
作者&投稿:逮寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4.该定语从句中缺少主语,由于谓语动词是复词,所以主语应该是复数,故AD不能选。B中whose 后直接加名词,不需冠词。C中the details 是做which的定语,对它进行说明,如果不用说明,单用which也行。D除了单复数的问题,还有一个就是选了这个,这句话就有两个完整的句子,而中间没有连词,但用的却是逗号,所以也不行
5.该定语从句中缺少主语,首先,what 不能引导定语从句,它是用在主语从句中,故排除D,而在定语从句中,why=for which,但不能做主语和宾语,只能做状语,故排除AB,that 在定语从句中几乎万能,偶尔有例外
6.该句中缺少主语和谓语,i think是插入语,在从句中应提前,而第9题中i thought 是做who 的定语,不是插入语
7.该定语从句的先行词是three weeks.它在句中充当状语,故应选during which time.若先行词是在句中做主语,谓语宾语,则选 during which,由于句中表达的是在……期间,所以AB排除
8和10 题差不多,当原句中有the same… ,such ,通常和as 连用,表示“正如……,正像……”

29.I had supposed做mary的定语. 30.定语中不缺状语,缺主语,所以加place,后面是做place的定语。31. than后面只接名词,不接句子。32.一段时间后,他在上海成为了一名老师,而不是2003年成的老师,所以修饰的是地点。33.农民可以在这个系统上向世界教育关于种植医疗方面的知识(呵呵,翻译得好奇怪啊)后面的定语不缺主语和宾语,缺状语。

29.Among all the contestants, only Mary _____ had supposed could win the first prize.
A.who B. / C. I D. that-- 我选了B,答案选C

【这个句子有插入语:___ had supposed,而主干结构是 Mary could win ...,显然had supposed需要一个主语,那就是 I。意思:在所有的参赛者中,我估计只有玛丽能获得一等奖。】

30.Keep the drug _____ is out of children’s reach.
A. in a place where B.where C. in a place which D. in which--我选了B,答案选C

【___ is out of children's reach 缺少主语,而关系代词which能作主语,关系副词where能作状语,所以选C。意思:请把那些药放在孩子们够不着的地方。】

31.The price of the food and vegetables _____ we had expected.
A. were a little lower than B.was cheaper than
C. was a little higher, as D.were higher, which--我选了B答案选了C

【句子想表达:像我们预计的一样,食物和蔬菜的价格有点高。所以需要 as we had expected】

32. He arrived in Shanghai in 2003, _____, some time later, he became a teacher.
A.when B. where C. that D. which--我选了A,答案选B

【从句已经有时间状语:some time later,所以不用when。____ he became a teacher缺少地点状语,所以用关系副词 where】

33. The challenge is to create a system, _____ the farmers can teach the world about plant medicine.
A.where B.which C.when D. for which--我选了B,答案选了A

【the farmers can teach the world 主谓宾成份齐全,所以不需要关系代词(代词作主语或宾语),只能填表示地点或方位的关系副词where】

第一题,C提供的答案没有,30题:B答案只能做状语,但是这个题却主语所以选C,WHICH可以做主语,31:THE PRICE 是单数,且是过去式用WAS,A LITTER 可以修饰比较级,AS EXPECT 是固定搭配。32题此题修饰的主要是地点不是时间,所以用WHERE。。。33题:此题不缺成分,用WHERE 做状语修饰。。亲,你看看对否。。


答:1、to the degree (of)是一个固定的介词用法 因此从句中which代替 the degree 因而就是to which 2、因为that作为关系代词引导定语从句来修饰前一个that(先行词),而all that 自然不是关系代词或关系副词,所以不能用来引导修饰前一个that的 定语从句 3、so可以和as也可以和that搭配 构成定语...

答:A. where I should like to visit B. which I would like to visit them C. where I would have liked to D. which I should have liked to 答:D 译:由于我们匀不出时间,所以我们不能游览所有我本来想要看的景点。析:本题考查限制性定语从句和不定式的省略。A选项中visit缺少的...

答:第一题选C of which, which 指代前面的many cities 第二题选C in which,由词组in a period而来 第三题选D 首先排除A C, 而后面的从句完整的句子,如果选which代替不了任何成分,所以选when 第四题选D, 空格后面句子的语序可以调整为 a rare rainbow appeared soon,可以猜测需要填的应该是...

英语中有两道定语从句的选择题 是否能解释一下为什么选择它们?
答:2) The buses,___were already full,were surrounded by an angry crowd.A.most of that B. which most C.most of which D.that most (我选的是1)B 2)B 是否能告诉我为什么错了)答:1)B 是对的。译:他有两个儿子,两个都是药剂师(/化学家)。析:考查非限制性定语从句。two s...


答:译:他擅长英语,正如我们都知道的那样。析:as可以引导非限制性定语从句,常放句首,也可以放在句中、句尾。意为“正如。。。那样”。非限制性定语从句不用that引导。18.Li Ming, ___to the concert , enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went ...

答:从句中不做成分,“好像”3` i'm sorry,but you must get your room ( ) before going out to play A to tidy up B tidied up Cto be tidied up D tiding up B。考查非谓语动词,此处做使役动词get的宾补形式,get something done,"让……被做”没有一个是定语从句的选择题。

急!!!关于五个简单的英语 定语从句 选择题 求解析!!!
答:从句里spent是度过的意思,是个及物动词,没有自己的宾语,即关系词要作宾语,选用关系代词,先行词是the days,指物,选择that / which 3. Mr li, _ we all remember,taught us with great patience A .that B.as C .which D.when _ we all remember是定语从句,remember是...

答:1、需要注意的问题 保持谓语和先行词的一致 e.g. He is one of the greatest writers who are living now.e.g. He is the only one of the boys who has joined the army.whose引导定语从句时,人、物皆可。不能只看先行词,还要注意引导词在句子中充当什么成分。避免关系词的重复,被关系...

答:定语从句练习1.The place ___interested me most was the Children's Palace.A. Which B. where C. what D. in which2.Do you know the man ___?A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke3.This is the hotel ___last month.A. which they stayed ...