
作者&投稿:兆昆姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Greatest Invention
Some articles hold the opinions that the greatest invention in the world is electricity,while the others believe computers are unreplaced in modern society.I read and read,suddenly an idea struke me:The greatest invention are just books.
A famous person has ever said:"Books are the best teachers."Exactly!That's what I would like to say first.In the long history of human being,books have playde an important part in communicating knowledge.And even today,the situation is still so .Each year,millions of books are published in the world.Knowledge changs our lives.If a knowledged person want to express some new idea,probably he wiil choose to write a book.On the other hand,the best way to broaden our horizens is reading books.
Secondly,as I have been puzzled,books provedes you with different ideas.And you make your decision to choose anyone that fit you.Or otherwise,you may choose none of them,just like me ,instead of obeying books' advise.I choose "books" as the greatest invention in my eyes.So,don't you think it's a little interesting?Books are honored as teachers without sound.But how are books different from our real teachers?I think the fact is that,if a real teacher advises me to choose electricity or computer as my topic today,and every one you can imagine,how much brave I will prepare to refuse.So don't you think books are better tempered and better get alongde than our real teachers?

The Most useful Invention
As we all know that ancient chinese people have four great inventions.As a Chinese people,I feel proud of our country.In my opinion,I think the most useful invention is the paper.
First of all,paper is more convenient than banboo.In the old days,people waste a lot of time to make bamboo slip.Second,we can write by pen on the paper instead of brush and paper occupy little space.Last but not least,paper can be made to book,we can learn so much knowledge them ,it;s good for the spread of civilization.
In conclusion,I think paper is the most useful invention!

   Of the world's great inventions
Everyone's awareness of the greatest invention in the world are different, and I think that, computer is the greatest.
In today's information age, computers have brought us considerable convenience.
It so that we can buy things at home, so that we can meet with friends to chat, so we know a lot of things they don't.
Various signs indicate that the world's greatest invention is computer

电脑 ,有了它我们才能说话自如 ,朋友,顶一下

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