
作者&投稿:向和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n.男孩( boy的名词复数 )
英 ['ɡɜ:lz] 美 ['ɡɜlz]
n. 女孩( girl的名词复数 )

boy [bɔɪ]
n. 男孩; 孩子气的人;

what 英[wɒt] 美[wɑ:t]
pron. (用以询问某人或某事物的词) 什么,多少; …的事物;
adj. …的(事物或人)
adv. (用于感叹句中) ;
[例句]Stella knew what he meant by 'Start again'

her 英[hə(r)] 美[hɚ, ɚ,hɚr]
pron. (she的宾格) 她; (she的所有格) 她的; 她,指某个国家,(一艘)船;
[例句]He was her distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it.

look 英[lʊk] 美[lʊk]
vt. 看,瞧;
vi. 寻找; 注意; 面向; 看起来好像;
n. 看; 样子; (尤指吸引人的) 相貌; 眼神;
[例句]Wear classic clothes which feel good and look good.
[其他] 第三人称单数:looks 复数:looks 现在分词:looking 过去式:looked过去分词:looked

boy 英[bɔɪ] 美[bɔɪ]
n. 儿子; 男孩,少年; 小伙子,家伙; 服务员;
[例句]A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy's life.
[其他] 复数:boys

three 英[θri:] 美[θri]
num. 三; 三个; 第三(章,页等)
n. 三岁; 三个人[东西]; 三,三个;
adj. 三的; 三个的;
[网络] 书桌; 叁; 一;
[例句]The short-term training class has been run three times.
[其他] 复数:threes

求编一段英语对话.题目是What does she look like?
答:B:fine I will do my best . what's up?A:this afternoon I lost my wallet . There are some cash and my ID card . It's really important.B:Oh! god . what's the next?A:A girl came here. She helped and found it . I want to say thank you with her!but 't ...

look,see ,watch,read 的区别
答:【watch, see, read, look的辨析】watch 观看,尤指看电视,看球赛等。see 强调看的结果,意为“看到,看见”。look (1)强调看的动作,与at连用后加看的对象;(2)看起来….(系动词+形容词)read 后接纸张类阅读物,如书,报纸,杂志,小说,地图等。watch 强调“专注地看,仔细观看,...

答:look ,listen 小学英语语法讲解与归纳 —一般过去时 一.意义 :表示过去某个时间发生的事情或存在的状态 .常与一般过去时态连用的 时间有:yesterday,yesterday morning (afternoon, evening…)last night (week, month, year…),a moment ago , a week ago, three years ago…just now,二.构成及...

人教版七年级下册英语Unit7《What does he look like?》教案
答:2.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样? look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为“像….” eg. What’s he like? Jack is very like his father. look like 看起来像 The girl look like her mother. look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 His sister looks happy. ...

look和look like的区别
答:首先我们来看下look和look like的大致意思:look:词性为动词,指用眼睛看或通过视觉感知 look like:词性为动词短语,指外貌、外表等与某人或某物相似 通过下面的表格我们了解下look和look like的含义、发音和用法 接下来让我们看下look和look like的用法区别:1.意义:look是指通过视觉感知,而look ...

答:She got her watch robbed of. 她的手表遭抢劫了。 How did the boy get himself dirty? 这孩子怎么搞得这么脏? 4.(去)拿来 I'm going to get my hat from the other room. 我要到另一个房间去拿我的帽子。 5.理解, 听到, 学得 Did you get what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗? 6.感染上...

-what do you suppose_her look so upset? -_by her boyfriend again...
答:答案:B 分析:do you suppose是插入语,考虑是可以省略不影响句子成分,因此首先淘汰A,因为A是非谓语动词,如果选择A 句子中缺少谓语。回答的句子补充完整应该是---by her boyfriend again---her look so upset。显然被男朋友误解发生在她看起来不安之前,是男朋友误解造成的不安,过去的事情对现在造...

look at后跟hers还是her
答:look at her=看着她 look at hers=看着她的某物 her是she的第二人称,hers是物主代词

Amy ___very sad. What’s wrong ___ her ? 求
答:A 主语是三单,LOOK 要加S,固定用法what 's wrong with sb 某人怎么啦?出有因如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

look at she还是look at her?
答:look at her 正确,at是介词,宾格形式的她用词her。