英语中的倒装 谁能给我讲讲需要倒装的句子结构,

作者&投稿:攸背 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 是很宏大,分类如下:
2.祝愿句.Long live peace/chairman Mao!
3.某些感叹句.There goes the bell.Here comes the bus!
4.There be 结构.There lived a king who likes horsed very much.
5.直接引语位于句首的陈述句.“It's quite late,” said Tonny.
From the window came sound of music.
7.某些条件从句.Had I the time,I would go.Were you in my opinion,you would do the same.
Tired as he is,he goes on.
9.代词so,neither,nor 等副词位于句首时,常需倒装.
If you can do it,so can I.I don't know,nor do I care.
10.never,seldom,little,nor,hardly,scarcely,no sooner,not only等表示否定的副词或连词位于句首时,常需倒装.
Never in my life have I seen such a thing.
No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.
11.only 位于句首并后跟状语时.
Only then did I understand it.
They erect a bronze tablet on which is carved "The Yellow River Source."
“Now,I have no opinion of that policy.”