look after 照顾,照料;注意,关心
64、look back 回头看;回顾,记忆
65、look down on/upon 看不起,轻视
66、look forward to 盼望,期待
67、look into 调查,观察
68、look out 留神,注意
69、look through 仔细查看;浏览,温习
70、make out 辨认出;理解
71、make up 组成,构成;捏造,编造;化妆,补充
72、pay back 偿还,回报
73、pay off 还清(债);取得成功
74、pick out 选出;拣出
75、pick up 拾起;(车)中途搭(人)
76、pull in (车)停下,进站;(船)到岸
77、pull off 脱(帽、衣等)
78、pull on 穿(帽、衣等)
79、put across/over 解释清楚,说明
80、put aside 储存,保留
81、put down 记下,放下;镇压,评定
82、put forward 提出
83、put off 推迟
84、put on 上演;(体重)增加;穿上,戴上
85、put out 熄灭;关(灯);生产;伸出;出版;公布,发布
86、put up 建造,搭起;张贴;提(价);提供食宿
87、run down 追捕;贬低;(逐渐)减少;(逐渐)变弱;撞倒,撞沉
88、run out(of) 用完,耗尽
89、run through 游览;贯穿,普遍存在于
90、see off 给...送行
91、see to 注意,负责,照料;修理
92、set about 开始,着手
93、set down 记下,记入,放下,卸下
94、set off 动身,出发;引起,使发生
95、set up 创立,建立,树立;资助
96、show off 卖弄,炫耀
97、stand by 支持;袖手旁观;做好准备
98、stand for 代表,意味着;支持;是...的缩写
99、take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父、母)相像
100、take...for 把...认为是,把...看成为
101、take off 起飞;脱下;匆匆离开
102、take over 接收,接管;借用,承袭
103、take to 对...产生好感;开始喜欢;开始从事
104、take up 开始从事;占去,占据
105、turn down 拒绝;关小,调低
106、turn out 结果是,(最后)证明是,制造,生产,关掉
107、turn over 仔细考虑
108、turn to 变成;求助于,借助于
109、turn up 开大,调大;出现,来到
110、wait for 等候
111、wait on 服侍,侍候
112、watch out(for) 密切注意,提防
113、wear out 穿破;磨损;(使)耗尽
114、wonder at 对...感到惊讶
115、work at 从事于,致力于
116、work out 算出;想出,制定出,解决
117、worry about (使)担心,(使)发愁
118、write down 写下, 把...描写成
119、write off 注销,勾销,取消
120、yield to 屈服,服从

1. be hard put to it (to do something)(做某事)有很大的困难2. not put it past someone[口语]相信某人会做出(某种不寻常或不名誉的事)(与 would 连用)3. put a bug (或flea) in one's ear[美国俚语] 见bug4. put a crimp in (或 into)[美国俚语] 见crimp5. put a half-Nelson on[美国英语]把对方带到不利的地位6. put a large number of runs together推断 [亦作 put two and two together]7. put asunder分开,拆散8. put (someone) at his ease使宽心(放心、安心)9. put behind one (或 someone )拒绝考虑(某事);把(某事)置之脑后,不受(某事)干扰10. put down as

a. 认为(某人)是…
b. 以…名义登记;以…项目进账(往往意在蒙混欺骗)11. put down for登记(入学、认购、认捐等)12. put down in black and white白纸黑字写下13. put down the drain[口语]浪费14. put down to

a. 把(开支)记在…账上
b. 把(某事)归因于…,认为(某事)是由于…15. put grit in the machine见 grit [亦作 put a spoke in someone's wheel]16. put hairs on someone's chest[口语]喝酒(使某人胆壮)17. put heart into鼓舞(某人),给(某人)以勇气18. put…home

a. 戳进;撵走
b. 坚持到底19. put in a fix (或hole)使某人陷入绝境20. put in a nutshell简明扼要地说,一言以蔽之21. put in for

a. 提出(要求、申请等)
b. 申请,请求
c. 推荐
d. (使)报名(参加比赛等)22. put in force实施23. put in hand着手,动手24. put inside[警察俚语]把…关入监狱,关押,拘留,拘禁25. put into a junk吓(某人)26. put it across someone

