中国传统节日民俗的谚语 有关冬至的。翻译成英文

作者&投稿:平狠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  在中文里,“至”是极点、顶点的意思。这并不是指气温在冬至这一天冷到了极点,而是针对地球绕太阳旋转的位置而言的。对于生活在北半球的人们来说 ,冬至这天是白昼最
  短的一天。冬至之后,白天便一天比一天长了起来。 据古书记载,冬至时,皇帝要跟大臣们一起欣赏音乐5天。就是在老百姓家里,也都要吹奏乐器。这一天,皇帝还要把懂得天文历法的能人请来,核对历法,同时还要举行祭天活动。闻名世界的北京天坛,就是皇帝在冬至这天举行祭天活动的地方。




The positive, play dragon lantern. The positive, jumping colored lantern. Thirty fireworks, fifteen lamp. The Spring Festival sunny day, from year to year people peace. On the three bases, die rock side grass. To spend the New Year, bacon and sweet dumplings. February, offering leading. March, the snake went up to the mountain, crab up clusters. Tomb-sweeping day, FenShan a piece of white. Seiqnyied bat, the hair, tao ditch water offering HanBa Daniel. Seiqnyied bat, marry a caterpillar. The Dragon Boat Festival, row dragon boat. Hang rush hanging moxa in the eaves. Attracting, drying of clothes. July seven, the galaxy will. July half, ghost festival meal, eat satisfied ghost rice planting garlic. July furrowed a bowl of oil, August break ground half bowl of oil

The positive, play dragon lantern. The positive, jumping colored lantern. Thirty fireworks, fifteen lamp. The Spring Festival sunny day, from year to year people peace. On the three bases, die rock side grass. To spend the New Year, bacon and sweet dumplings. February, offering leading. March, the snake went up to the mountain, crab up clusters. Tomb-sweeping day, FenShan a piece of white. Seiqnyied bat, the hair, tao ditch water offering HanBa Daniel. Seiqnyied bat, marry a caterpillar. The Dragon Boat Festival, row dragon boat. Hang rush hanging moxa in the eaves. Attracting, drying of clothes. July seven, the galaxy will. July half, ghost festival meal, eat satisfied ghost rice planting garlic. July furrowed a bowl of oil, August break ground half bowl of oil, September furrowed chew bones.

春节:Spring Festival
元宵节:Lantern Festival
清明节:Qingming Festival
端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
七夕节:Double-seventh Day(简单的译法)
重阳节:Double-ninth Day(简单的译法)
中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival
冬至节:Winter Solstice Festival
