
作者&投稿:许牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English people have many sayings about the weather.英国人(最好是British,不要写english)有很多关于天气的说法 Perhaps this is because English people talk about the weather a lot.大概是因为英国人经常聊起天气 English weather is hard to predict, so there are many sayings that are supposed to help you decide what the weather will be like.英国的天气很难预测,下面是一些可以帮助你推断天气如何的说法 Many of them are about the possibility of rain.大多数是关于下雨的几率 It rains a lot in England. 英国多雨 When it rains, many young children sing: Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day! Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away.当下雨的时候,孩子们会唱起童谣“ 雨啊雨啊别下啦!改天再来吧!小强尼要出门玩!雨啊雨啊别下啦!”
So, how can you tell if it is going to rain?所以呢,怎么判断是否会有雨呢? Here are a few sayings to help you这是一些可以供你参考的谚语: Red sky in the morning Shepherd’s warning. Red sky at night, Shepherd’s delight. (这个我翻译成中国谚语了)朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。
(This rhyme also works if you replace shepherds with sailors. Anyone working outdoors would be glad if it did not rain!) 这个句子如果将牧羊人换成水手一样押韵,如果晴天的话,所有外出活动的人都会十分高兴。
Other sayings include: 其他的谚语有
Rain before seven; fine before eleven. 七点前下雨,十一点前结束A sunshiny shower won’t last half an hour. 太阳浴最多也就半个小时!
Perhaps, of all weather sayings, this one is the truest (although it is very difficult to say).也许所有的谚语中,这个是最具说服力的 It is a tongue twister.很饶舌哦 It is meant to be difficult to say quickly就像绕口令一样, and makes a joke of the fact that ‗weather‘ and ‗whether‘ sound the same. 而且利用了同音不同字的梗
Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not whatever the weather We’ll weather the weather Whether we like it or not! 不管这天气你喜欢不喜欢,反正我是喜欢了!


work是使工作、操作的意思,这句话中的work oneself into fury/furies 应该是一个习惯用法,可以参照短语work oneself into the ground(工作十分拼命)来理解,这里work...into的含义是类似的。


在平时的学习中,我们注意到一般的时间状语前都有介词in/on/at或for 等,而实际上在英语中,有不少表示时间的状语前是不加介词的.
1.在 today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, 等表示时间概念的名词前一般不用介词. 例如:

1) What are you going to do tomorrow?


2) We have had six lessons today.


3) We had a good time the day before yesterday.


2.由this, that ,these, those 等用于表示时间概念的名词前,


1) That morning he got up very early.


2) What are you busy with these days?


3) We will have a big gathering this coming Saturday.


3.由next, last, the next, the last 等用于表示时间概念的名词前时,前面不用介词修饰.例如:

1) We planted many trees last spring.


2) She said she would pay a trip to Suzhou the next month.


3) The very next time I saw her, she was working in London.


4.在each, any, every, some, all 等用于表示时间概念的名词前,一般不用介词来修饰. 例如:

1) The buses go every 10 minutes.


2) Jack coughed all night.


3) We have to get up very early every day.



this, that 后面加时间时前面不用介词

必须。这里Monther's Day 是名词,必须加上介词才能做时间状语,单独的话这个位置名词不能当状语

Mother's Day 专有名词母亲节用 on 特指母亲节那天。that day. 泛指那天

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