a. [口语]
b. 向某人报复
c. 严厉惩罚(或斥责)某人
d. 哄骗(或捉弄)某人27. put it mildly说得婉转些;毫不夸张地说;往小处说;往轻处说 [常作插入语]28. put it on

a. 夸张,吹牛
b. 要高价,要价过高
c. [俚语]装腔作势;假装(生病等)29. put it on the street泄漏秘密30. put it over

a. [美国俚语]
b. 获得成功;得到推广
c. 考试及格
d. 【棒球】(投手)投出一个好球31. put it (或 something) over on[口语]欺骗,捉弄,愚弄,利用32. put it past认为与(某人)性格相矛盾;对(某人)可能做的事情感到惊奇 [用于否定句]33. Put (或 Stick) it (right) there![俚语]来同我握手吧! [表示同意、讲和等用语]34. put on airs见 air35. put on dog见 dog36. put one over on[口语]对(某人)耍诡计,让(某人)上当,欺骗(某人) [亦作 put over on]37. put one's (或 the) best foot forward (或foremost,first)[亦作 put one's (或 the) best leg foremost] 见 foot和leg38. put oneself out[口语]作出努力;费力,不辞辛苦,不怕麻烦39. put on flesh (或 weight)见 flesh 和 weight40. put on lugs[美国俚语]装腔作势,摆架子41. put on steam见 steam42. put on style见 style43. put on the pan[美国俚语]骂,责备44. put out for要求45. put out of action见 action46. put out of service关,停止47. put (someone) out of the way除掉(某人);把(某人)关进牢房48. put over on欺骗,占…便宜 [亦作 put one over on]49. put paid to见 paid50. put right订正;医治(病人)51. put someone next to见 next52. put someone on to

a. 使某人同…接触,使某人与…会见,使某人与…谈话
b. 告诉某人有关…的消息,向某人送有关…的情报
c. 向某人告密(或告发),通知某人捉拿…53. put someone through it[口语] 严厉地审讯某人;对某人(的能力或勇气)进行严峻的考验54. put someone up为某人提供住宿55. put someone up to something

a. 把某事告诉(或通知)某人;把某事教给某人
b. 挑唆(或唆使、煽动)某人做(坏事)56. put someone wise (to)见 wise57. put that (或 this) and that together做出合理的推测;根据现有的材料(或事实)得出结论58. put the acid on

a. 见 acid
b. [美国俚语]试59. put the bee on[美国俚语] 见 bee60. put the finger on[美国俚语] 见 finger61. put the heat on[美国俚语]见 heat62. put together

a. 编辑;拼拢
b. 比较考虑,合计
c. 使结婚63. put to it使为难(或苦恼) [常用过去分词形式作定语]64. put to rights[美国英语]整理,整顿65. put (someone) to the door辞退,解雇某人66. put two and two together根据事实推断,推理67. put up or shut up

a. [美国俚语]
b. 要么拿出钱来打赌,要么闭嘴
c. 要么拿出行动来证实你的话,要么就不要开口68. put (someone) wise[美国俚语]使(某人)想某事;点醒,点悟69. stay put[美国口语] 保持不变;停在原处70. well put说得好

1. be given to热衷于,嗜好,很喜欢2. give a lick and a promise草率应付;草率从事3. give as good as one gets回敬,以牙还牙;毫不示弱地反击4. give best[口语]向…认输;承认不如5. give it away[澳大利亚俚语]放弃;停止6. give it hot[口语]痛斥;严惩7. give it to (someone)

