
作者&投稿:莱邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love to hear you play the harmonica.

I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my house,and played chess with my grandfather. On Saturday night, I watched a movie with my good friends. On Sunday morning, I played the guitar because I love it. On Sunday evening, I cooked dinner for my family. I was very happy. This is my last weekend. What about you?

I like the harmonica
There are many small toys that make me happy in my family. I played with them for many years. Though it is not new, I still keep it. I don't have the heart to throw them away. After all, they are the memories of my growing up. Which I love most is the harmonica.
This is my harmonica we choose to go to Xiamen tourism souvenirs, I always cherish it.
My compact my delicate, can make beautiful music, like a magical little box, you don't look down upon it. He is four cm in length, width of one centimeter, little and dainty. It is a monkey surface pattern, monkey face red, his mouth with a smile, and his big head and small body, I looked like a cartoon in the bulk of his son. There are four harmonica blowing openings, each blow air volume are not the same, high and low, the outside of the two volume of the highest, the middle of the two volume of the relatively low sound outlet six. The chain set in the harmonica like a white light flashed.
I have deep feelings and harmonica, it always comfort me when I am sad, I am not happy when you blow, www.99zuowen.com can make me happy. Once, my English exam eighty-five points, I was very upset, back to the room blowing harmonica, harmonica seems to be talking like, comfort me, encourage me, make me happy, not sad. After a while, I slowly adjusted to the confidence of the reorganization, to step up the review for the next exam to prepare.
Little harmonica also helped me to contact the feelings of mom and dad. Every weekend, I went back home, mom and dad to learn, talk about interesting happened in the school, talk to the spirits when they blow harmonica harmonica, although not good, but parents are very happy, we are one family together very happy.
Little harmonica, I love you, I will always cherish you.





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