
作者&投稿:焦薇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

vt. 得到, 使得, 抓住, 准备, 克服, 激怒, 记忆, 沟通 vt. If Peter had applied for the post, he would probably get it now.vt. 要是彼得申请了那职位,他很可能现在就得到了。vt. 得到
vt. If Peter had applied for the post, he would probably get it now.vt. 要是彼得申请了那职位,他很可能现在就得到了。vt. 使得
vt. She soon got the children ready for school.vt. 她很快帮孩子做好上学的准备。vt. Do you think you'll get the work finished on time?vt. 你认为你的工作可以如期完成吗?vt. 抓住
vt. You didn't get the main point.vt. 你没抓住重点。vt. 准备
vt. You may have four days to get the money ready.vt. 你可以有4天时间把钱准备好。vt. 克服
vt. For new arrivals like us, there are plenty of difficulties to get through.vt. 像我们这样初来乍到,要克服很多困难。vt. 激怒
vt. He will be offended if you ask him to get a vasectomy.vt. 如果你让他做输精管切除术,他会被激怒的。vt. The strike has enraged French commuters, who have waited for hours to get metros and trains to work, or remained snarled in traffic jams.vt. 这场罢工已经激怒了法国乘客,他们需等上数小时才能搭上地铁或火车上班,又或者依旧身处交通堵塞之中。vt. 记忆
vt. You must get rid of such dreadful memory.vt. 你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。vt. Still get the memory when I was drunk last time in BJ.vt. 上次酒醉北京的记忆依然犹新。vt. 沟通
vt. I find her impossible to get through to.vt. 我发觉无法跟她沟通思想。vt. Love is something we can get across without words.vt. 就算没有言语的沟通,爱也能使双方相互感应。vi. 到达, 成为, 致富, 能够, 离开 vi. 到达
vi. To leave right now, she would get there on Sunday.vi. 如果她立刻就走,她就能在星期天到达那里。vi. 成为
vi. Except that I often get clobbered by them.vi. 但我往往成为领导者类型男士的受害者。vi. Then you shall get a real bat and a real bullhorn.vi. 如果你成为一名校长之后,我会给你真正的棒球棒,真正的扩音器。vi. 致富
vi. Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.vi. 现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。vi. He devised a plan whereby they might get rich.vi. 他设想出他们可以藉此致富的计画。vi. 能够
vi. They can get anything they want in the stores.vi. 他们能够在商店里买到任何东西。vi. If I could get a leg in,I could persuade him.vi. 如果我能得到他的信任,我就能够说服他。vi. 离开
vi. I had to get out of that house in disguise.vi. 我不得不化了装离开那屋子。vi. Have a heart,Jake,and help me to get away now.vi. 做做好事吧,杰克,帮我离开这里。n. 生育, 后代, 救球 【语法用法】gotten也是get的过去分词,但是现只用于美国,英国只用got,除了ill-gotten等词外; get加名词/代名词再加直接宾语时,常表示“收到,拿来,得到或抓住”。 I got a letter from Lucy this morning.
Can you come and get me from the station when I arrive?get后可加形容词,在形容词前表示“变成……”。 As you get old, your memory gets worse.
当你变老的时候,你的记忆力会变差。get后加副词或者介词时,常表示某种移动或是动作。 I often get up at five o'clock.
I went to see him, but he told me to get out.get加宾语再加过去分词时,表示“完成做某事”。 It will take me another hour to get the washing done.
我还需要另一个小时才能洗完。get表示“劝服而使……”时,后可接宾语和不含to的不定式。 I will get him to teach me.
I will have him teach me.
我会劝服他教我。get表示“最后做到……”时,后接不定式或现在分词。但是用不定式较为普遍。 I soon got to know him very well.
We soon got talking together.have got的用法: 与have搭配使用时,got可在某些句子中省略,仍使整句的意思不变。这个用法常见于口语。 I have got a new cap.
I have got a cold.I have got to do it. It has got to be done. 注意的是,这里英美两国用的都是have got,不是have gotten。 have got不可用在助动词后面。 I may have got to do it.
句中的got应去掉。have got从语法的角度上来说属于完成时态结构,因此got不可以再加完成时,不能以have had got或had had got等形式出现。 有些表达方式中,have后是绝不可加got的,如have a bath,have a chat,have a look,have a smoke等。 不定式had got to ...使用不普遍,用在疑问句中时更不常见,应尽量避免使用。 有时候,这个词组中have作助动词,got作过去分词。口语形式中常将have省略,留got。 I have got a new cap.