a. [口语]处罚;痛骂;痛打;让(某人)尝尝厉害
b. [美国俚语]与某人性交8. give it to someone straight对某人直言不讳9. give me…[口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择10. give me a pain(某人、某物等)使我厌恶[见 pain]11. give of oneself(为帮助别人而)贡献自己的时间和精力12. give one a brush off把…打发走;不理睬…13. give one a leg up助某人一臂之力14. give oneself away(无意地)泄露秘密;露出马脚15. give oneself out as (或 for, to be)自称是…16. give oneself over to沉溺于;嗜好[亦作 be given over to]17. give oneself to沉溺于,迷恋于;埋头于18. give oneself up投案,自首19. give oneself up to献身于,委身于;沉溺于,热衷于20. give one's right arm to have something想方设法获得某物21. give or take(估计)相差不到…,出入至多22. give someone a backhanded compliment给某人讽刺挖苦的恭维话23. give someone a break给人以(改进、补救的)机会24. give someone a dusting见 dusting25. give someone a free hand给予某人办某事的充分自由26. give someone a hand帮某人一把27. give someone shit胡说;给人添麻烦28. give someone something to cry for (或 about)对某人无缘无故的号哭加以惩罚29. give someone tennis neck使穷于应付30. give someone the run-around推诿;迟迟不把真情说出来31. give someone the third degree盘问某人32. give someone the works[美国俚语](开玩笑地、恶意地)折磨某人;给某人吃苦头33. give someone to understand (或 believe, know, etc.)使(某人)了解(或相信,知道等)34. give someone what for[俚语]严厉惩罚某人,痛打某人35. give something the old college花很大的力气做某事36. give the back of one's hands拒绝;蔑视;侮辱37. give the game away泄露机密

put aside放在一边 ,
put away收起来,放弃,储存,
put back放回原处,
put in 把…放于…中 ,打断, 插嘴 ,在…上花费
put forward提出
put off推迟
put on穿上
put out熄灭,生产

give off 散发出
give in 屈服,上交
give up放弃
give away捐赠,泄露,丧失
give over 停止,交付
give out分发,公布,耗尽

put up, put on, put in, put out, put down, give in, give out, give up,

put down 记下,写下;镇压
put forward 提出...

put in插话,
put off推迟
put on 穿上
put out 伸出,熄灭
put through 完成
put together 装配
put up 举起,张贴
put up with 容忍
put at 计算
put by 储蓄


put up 张贴
put on 穿上

give in 屈服

give up 放弃
give away 赠送 颁发
give back 归还 后撤

give of 提供 献出

give off 散发
give out 分发
give over 托付 把...留作 特定的用途

答:2014-09-21 英语短语词组怎么复习? 2013-12-12 归纳英语短语 4 2007-09-05 初中英语所有词组和短语用法 174 2017-12-15 表示总结的英文词组有哪些? 8 2014-01-23 高中英语词组总结大全 10 2010-09-23 急求高中英语短语 词组总结: 3 2018-04-14 run 的短语词组 241 2017-01-13 表示总结的英文...


答:词组,又称短句、短语,在文法概念中是指完整句语中的片段。在日常的语言中,一个词组可以指的是单词的任何聚合。在语言学当中,一个词组是单词的一个群组(有时是一个单词),在句子的语法中,它作为一个单个的单元而起作用。从语法层级的角度上看,词组要比字句的等级更低。●主谓词组 名(代)+...

答:比如 take over,kick out... 两个词 组在一起 成为一个 新 的 词. 本来两个不一样的意思 组在一起就成了新的意思 词组(短语)是指由两个以上的词语组合而成的一个有意义语法单位.英语词组都是习惯用语,它相当于我们汉语的成语,不能随意搭配.词组是英语句子结构中重要的成分,不可忽视.短语...

答:高中英语词组1. a big headache令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from不在,缺席 6. abundant in富于 7. account for 解释 8. accuse sb. of sth.控告 9. add to增加(add up to) 10. after ...

答:动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一)由be构成的词组 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised...

答:2011-01-24 什么是英语词组 209 2009-10-24 英语短语 1149 2019-09-24 考虑的英语词组 6 2011-09-28 什么是英语短语? 505 2016-11-22 英语的动词词组有哪些 404 2012-04-18 英语“持续”的词组 23 2019-02-25 英语词组是什么意思 190 2006-11-25 讨论的英语短语是什么? 41 更多类似问题...


答:3. 上一节英语课have an English lesson 4. 唱歌跳舞sing and dance 5. 在教室里in the classroom 6. 拉小提琴play the violin 7. 弹钢琴 play the piano 8. 唱一首歌sing a song 9. 学英语learn English 10. 骑自行车ride a bike 11. 听我说listen to me...