
作者&投稿:弥战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

★股指期货推出对股市的影响: 第一:融资融券具有的做空机制主要是针对单只股票,而股指期货具有的做空机制则主要是针对大盘指数,而推出股指期货的重要意义则在于,投资者可根据对大盘走势的准确判断而实现盈利。因此,未来投资者轻大市、重个股的现象将得到一定程度的改观。 第二:股指期货具有交易成本低,杠杆倍数高,指令执行速度快等特点,因此,推出初期将吸引大批投机者进入股指期货市场,从而降低现货市场的流动性。但是,从长期来看,股指期货的套期保值和套利功能可以显著地降低现货市场的系统性风险,从而有助于吸引大批偏好低风险的长线资金持续进入,使得股市的流动性和规模大幅度地得以提高。 第三:第三,在股权分置改革后全流通市场建设的初期,股市不仅面临着非流通股解禁规模的不断扩大,再融资和新股扩容的不断加快,上市公司并购重组的大潮汹涌,还面对着市场制度建设和产品创新过程中,各项政策变动所带来的短期市场冲击。此时,股指期货具有的套期保值功能,将使得投资者能够有效地防范突发性事件所带来的系统性风险,以实现市场心理预期的稳定,并保证改革的顺利进行和市场的平稳过渡。 第四,由于套期保值者的盈利重心在现货市场,而投机者的盈利重心则在股指期货市场,即投机者主要利用现货市场对期货市场的影响以获取收益。因此,这就造成投机者向期市的逐步转移,使得现货市场过度炒作降低,而由于期市对股市的影响,则股市波动有加大的倾向。同时,股指期货市场对权证的炒作也有一定的替代和遏制作用。 第五,股指期货的市场套利功能加快了期现间的信息传递,提高了现货市场的流动性,完善了股市的定价机制。特别是,股指期货可有效地降低机构投资者对蓝筹股的操作频率,而保证金制度的施行,则提高了资金的利用效率,同时也成倍的放大了投资者的风险和收益。 第六,融券卖空交易需要借券,且必须通过券商来借,故交易量较小;而股指期货卖空交易方便,且数量大。同时,融券卖空可实现精确打压个股股价,而股指期货则主要是为了规避大盘指数的系统性避险,且股指期货的交易成本仅为股票交易的十分之一。考虑到美、英的市场系统性风险各自为26.8%和32.7%,而我国市场却高达65.7%,股指期货的推出将有助于规避我国A股市场的系统性风险,通过卖出股指期货以锁定市场下跌风险,从而不易出现市场的恐慌情绪,这将有助于增强A股市场对各长线资金的吸引力。 第七,为防止股指期货推出后的市场有可能被操控的风险,我国A股市场的超级大盘股的上市步伐正不断加快,以建立不易操控的股指。