I get on well with most of my classmates.

We want to get rid of the old conception: one side has to be blamed when the couple divorces.

I think we have gotten away from the subject.

They continue to do illegal things, but still get rid of punishment.

You can still work with that computer, but it is best to get a better one.

get down:下来,倒下;下车;吞下;使沮丧。
例句:At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer. 当我为工作沮丧时,就爱幻想成为一个农夫。

get back:回来;恢复;取回;重新上台。
例句:It wasn't until we sat down to eat that we got back to the subject of Tom Halliday. 我们直到坐下来吃饭时才又回到了汤姆·哈利戴这个话题上来。

get off 下来 ; 脱下 ; 下车 ; 离开
get on 上车 ; 过活 ; 上 ; 骑上
get across 使通过 ; 解释清楚 ; 清楚 ; 使被理解
get around 避免 ; 走动 ; 规避 ; 有办法应付局面
get somewhere 有些 ; 结果 ; 有所成就 ; 有些结果
get about 走动 ; 旅行 ; 传开 ; 流传

答:get off 脱下(衣服等);下车 get on 上车;过活 get on with sb. 与……相处 get through 通过,拨通(电话)get to 到达, 接触到, 开始, 对...有影响 get together 聚会,联欢 get up 起床 get used to doing sth. 习惯于 give away 分发 give back 归...

答:1、get above sb/oneself:超过; 变得自高自大,自傲 举例:That young man is getting above himself.He's only been in the firm two weeks and he's already telling his seniors how to do their work.那个年轻人自大起来了,他进公司才两个星期,就指点起比他年长资深的人如何工作来。2、...

答:get up 起床,筹备;打扮 get out 离开,出去;泄露;出版 get in 进入;到达;陷入;收获 get into 进入;陷入;穿上;习惯于 get back 回来;恢复;取回;重新上台 get on 上车,上马;进展,使前进 get out of 逃避;避免 get married 结婚 get off v. 动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(...

答:Get on:进行 "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work." ??Get through:完成 "There isn't much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? "Get over:恢复过来 "The rich woman was so upset at the loss of her ...

答:vi. Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.vi. 现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。vi. He devised a plan whereby they might get rich.vi. 他设想出他们可以藉此致富的计画。vi. 能够 vi. They can get anything they want in the stores.vi. 他们能够在商店里买到任何东西。

答:2、做动词:变为、变成、变得、(用于构成被动语态)、到达、开始、走开。3、做名词:救险球。二、get的短语:1、get down to认真地静下心(工作)。2、get around(=get round)避开,逃避;get by度日、生活、尚可、勉强及格。3、get down饭后离开餐桌、困难地吞下、写下,记下、使疲倦、生病或...

答:get across:越过,使…让人理解 get away:逃走 get back:回来,取回 get down:记下 get off:下车(飞机 get on:上车 get in:上车。插话 get through:(电话)接通,通过,用完,完成

答:get inTo enter.进入To arrive:到达:We got in late last night.昨天晚上我们到迟了To become or cause to become involved:陷入或使陷入:She got in with the wrong crowd. Repeated loans from the finance company got me in deeper and deeper.她和不法分子有瓜葛。从信贷公司的再三借款令我越陷越深To...

get to相关的句型有哪些?
答:get to相关的句型,get to know,了解;认识 get to work 开始工作;来上班 get down to business 办正经事言归正传开始谈正事认真办事

" get"的用法有哪些
答:"get through", "get in" 和 "get into" 都是由"get"这个动词加上不同的介词构成的短语,它们的用法和含义略有不同:1. "get through" 表示"通过"或"度过"某个难关或困难。例如:"I finally got through the exam."(我终于通过了考试。)或 "We need to get through this difficult time...