大学英语一试题 跪求 高手解答 快来帮忙 小弟万分感谢

作者&投稿:时艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大学英语一试题 跪求 高手解答 快来帮忙 小弟万分感谢~

1.B 那个陌生人离开之后,村民们开始怀疑。(怀疑出现了)
2.D 这个城市的人们喜欢通过和朋友们在户外喝茶去消磨时光。
3.A 对生活有一个积极的态度是为了过一种好的生活。
4.B 他滑稽的面部表情逗乐了观众,那个被逗笑得男士热情的鼓掌。
5.A 听到敌人停火的消息,他们兴奋得哭了
6.C 他没有找到那本放有他女儿唯一照片的字典
7.D 不仅班里的孩子们还有我,即他们的老师被迫呆在大厅里大约四个小时
8.C 甚至在基础改革之后,城镇里的一切都没有变
9.A 那个老妇人在从超市回家的公共汽车上把钱包丢了

1 being punished (escape doing sth的被动)
2 disadvantages (考的名词的否定前缀)
3 generousness ( 给的形容词,考的名词,形容词变名词,加ness后缀即可)
4 refreshing (给的动词,考的是ing 后缀的形容词)
5 solemnness (道理同3)
6 treated (被动)
7 digitally (副词)
8 legendary(形容词)
9 popularity
10 offensive


10. 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19. 20.


首先第10题,就我所知required后面应该是原型come,还有,既然他都要求(required)了,为什么还要有多余的should,would 和must呢?

-11 Excuse me, sir. Where is Dean Lee's office?

A. You can't ask me.
B. Pardon? I have no idea.
C. Please don't say so.
D. Sorry, I don't know. I just came here.
这题不能选A,因为这样的回答是不礼貌的。也不是B,B的pardon有请对方重复一遍的意思,但是接着的i have no idea 跟pardon没有关联。不是C:请不要这么说。所以答案是D

-12 What do you think of the drum performance?
- ( )
A. I'm fine.我很好
B. I don't mind.我不介意
C. I don't care about it.我不在乎
D. It's too noisy. I can't stand it.太吵了 我受不了

-13 What's your favorite tea?
- ()
A. I dislike black tea.
B. I don't care for tea.
C. I like jasmine tea.
D. Yes, I have a hobby of drinking tea.
既然他问你最喜欢什么,答案当然是i likexxx

- 14I had a wonderful night and thanks for your invitation.
- ( )
A. What you have said!瞧你说了什么
B. No, no. It's my honor.不,这是我的荣幸
C. You can't say that.你不能这么说
D. Good night.晚安

-15 Would you mind my opening the window?
- ( )
A. Take it easy.
B. Yes, you can.
C. Certainly, please do it.
D. No, I don't mind.
他问would you mind 所以答案是 dont mind,也就是D

-16 Can I speak to Mr. Li?
- ()
A. No, you can't.
B. Sorry, but he isn't in at the moment.
C. No. I can't find him at the moment.
D. Who are you?

-17 I'd like to take you to the Museum of Modern Art ?
- ( )
A. Thanks, I'd like to go with you.
B. No. I care it.
C. Thank you. You shouldn't do that.
D. Yes. I have visited it

- 18()
- I'm fond of pop music.
A. Do you like music?
B. Rock and roll is fun.
C. What kind of music do you like?
D. How about if we enjoy classical music?

- 19I'm afraid () . My friend is waiting for me over there.
- See you then.
A) B) C)D)
A. I must be leaving now.
B. I want to stop now .
C. I have no time to talk .
D. I will go home.
其实我觉得C比较合理(语法来说)i'm afraid i must be leaving now..这是哪里的英文、。。。
- ()
- 20Why not stay for another cup of tea?
A. I'm afraid I'd better say goodbye.
B. See you.
C. It's good to talk with you.
D. I'm sorry I have no more time.

10 A 11.D 12. D 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19 A 20. A
二楼的说第10题没有正确答案是错误的.Require后面所跟的从句使用的是虚拟语气, 所以需要用CAME, 这样的词还包括SUGGEST等. 关于19和20我认为并不怪异, 很正常的说法. 也很地道的说法.

10 C
11 D
12 D
13 C
14 B
15 D
16 B
17 A
18 C
19 A
20 A
