
作者&投稿:易希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




3. 我很痛苦的发现,学术泰斗们经常(把没有达到预期研究结果)怪罪于有限的经济支持,因为与玄乎的研究目的相比,这是个更好辩护自己的托辞。我们在申请研究资金的时候经常夸大其词,结果就是更多的失望,以及对于花费了大量资金的教育只能换回不多的价值产生的错觉。但是教育甚至整个社会都不会从拒绝这些罪过中得到好处。


Dear Scott:
I have a suggestion for you--how about assign less homework? We are already junior high students, not having so much time for homework. Please don't say words like you should save your time to finish to homework in time. To say the least,we have lots of exams recently. If you still plan to assign so much homework, could you assign a little bit just for a few days?

这是她的票吗? This is her ticket?
这不是他的雨伞。 This is not his umbrella.
这是我们的教室。 This is our classroom.
我的雨伞是新的。 My umbrella is new.
你的票是5号。 Your ticket is 5.
它们的老师很高。 Their teacher is high.

Is it the ticket for her?
This is not his umbrella.
This is our classroom.
My umbrella is new.
You ticket is 5.
Their teacher is so tall.

Is this her unmbrella?
This is not his umbrella.
This is our classroom.
My umbrella is new.
Your ticket is No.five.
Their teach is very tall.

1.Is this her ticket?
2.This is not his umbrella.
3.This is our classroom.
4.Our umbrella is new.
5.Your ticket is No.5
6.Their teacher is very tall.

1,Is this her ticket?
2,This is not his umbrella.
3,This is our classroom.
4,My umbrella is new.
5,The number of your ticket is six.
6,their teacher is tall.

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