
作者&投稿:樊省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请大家劳烦翻译几个英文句子哈 鄙人是个菜鸟 急用 ……~

1Based on the requirements, are the necessary evidence andreleases available for the various phases?针对各具体阶段,是否在要求的基础上取得了必要的能力证明以及批准?

2 Are the productions control plans used for the various phases and are
production, test and inspection documents derived from them ?

是否针对各个具体阶段应用了生产控制计划, 时间否在这些计划的基础上编制了具体的生产和检验文件?
Has a pre-production run been carried out under serial productionconditions to obtain production approval/ release?是否在量产条件下开展了试生产, 以便获得批量生产放行?

4Are the planning activities associated with sourcing outsideproducts and services implemented effectively?采购方面的计划任务是否得到有效的落实?

5is the transfer of the project to production controlled in order tosecure the product launch?为给批量生产起步阶段提供保障,是否对项目交接进行了控制?




Our gymnasium has a history of 40 years which was rebuilt in 2006.

It located in the left of the academic building and the west of the playgroud, facing the school gate.

It covers an area of 750 square meters with three floors.

There is a swimming pool in the ground floor, and volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis courts are on the first floor. On the second floor, there is an auditorium.

The gym is provided with modern facilities and graceful environment, which is open during 6:30 a.m to 10:00 p.m (over the weekends).

P.S: 在英式英语中,一楼是groud,二楼是first,三楼是second,以此类推。不是我的输入问题哦~

History: 40-year history, the reconstruction in 2006
Location: Teaching the left side of the building, large playground in the west, facing the school gates;
Structure: covers an area of 750 square meters, a total of three. The first floor of a swimming pool; on the second floor there are volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis court; the third floor lecture hall;
Features: equipment modern, and beautiful environment
Opening hours: 6:30 am to 10:00 pm; weekend as usual
With the expression of all five-point strongly resisted Thank you for a good translation software will be extra points

History:The gym of my school has a 40 years history and which is rebuilt in 2006.
Location: It is located in the left of the teaching building and in the right of the playground and it faces the school gate.
Structure: The gym has three storeies and covers a vast area of 750 square meters with a swimming pool on the first storey,volleyball,basketball,badminton,tabletennis court on the second storey and an auditorium on the third storey.
Features:The gym is landscaped and equiped with morden facilities
Open time: It opens from 6:30 am to 10:00 pm and is still available on weekends.

our gym has 40 years of history, then rebuilt in 2006. It is located left of the main school building, west of the playground, and is facing the main gate. It has a total area of 750 square meters, three stories. The first floor is a swimming pool, the second floor has volleybal, basketball, badminton, and ping pong, and a lecture hall on the third floor. It has the latest equipments and technologies with a beautiful working environment. It opens from 6:30 in the morning until 10:00 at night, same for the weekends.

An introduction about our gymnasium
Our gymnasium has a history of 40 years.It got reconstruction in 2006.
It locates on the left side of our academic building,the west side of our playground,facing the school gate.
It covers an area of 750 square meters.It includes three floors.There is a swimming pool on the first floor and there are terrains of vollyball,basketball,badminton and table tennis on the second floor.There's a reporting hall on the third floor.
We also have modern equipments and beautiful environment.
Our gymnasium opens at 6:30 in the morning and at 10 o'clock at night.We still open at weekends.

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