  股指期货对中国股市有四影响 不改市场长期趋势







  The stock index stock's square face makes a sound the stock index stock to have four influences to the Chinese Stock market not to change market long-term trend to continue the steady progression as well as the marketability reform unceasing advancement along with our country economy, the finance derivative product promotes into the urgent matter. The stock index stock takes an investment variety and the risk management tool, is in itself neutral, it will promote will not change the market the long-term trend, although after it will promote in the short-term to the stock market will possibly form certain perturbation, but mainly still will receive the market overall situation and the intrinsic estimate value influence, moreover the estimate value factor's will influence be more important. is natural, because the stock index stock has the finance derivative product characteristic, it will promote definitely will have important and the profound influence to our country stock stock market, mainly will have the following several aspects: affects one, securities investment thinking mode transformation. The stock index stock has provided the risk management tool, is helpful constructs the investment profolio truly in the investor, reduces the systematic risk. Moreover, the stock index stock introduced has made the spatial mechanism, affected the market trend the factor before have been more than, investor's investment thought and the investment strategy must at the right moment transform, change the unidirectional thought are the bidirectional thoughts. After the stock index stock promotes, on the one hand, the market estimate value hastens reasonably, the stock price not too possible to surpass its intrinsic value largely again, otherwise, the stock which will come apart seriously with the fundamental plane will have many arbitrage opportunities; On the other hand, so long as the tendency judgment is accurate, does spatially can also make a profit, namely may also make money in the bear market. affects two, may attract the increase fund approach, the expansion Stock market scale, strengthens the market fluidity. After the stock index stock promotes, because the partial investors need to carry on to the asset portfolio redeploy, therefore in the short-term will possibly diverge stock stock market the fund, will affect the Stock market business volume. But looking from the medium and long-term, the stock index stock promotes causes the stock transaction mechanism to be more perfect, simultaneously have been many one kind of risk management tool, will attract the more steady fund participation stock investment. Moreover, the use stock on-hand merchandise and the stock index stock arbitrage is one kind of risk low transaction pattern, can attract many arbitrage fund entering the market. Therefore, the stock index stock can bring the massive additional fund for the market, enhances the stock stock market the active degree, impels the stock on-hand merchandise and the stock index stock business volume bidirectional growth. Market and so on US, Hong Kong experiences have also confirmed this point, after Chicago commercial exchange in 1982 promoted the S&P500 stock index, the stock on-hand merchandise and the stock index stock's business volume largely enhances; After Hong Kong in 1986 promoted the Hengsheng stock index stock, the stock business volume rose 60% in the past, hereafter the stock business volume increased unceasingly. affects three, is helpful in optimizes the investor structure. At present our country stock market participant still by the young investor primarily, institutional investor's scale only accounted for about 30%, as a result of each kind of reason, the young investor mostly by the congenial point of view participation stock market, does not favor the stock market obviously the long-term healthy development. After the stock index stock promotes, besides will strengthen the market the fluidity and the stability, also will enhance the stock market the degree of development and the level, each kind of hedge and the arbitrage behavior will tend to be active, the young investor will participation with difficulty, this will be advantageous in improves our country stock market the subject of investment structure, will accelerate the organization advancement greatly, will cause the organization to gamble into the market investment the mainstream, our country will also look like other developed countries to enter equally the time which the institutional investor will lead. affects four, will promote the bulk lots blue chip stock the value of each contribution. The bulk lots blue chip stock has the capital stock to be huge, the achievement is fine, distributing dividends rate high, fluidity strong and so on superiority, easy to receive the mainstream fund the favor. After the stock index stock promotes, in the institutional investor hand must have the sufficient bulk lots blue chip stock chip, can have the regulative stock index words power. Our country A stock index stock has designated take the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 indices as the sign, therefore, will become take the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 indices distributes stock shares plans the value stock as representative's bulk lots to become the focal point which blue the investor most will pay from now on attention, they will be institutional investor's indispensable core disposition properties. In addition, the institutional investor carries on the hedge also to need to dispose many bulk lots blue chip stock, and the underlie shipping space strategic has. Especially before the stock index stock will promote officially will also have snatches plans the effect, the bulk lots blue chip stock will appear the scarcity premium. From now on the investor should pay attention to the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 indices to become positively distributes stock shares, specially mainly becomes distributes stock shares.


答:当股指期货接近交割日时,由于交割日效应的影响,会增加a股市场的波动。交割日效应是指期货合约交割日即将到来时,期货交易双方利用各种手段对期货价格产生影响,为自己谋取最大利益。因此,在股指期货交割日附近,A股市波动会加剧。股指期货对股市的影响 股指期货会影响股市的发展,部分投资者会根据市场情况...

答:股指期货交割日对股市的影响有哪些? 在中国,股指期货是沪深300指数的远期合约,可以对沪深300指数有一个未来的预测,说明未来是涨还是跌。单就股指期货来讲,他会在交割日时强行平仓的。 另外,股指期货通常是对股市的股票的一个套利保值的,他和股票是不一样的。一个是T+0交易,一个是T+1交易。 股指期货可以双向...


答:在股指期货最后交易日(即交割日)当天,由于股指期货合约是以股票指数为参照,这样在最后临交割时,股票指数对股指期货就几乎是起到决定性的作用,因此会有大资金进入现货市场,导致股指大幅震荡。 股指期货交割对股市的影响 一、什么是股指期货交割制度 从事期货交易的投资者,无论是多头持仓,还是空头持仓,如果在最后交易日...

答:作为期货交易的一种类型,股指期货交易与普通商品期货交易具有基本相同的特征和流程。股指期货是期货的一种,期货可以大致分为两大类,商品期货与金融期货。股指期货与股市的关系 股指期货对我国股市的影响如下:1、证券投资思维方式的变革。引入做空机制,变单边市为双边市。投资者思维由单向变为双向。2、...


答:综上考虑,我们在分析股指期货对股市资金规模影响时,考虑资金流出的同时也要考虑场外资金的流入。Kuserk和Cocke 1994等人对美国股市进行的实证研究表明,开展股指期货交易后,由于吸引了大批套利者和套期保值者的加入,股市的资金和流动性都有较大的提高,且股市和期市交易量呈双向推动的态势。从我国目前的...

答:资金会从股指市场流出,流入股市。同时大型投资机构也会利用股指期货市场来做空股市。因此资金会出现频繁的交易转移。3、股指期货可以影响股市价格 如果恒指期货表现优异,那么恒生市场的交易量就会活跃。同理,如果沪深300指数表现优异,那么国内股市也会表现红火。因此,股指期货可以影响股市的价位 ...

答:(1) 以沪深300指数为标的的合约能在未来我国股指期货产品系列中起到旗舰作用,具有占据市场主导地位的潜力。沪深300指数是由沪深两证券交易所共同出资成立的中证指数有限公司编制与维护,成份股包括了300种股票。该指数借鉴了国际市场成熟编制理念,采用调整股本加权、分级靠档、样本调整缓冲区等先进技术。发布...
