
作者&投稿:祖闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a teacher was on the way to the classroom for teaching. he talked with 6 his colleagues on the way. which are 4males and 2females. we could understand that he had a nice weekend.
2。TED是一名学生,他到video shop去想要一盘video。他与店员交谈,店员问他有没有卡,他说他没有,于是店员决定帮他
TED was a student. he went to the video for a video disc. he talked with clerk. the shop assistance asked whether he had a card or not. he said he had not. so the clerk was determined to help him create a new card. the clerk asked his name, spelling, add. tel etc. when the clerk asked his credit card numbers. he said he had not credit card. finally, it was not finished.
3。有2个人在因特网上寻找旅馆,他们分别找到了2家旅馆。一个人找到的是商业旅馆。另一个人找到的是一家ritz hotel,
there are 2 person are searching hotel in internet. they found two hotels each others. one is business hotel and other is ritz hotel.
one of them was surprised with the other hotel's list. so they couldn't make a decision finally.
4。一对男女要去滑雪,他们关于要带的东西展开了一场讨论。女的提醒了男的许多要带的东西。例如要带些a ski jacket,
a sweater,ski boots,等等。然后对于服装的颜色等也进行了挑选,最后决定用一个大箱子带他们所挑选的东西去。
a man and a woman want to have a skee. they are talking about the luggages which they need to take. the woman had reminded the man there are many tools should be taken. such as a ski jacket, a sweater, ski boots etc. and then they talk about the color. at the end of, the decision is using a big luggage to contain all of commodities.
一个来自san francisco,一个来自bogota colombia,一个来自osaka,另一个来自italy。其中有住在italian的人,也有住在
four people met in the airdrome hall. the had a short conversation. the met and say hello each other. we could know one of them was from san francisco. one was from bogota colombia, other two were from osaka and italy.from their conversations . some of them are living in italy or london. they are clerks or students
6。2位女性在电话中交谈,其中一位女士谈论到她最近改变了形象,她有个一个新的形象,她把她brovon long curly的头发
改变成blond,short,straight.而且她walked and jogged every day.and went swimming a lot.no more fat.另一为女士则
8。有2个人要去nijo castle,他们在路上一共问了3个人,第一个人不会讲英文,第2个人用日语为他们指的路,他们听不懂
互询问了之后发现他们在时间上不能相互配合,不是 celia有事,就是laura有公主,但是他们发现他们2人每星期都会去同
一家silver gym on east main street,只是因为时间上不同所以2人没有见面,于是她们约定星期5一起去silver gym on
east main street,并且在之后一同去吃饭。
england出发,他穿过atlanta ocean,用了111天到达U。S。然后使用in-line skated到达旧金山,再从旧金山花了53


本文通过阐述警察执法的行为以及对这些行为产生的原因进行了深入的分析,对维护警察执法构建和谐社会要有一个政治稳定、治安良好的社会作为基础作了探讨。Abstract This paper explains the behavior of police enforcement and the causes of these acts conducted in-depth analysis of police enforcement in maintaining a harmonious society needs political stability and security of our community as the basis discussed. 构建社会主义和谐社会是中国特色社会主义事业的前进方向。 Building a socialist harmonious society is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the way forward. 稳定是构建社会主义和谐社会的大前提,是和谐的基础和保证。 Stability is the premise of building a socialist harmonious society, is the basis and guarantee harmony. 没有稳定的社会环境,经济得不到快速发展,由此产生的各种问题难以妥善解决,社会也就无法和谐。 Without a stable social environment, lack of rapid economic development, the resulting problems difficult to resolve, society will not be harmonious. 而在保持社会稳定,促进社会和谐的进程中,公安机关起着举足轻重的作用,是重要的保障力量和建设力量。 In maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the process of public security organs plays an important role, it is important to protect the force and construction force. 而社会稳定要靠完善、健全的法律,有了完善、健全的法律还要执法者严格执行。 And social stability depend on sound, a sound legal, with perfect sound but also law enforcement officers strictly enforce the law. 所以,只有严格执行国家法律法规,才能构建一个和谐的社会。 Therefore, only the strict implementation of national laws and regulations in order to build a harmonious society.

This paper explains the behavior of police enforcement and the causes of these acts conducted in-depth analysis of police enforcement in maintaining a harmonious society needs political stability and security of our community as the basis discussed. Building a socialist harmonious society is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the way forward. Stability is the premise of building a socialist harmonious society, is the basis and guarantee harmony. Without a stable social environment, not rapid economic development, and the resulting difficult to properly resolve the issues, society will not be harmonious. In maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the process of
Plays an important role in public security organs, it is important to protect the force and construction force. And social stability depend on sound, a sound legal, with perfect sound but also law enforcement officers strictly enforce the law. Therefore, only the strict implementation of national laws and regulations in order to build a harmonious society.

This paper explains the behavior of police enforcement and the causes of these acts are in-depth analysis, for the maintenance of harmonious society police law enforcement to have a political stability, security and good social as a basis for discussion. To construct a socialist harmonious society is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the forward direction. Stability is the premise of constructing socialist harmonious society, is the basis and guarantee harmony. Without a stable social environment, lack of rapid economic development, the resulting problems difficult to resolve, society will not be harmonious. In maintaining social stability, promoting social harmony in the process, the public security organs play a decisive role, is the important guarantee of strength and construction of power. Social stability depends on sound, a sound legal, there is a sound, a sound legal and law enforcement strictly enforced. Therefore, only the strict implementation of national laws and regulations, in order to build a harmonious society.


This article describes the behavior of the police law enforcement as well as on the causes of these behaviors are in-depth analysis, for the maintenance of a harmonious society police law enforcement to have a political stability, security and good social as a basis for discussion. Build a harmonious society is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the forward direction. Stability is a harmonious social premise, is a harmonious basis and guarantee. There is no stable social environment, economic development through quickly, resulting in a variety of problems to solve, society will not be able to harmony. And in maintaining social stability, to promote social harmony, the public security authorities in the process along, is an important guarantee of strength and construction of power. While social stability depends on sound, a sound legal, there is a sound, a sound legal also enforcers should be strictly enforced. Therefore, only the strict enforcement of State laws and regulations, in order to build a harmonious society.

word-工具-语言-翻译 自己去找吧

This paper explains the behavior of police enforcement and the causes of these acts conducted in-depth analysis of police enforcement in maintaining a harmonious society needs political stability and security of our community as the basis discussed. Building a socialist harmonious society is the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the way forward. Stability is the premise of building a socialist harmonious society, is the basis and guarantee harmony. Without a stable social environment, lack of rapid economic development, the resulting problems difficult to resolve, society will not be harmonious. In maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the process of public security organs plays an important role, is an important force protection and construction of power. And social stability depend on sound, a sound legal, with perfect sound but also law enforcement officers strictly enforce the law. Therefore, only the strict implementation of national laws and regulations in order to build a harmonious society.

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