一篇英语作文,是小学六年级下册书第四单元的内容,My,Hoilday,要是过去式拜托了各位 谢谢

作者&投稿:凭桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
my hoilday英语作文50字简单易懂六年级,很简单过去式,拜托了!一定要有人回答。~

I had a good time in my holiday。
In the morning I used to finish my
homework 。And  I  usually helped my mother to do housework。
I  often  played outside with my friends in the afternoon 。And that  made m very happy。
I think my holiday  is  very meangingful。

My travel
Packing for abroad has been a dream of mine.Last hoilday,my family and I went to America for a week.Before that trip,I heard and read about the United States,but I only had a very vague idea of it.That was why we decided to visit the USA personally.We visited a lot of famous places.The most important is,after this trip I learnt a lot of things about the American language,culture and costoms.All these benefits not only enlarged my scope of knowledge,but also opened my eyes to the world.I hope I'll go to America again to know more about this charming country.

译文: 出国一直是我的理想。上一个假期,我的家人和我一起去了美国一个星期。在这个旅行之前,我曾听说并读过关于美国的咨询,但只有一个很模糊的概念。因此,我们决定亲自去美国。我们去了很多的名胜。而最重要的是,经过这次旅行我学到了很多关于美国的语言,文化和风俗。这些好处不仅仅会拓展我的知识领域,也让我看看这个世界。我真希望能再去美国一次,能更了解这个迷人的国家。

希望帮到你。祝学习进步。 若有什么疑问或对文章不满意,可以M我.

An Unforgettable Holiday I am 'always busy with my lessons. What I have to do everyday is nothing but study. Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle's farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn't have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises. I rode the horse in the fields. I milked the cows on the farm. To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing. Life on the farm is quite different from that at school. I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again.

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