
作者&投稿:尹苗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear XXX
I'm interested in your article published in XXX. Its name is "XXX".I am wondering if you can send the whole article to me, it's very important ot me~

Have a nice day

Dear Professor XXX,

I am a student from (XXX course/school). I have heard about your name and your great work from my school teacher. I really appreciate what you have done for the academic field. Since I am doing a project/assignment related to XXX, I need lots of information about XXX to support my work. Could you please do me a favor? Actually, your academic essay/thesis ''XXXXX'' is a great reference for my project. Could you please send it to me since I could not find it on the internet? Your work would be highly appreciated since this project will be introduce to different high schools in my country.

I look forward to receiving your reply.
Thank you so much!

Best regards,


给外国作者写一般要写英语:Dear so and so, I am your fan. I like your works very much. Now I am a college student. I think your works have a great impact on me. Would you like to extract some of your works into my thesis? Thank you sincerely.




Dear esteemed author,

I found your article while doing research, and I really found it to be very informative and useful. I would like to use it in my project, so I'm seeking your permission to translate it into my native language, Chinese. I will translate your materials only if you are willing to grant me the permission.

Please kindly let me know if this is possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

Your name here


答:and know something about you.第一封信2至3段 100字多些少便可以 不用怕让对方知道英文不好 他们应当不介意的 如果你想我代你修改 写了可以用百度的Hi传给我 但内容不要有私人资料 即:不要有真姓名 不要有地址 不要有电话 总之是不可以让人接触到你的资料 或其他不该向陌生人透露的资料 ...

答:我天天写邮件给老外,一般都是这种格式,简洁明了。希望对您有帮助,谢谢。 问题七:怎样写英文邮件比较好 开头要先问候一下对方,比如用'how are you‘或’how have you been‘如果你事先收到了对方的邮件并想要回信可以用'I am so glad to hear from you'这样的。如果对方问了你一个问题,你要在开头就回答...

答:hey .how you doing?I'm XXX from china=)hope everything is ok.

请帮忙翻译 给外国人发邮件 还有最后的格式结尾也帮我写下吧!万分的...
答:... It is my great pleasure to cooperate with you. Please contact me by e-mail from now on.Your reply is highly appreciated.Sincerely yours,...(Mr./Ms 注上你是男还是女)这种商业往来英语,尤其是在刚开始联系时,尽量写标准的书面语,显示你的专业水平。祝你工作顺利 ...

答:在书写收件人的时候,称谓称呼一定要正确,表达了对收件人的一种尊重,不要粗心到拼错别人的名字。一般熟悉的人都会以Dear或者My dear 作为开头。当你第一次发邮件给收件人,在比较正式的情况下可以使用Dear + 收件人全名, 而非正式的情况下可以直接说 Hello或者Hi +收件人名字。

答:怎么写国际贸易信函? 本文来源于《阿里巴巴出口频道》 2010 年07 月29 日 推荐给朋友 字号: 默认 大号 写商务信函的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个"C"(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7 个"C":Completeness(完整), Clearness(清晰), Concreteness(具体), Conciseness(简明), Correctness(正...

答:an Email to a foreigner. I'm really happy to have met you, and I'm very happy to have learned something about you. How have you been lately?Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Best wishes,___ (自己的名字)~ · ~ · ~ · ~ · ~希望对你有帮助。


发英文给外国老板发邮件邀请他 开头怎么写
答:范文:Dear boss,亲爱的老板,It's our great honor to invite you to visit our company in XX, XXXX. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to discuss about our issues business cooperation in detail.我们非常荣幸地...
