英文整句翻译 中翻英

作者&投稿:山顷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
11寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!~

恩,放心我从来都是人工翻的,翻译器我看了蛋疼-.-... 语句都是通顺的而且没有太大的口语化(就是没有太非正式的用语在里边)。kids跟children你可以轮换着用,kids比children要没那么正式,可是通篇的children不换个词我觉得用词重复性有点高。。。

This week is the last week that I'm interning at this kindergarten.
I'll use this last bit of time to cherrish the time I can spend with the children because this will all become very precious memory for me.

This morning it took a bit longer to dress up the kids. We planned to take them to a walk in the park. Unfortunately, lots of little issues took place before we set off, resulting in a delay. Because of this delay, we were unable to bring them to the walk. It was very unfortunate. As a result, we headed back to the kindergarten half way.

This afternoon, I did a science activity about colors. The majority of the kids were not interested in my activity, so they didn't pay much attention to me. I was a little bit defeated. Also some kids kept on being noisy, so I took some time to have them shift their attention to me. Because of this, it took me a bit longer today to finish my activity.

Then, the music teacher later came to lead the children to sing and dance. I stayed and joined them in this last musical activity in this last bit of my interning.

Because it's almost Christmas, the children were all very excited to hear the Christmas songs. They screamed and jumped non-stop. What a bunch of adorable and naive kids.

The only thing that made me feel sad and regrettable is that I am unable to participate the Christmas event with them. I hope that they will still remember me in the future.

Today is a very happy day. It is finally the end. I love these children very much. I've learned a lot from them. I am very grateful for the memorable experience and wonderful memories these children has brought me.



所以我这个月做的每个活动 都是有关於这些主题的
Because the theme of this month is about family members and the people serve for us in the community, so every activity we do this month are all related to it.

下午我做了我的活动 给孩子们唱了一些歌
之後和孩子们讨论有关於他们的家人 例如他们有什麼家庭成员阿什麼的
孩子们也很专心的听 让我感到满开心的
In the afternoon, I did my activity, singing songs for the kids. Then I discussed with the kids about their family members, like what family members they have. The kids were all happy, and willing to share with me about their families. After that, I read two stories on families to them. The kids listened very carefully, which made me feel so happy.

我做完我的活动 之後就是音乐活动的时间了
After this activity, it's the time for music. At 4 o'clock every Monday, it's the music singing time for kids.

每次快结束时 老师都会给每个孩子shaker 去摇动
并且让孩子们站起来跳舞 孩子们都会超级兴奋的 不停的跳和不停的动
我觉得这是每个星期一孩子们最期待的时间了 因为他们最喜欢唱歌和跳舞
I sat together with the kids, listening to the music teacher who was playing the guitar while singing. Whenever it's almost done, the teacher will give every kid a shaker to shake, and ask the kids to stand up and dance. The kids are all super excited, dancing and moving all the time.
I think every Monday is the time kids expected the most, for they love to sing and dance the most.
It's a very happy day today.

1 我的电脑有毛病了,你能找个人给我修一下吗?
1. There is something wrong with my computer.Would you please have someone repair it?
2 我以前从未看过这么动人的电影 Never
2. I've never seen such a moving film before.
3 在小孩心目中,医生总是和打针与疼痛是分不开的 pain
3. In the eyes of children, doctors are never separated to injection and pain.
4 阅读可以使我们接触大量词汇
4. Reading will do us a favor to meet with a large volume of vocabulary.
5 应该教会学生使用参考书
5. We should make students know how to use reference books.
6 不管你做什么,你都必须尽一切努力把它做好
6. Whatever you do, you must try your best to do with it.
7 一本书是否畅销取决于诸多因素 whether
7. It is decided by many factors whether a book is good or not.
8 如果你年轻时不努力,那你一生将一事无成 achieve
8. You will achieve nothing if you don't make a good effort as a young man.
9 没有树的地方,土地很容易变成沙漠 turn into
9. The earth is apt to turn in to desert where there are no trees.
10 每当轮到他发言,他总是很紧张 whenever
10. He is quite nervous whenever he gets his turn to speak.

1.there is something wrong with my computer,could you have it repaired?
2.I have never seen a more moving film than this
3.In children's opinion,the doctor is connected with pain
4.Reading can let me know a large number of vocabularies
5.we should teach students to use ducuments
6.You should try your best to do whatever you do
7.Tt depends on many whether a book is a bestseller
8.You will achieve nothing in your life if you don't work hard when you are young
9.The land will turn into desert easily where there is no trees
10.He is always nervous whenever it is his turn to make a speech

1. There has some problems about my computer, could u pls find a person to repair it ?

2. I never watched such an moving film before.

3.In children's mind, the doctor can not be able to separate injection with pain.

4.Reading makes us to access a large vocabulary .

5.We should teach students to use reference book.

6.Whatever u do, you must do it as better.

7. Its based on all kinds of reasons whether a book is saleble or not.

8.If u don't achieve in youth, and u will nothing accomplished in ur lifetime.

9.The ground which without trees is very easy to turn into desert.

10.He always looks nervous whenever it's his turn to speak.


I have a faulty computer, can you find someone to repair me about it?

2 I've never seen such a touching movie Never

3 In the eyes of a child, the doctor is always an injection of pain and pain is inseparable from the

4 reading allows us access to a large number of words

5 should teach students to use reference books

6 No matter what you do, you have to make every effort to do it well

7, a book's best-selling depends on many factors whether

8 If you are young and do not work hard, then your life will achieve nothing

9 are no trees where the land can easily become desert turn into

10 Whenever it is his turn to speak, he was always very nervous whenever