
作者&投稿:邗昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today, under one-third, Yizhou Pibi, this sincere despite the critical Autumn is also 2 Not to belittle and allusions the expense of justice, to admonish the road is also plug-chung. 1现在天下分裂成三个国家。蜀汉民力困乏,这实在是危急存亡的时候啊 2不应该随便看轻自己,说一些不恰当的话,以致堵塞人们忠言劝谏的道路啊!
1 Now the world is split into three countries. Shu Han financial resources of the sleepy, This is despite the critical time to ah 2 Should not be casually look down on themselves, say something inappropriate, then so people blocking the road to remonstrate Tadatoki ah! 前2 句是英语翻译文言文的 中间很明白 后2句是翻译白话文的

1广:广泛 得到广泛的好处
2这确实是危急存亡的时刻啊! 存亡:可以不译
3 由:因为 因此我很感激。
4 伤:损害 以至有损先帝的英明
5 北:北上 北上平定中原
6 德:圣德 振兴圣德建议
7 不胜:不尽 我就受恩感激不尽了

答:I will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会重复你犯过的错误 I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery 我不会让自己的心承受如此痛苦 I will not break the way you did,我不会破坏你选择的方式 You fell so hard 你吃尽苦头 I ve learned the hard way 我...

答:我在黑暗笼罩中醒来,抬眼望去,金黄的秋叶在灰暗的天空中片片凋零。轻灵歌声不在,唯有一声叹息,雨仍缠绵,泪眼婆娑。。。深夜全原创码字,希望楼主采纳 原文的意境很深远,有些许哀伤,我也很喜欢。

答:Thought of is one kind of happiness Wants to be one kind of misfortune I can the forever happiness Occasionally misfortune The star knew You are forever lucky!With you in already the full year, actually truly in the together dayactually was the pitiful several months together!You ...

答:1.people will creat a harmony society.人们将创造一个和谐的社会 2.people will become stronger and stronger人类会变得愈来愈强大 3.people will protect animals if they know it's imporantance.如果人类知道这重要性,一定会保护动物的。4.people will take the subway ...

答:Fall gently drifting away into the account you are my heart, but I look at you every day waiting for you know who I am, although the cold winter, if you look like you have enchanted, which day you go to parties with you, I have always found to accompany....

各位大哥 大姐 帮忙个翻译一下
答:对于现实世界的三维物体,没有单面的图像能够很好的表达它的完整表面。多角度的图像只有数字化,才能获得物体的完整的几何信息。为了把多角度的单面图像整合成为一个3维模型,必须这些单面图像整理成一个统一的系统。可以完成这一任务的方法之一是用一个安装在精密的运动设备,例如CMM( Computerized Modular ...

英语翻译 大哥大姐来帮帮忙
答:Today is 28 days of the evening, I was behind this plan, 28 I want to relax, then a hot bath and go to sleep. 29 and 30, I want to go to sister's birthday, western-style buffet, must be very delicious. On October 1, I stay at home and watch, it must be very ...

答:The everyone all expects-the night of Christmas finally arrives at.Suddenly appeared two silver deers in the sky, up sit kind Santa Claus.The children all hang socks at window side, hope that the Santa Claus can put some gifts to them....

大哥大姐来帮个忙啊 翻译个句子啊 快啊
答:Floor 3,Building C,Shangtang Sanlianxin Industrial Area,Danshui Town,Huiyang District,Huizhou City,Guangdong Province.

答:2some headphones to factory settings is relatively simple, such as Sony Ericsson's SE288 Samsung 501 Nokia BH901 so as long as the boot can be matched 3, paired headset into the phone to search for Bluetooth devices, the general mobile phone use for about 5 seconds of time ...