
作者&投稿:汗景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Since the reform and opening up, the education in China has made rapid development and get remarkable achievements. Chinese government place education in a priority position during the development, adhere to science and education, comprehensive quality education advocate. At the same time, actively promote educational equity, guarantee universal access to education. China's educational achievements are reflected in two different levels: one is the universal nine-year compulsory education, and the other is to achieve a higher popularity. The development of education for China's economic development and social progress made significant contributions. In recent years, to meet the needs of social and economic development, the Chinese government continues to accelerate the training of qualified personnel needed in various fields.



I used to stay up late at night,so I was late for school several times. Now,I want to give up this bad habit.I will reduce the time playing computer games ,keep early hours , do a regular exercise and have a healthy lifestyle.

Tom parents died young from Aunt Polly adoption. Tom can not stand smart naughty school teacher Aunt Polly and bundles , and often truant . Late one night , he and his friend Huckleberry Finn to the cemetery to try guts , but accidentally witnessed a murder from happening. Another time, Tom, Huck with Joe Harper fled with a desert island to start a "pirate " , which makes home thought they died , and they did appear in their own " funeral " on. In court, after a fierce ideological struggle , Tom finally gathered the courage to stand up and testify against the murderer , and the murderer then fled. Later, Tom and Huck in a haunted house in Indian River met Joe ! They heard the Indian River Joe put his money on the II , cross below . During a picnic , he and his classmate Betsy in a cave lost. After a full three days and three nights of hunger, faced with the threat of death , even more frightening is that they are still seeing the cave homicide murderer - Indian River Joe . Eventually, Tom tied in stone by holding the kite lines Pathfinder and found the exit out of the cave. Village people find them, they told about the experience in the cave , and then , the villagers blocked the entrance to the tunnel with iron . Tom told the village people in the cave to see the murderer Indian River Joe , when the village people in the cave to find Indian River Joe , he had starved to death. Finally, Tom and Huck return to the cave and found a treasure, became a hero in the village .
As can be seen from his travels , Tom is a smart kid , he naughty but compassionate . His real life is very dissatisfied , bent forward to become outlaws , over chivalric life. In the aunt 's eyes, he naughty , bad acting and more, can not help himself like him ; may appear in children , he was a wise leader and a hero.
From their performance in difficult among the integrity and courage , in normal life, clever and lively, but seriously childish behavior, left me a deep impression, it can be said was a microcosm of American society .
I think the difficulties do not easily discouraged, to be optimistic , to work hard and stick to it , so as to succeed. Tom sunny side of life tells us , as long as there is a dream , and try to pursue, dreams can come true. One day, our nature can freely play , to create a space of our own . I think Tom lively , free, but there are shortcomings, is he too let others worry about, especially his aunt , for he often fear that Tom did not understand a parent for the child 's efforts, is to keep him hurt, let him grow up healthy , we need to learn a lesson from this point . But I still admire him everything on the outside of curiosity and imagination , but also a bold attempt , brave , yearning for freedom , longing for the future , which had amazing.


Males in suits are all alike, the one who is fashion in transparent raincoat and underwear is unique.

Men in suits are all the same, the one who matches transparent raincoat with underwear and looks stylish is a man of character.


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