急求初一英语故事 带翻译

作者&投稿:厍胥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子

A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.

有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。


Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.

  absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy.

  One time, Wang Xi-zhi sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.

  "Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.

  Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views.

  王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断。Later he





Catch stone fisherman捕石头的渔夫
Fisherman who dragnet, feel very heavy, they danced for joy, thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish.
the network pulled the shore, net里却full of stones and other things, not a fish.
They are very Yusang, did not catch fish inverted worth mentioning at all uncomfortable with the fact that they expected the opposite is true.
他们中一个年老的渔夫说道:“朋友们,别难过,快乐总与痛苦在一起,她们如同一对姐妹。我们预先快乐过了,现在不得不忍受到一点点痛苦。” One of them elderly fisherman said: "friends, not sadness, joy and pain together total, they like a sister. Advance happy we have, and now had to endure the pain a little bit."
The story is that life is happening, as sometimes sunny skies will suddenly turmoil, not because of setbacks and frustration.

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fight with tigers on the mountains