
作者&投稿:陈的 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、用英语描写北京的一段话带翻译
I went to Beijing on my holidays.
I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It’s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It’s a modern city.
My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting.
I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don’t mithe Beijing Duck. It is really nice.
Beijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it。
In recent years, the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly。You can see more museums, parks an shopping centers here and there。
More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up。
What\'s more, a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel, such as CNG or LPG, are put into use, to prevent air from being polluted。
Water in the rivers is clean again。Wherever you go, you can see green trees, grass and beautiful flowers。
All these make life in Beijing more convenient, pleasant and colorful。Beijing is still advancing to the bright future。
Beijing is not only the capital of China, but also an ancient cultural capital and a good place to understand culture.
Go to the Yuanmingyuan Garden in Beijing and feel the traces left by history. Take a look at the broken bricks and tiles in the gardens of the Qing Dynasty.
As if the British and French allied forces looted the Old Summer Palace when the cruel scene vividly.
There will also be a voice in my ear: "if the youth is strong, China will be strong, and if China is strong, only the youth will be stronger.".
Beijing\'s Badaling Great Wall is also world-famous. Along the footprints of history, you can feel the road the Red Army walked and the wall it supported.
I would like to pay tribute to the countless martyrs who have protected the motherland and the Great Wall with blood and life.
Without their fearless efforts, there would be no peace and prosperity of our motherland today.
Beijing, I came there to pay tribute to you and history through the footprints left by history!
My hometown is Beijing. I have been living in Beijing since I was born. I love my hometown full of laughter and laughter.
There are many ancient buildings in my hometown, such as Temple of Heaven Park, Palace Museum, and some snacks: sugar man, sugar gourd, hot pot and so on. They are very delicious.
The spring, summer, autumn and winter in the hometown are also very beautiful.
In spring, sister Liu took off her white dress and changed to green wedding dress. The mischievous little brother came out of his little head, and his little sister showed her white cheek. We children play on the lawn. The birds seemed to be attracted and sang. Beautiful echoes in the beautiful countryside.
In summer, streams are streaming. We children are playing by the river. Adults talk in the shade. Cicada cried, as if he were saying, "the heat is dead, the heat is dead!" Birds fly freely and happily in the sky. Good memories were left in that beautiful field.
In autumn, the maple elder sister drifting down the red leaves, as if to welcome a bumper harvest year. Floret is going to bid farewell to her brothers and sisters. Composition birds flock together to say goodbye to everything here. A good farewell voice was left in the field full of laughter.
In winter, heavy snow falls underground. We played happily on the path. All the plants have yielded, only the holly trees are standing proudly in the snow. Most of the animals hibernate. In this secluded winter, I left my footprints of my sister in winter.
I love my hometown most: Beijing!

答:翻译:北京是中国的首都,有三千多年的历史,元,明,清等很多朝代的皇帝都曾住在这里。Beijing is the capital of China. It has a history of more than three thousand years. Emperors of yuan, Ming, Qing and many other dynasties once lived here.翻译步骤:1、首先确定句子是否需要使用...

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