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求一下追风筝的人读后感 英文版的 150词左右就行 多谢各位~

I like this book because it let me realize the goodness of human nature. Novels in the last two word is "I chase," I think it is not only the pursuit of childhood kite kite competition, but also in a sincere desire to the return of the kind human nature. Tears down again, I believe, one day, in the book, the life, the initial share of the pure human nature is bound to come back. I believe that the kite is the line, pulling a redemption story of human nature. Everyone is chasing, someone to have promised to chase, to pursuit of happiness in the future, in order to friendship chasing now. Chasing those they have lost, hidden in the bottom of my heart and sincerely look forward to. Yes, for you, thousands times.

The Kite Runner is the first novel written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer. It revolves around the story of kite and two Afghan teenagers, a rich teenager and his servant about kite, betrayal and redemption of human nature.
The protagonist Amir is a character with a complex image. The novel tells the story of Amir from the perspective of the first person. Amir was born in 1963 to a wealthy family in a wealthy community in Kabul.
His father, Dad, was a Pashtun, son of a judge and a successful carpet merchant. Hassan, the son of Ali, the servant of the Amir family, was born in Hazara.Amir and Hassan are playmates, Hassan is a very loyal, honest,
dedicated to the consideration of Master Amir, two people often play and play together. Amir is an excellent "kite fighter" who is good at cutting off other people's kites with his own kite;
Hassan is also an outstanding "kite chaser", because the tradition of Afghanistan is that the kite that falls when the line is cut is returned to its owner.
Kite Runner ranked second in Amazon's literature bestseller list at the end of March, surpassing the Da Vinci Code and becoming the top seller of Best Books, Taiwan Chengpin Bookstore, Jinshitang Bookstore and Blogger Bookstore in 2005.
The first book of the year of 2006 of the French Reading Association, the best novel award of the year for readers of ELLE magazine in France, and the book selection of the American Library Association.
In 2007, he directed Mark Foster to make a film of the same name, which was nominated for Best Score in the 80th Academy Awards.
《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)的第一部长篇小说,全书围绕风筝与阿富汗的两个少年之间展开,一个富家少年与家中仆人关于风筝的故事,关于人性的背叛与救赎。
法国读书会2006年度首选书,法国《ELLE》杂志读者票选年度最佳小说奖,美国图书馆协会选书。2007年被导演马克·福斯特 拍成同名电影,影片获获得80届奥斯卡最佳配乐提名。


It is difficult for us to go to admit that it is hard to go to face the real you We always have the courage to packing Numbers in gorgeous lies to paralysis By the way deceive others But can't calm to face what they had committed sin... Amir this rich young master crimes committed Not the same In the face of his cowardice, lie and hypocrisy of human nature, jealous, hypocrisy, evil, selfish and arrogant... He chose to escape, this is a weak ignorant young wrong choice But he also paid the life, from the mind flay, guilt, fear, high price Christianity in the seven demons of satan's image to represent the seven SINS - pride, envy, rage, lazy, greed, gluttony and lust. We really are born guilty, and the human nature this evil, hence need to be persuasive, enlightenment education. In the spring rains flood the wet season The sadness in my hometown - Yin - haze afternoon accidentally found this surge of let my mood, but also for the heart of the novel Reading the author with a landscape and stirring epic history humanity story... .. To expose a long trip to sin that scene in the kite runner contest after an accident of betrayal, because the cowardly selfish character, lead to a true friendship. In amir as an adult, and return to after the Afghan war has to find under the self selfish departmentalism of race and religion, under the instability of regime change, life has become so humble and abuses by ear. Finally in the gym, happen to hassan son the same miserable life Shipment, let me to look again, put aside books, idle for a few days... This is a long-lost touched, when I was facing heart gap, and found a redemption way out...

答:追风筝的人,往往会因为只顾观天而倒地;追风筝的人,往往只顾高度而不料速度,追风筝的人,最后追上去了吗?那么追风筝的人 好句好段 都有哪些呢?我为大家整理了追风筝的人好段摘抄,希望大家喜欢。 更多 好词好句 好段摘抄参考: 边城读书笔记摘抄赏析 《秘密花园》好词好句摘抄 《红岩》好词好句摘抄 西游记读...

答:追风筝的人 好词好句 有哪些呢?我为大家整理了追风筝的人好段赏析,希望大家喜欢。 更多好词 好句好段 摘抄参考: 边城读书笔记摘抄赏析 《秘密花园》好词好句摘抄 《红岩》好词好句摘抄 西游记读书笔记摘抄 《海底两万里》好词好句摘抄好段欣赏 追风筝的人好词欣赏 蹒跚 屈指可数 牢靠 浓墨重彩 荒芜 放...

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答:在读书时,写读书笔记是训练阅读的好方法。以下是英语读书笔记摘抄大全的内容,提供给大家学习参考!希望能够帮到你们! 英语读书笔记句子摘抄 1.For you, a thousand times over.“为你,千千万万遍” ——《the kite runner》(《追风筝的人》) 2. to be or not to be,that is a question “生存还是死亡,这...

答:11.《红楼梦》- 曹雪芹 好词好句:“人生如梦,梦如人生,无论梦境还是现实,都需要珍惜和把握。”感悟:这本书让我更加了解了中国传统文化和价值观,也让我更加关注自己的内心和情感。12.《追风筝的人》- 卡勒德·胡赛尼 好词好句:“勇气和责任,是成长和拯救的关键。”感悟:这本书让我更加了解...

答:5、《追风筝的人》读书笔记 《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的作品,讲述了主人公阿米尔与他的朋友哈桑的成长故事。阿米尔因为自己的懦弱和背叛而感到内疚和痛苦,最终他决定回到阿富汗去寻找哈桑的儿子并为其担当责任。在小说中,作者通过细腻的心理描写和情节安排,让读者深入了解了阿米尔和...

