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你在网上学习得好吗? ?这学期很快就要结束。 你准备好你的期末考试吗, 尤其为英语考试?
我也正忙于准备期末考试。 我在学英语时遇到了点问题。我把英语当作是电子学问。以前我把精力都放在阅读上,可最近我开始担心我的写作了。因为我发现,我非常缺乏基本写作知识和技巧。
我知道你曾经得了当地英语竞赛的二等级。 我希望你能给我分享一下学英语的经验 , 尤其在写作方面。如果可以的话, 给我一些关于我应该读什么书或者怎么才能避免写出中国式英语的建议。


21. HELLO, 我可能现在和校长说话吗 ?(a)对不起, 他现在很忙
22. 我可以借你的字典吗?(c) 可以,你拿吧
23. 你是Mr Rober Lee吗 ?(a) 是的,我就是
24. 对不起, 先生。布朗医生的办公室在哪里 ? (D) 不好意思,我不知道 ,但是你可以问那边的男人
25. 玛丽,你的连衣裙真漂亮。 约翰好吗? (c) 谢谢你。 他很好
26. 我能为你做什么吗 ,女士? (a) 我想要一公斤苹果
27. 我想把你带到咖啡厅的一个角落。(b) 谢谢,我和你一起去
28. 你可以告诉我你是哪里来的吗?(d) 当然可以 ,我是伦敦来的
29. 请问我可以看下菜单 ? 我已经等了1小时了。(c)好的,先生,这就是。
30. 我很担心化学这科。 但是布朗先生给我评了 A!(B) 恭喜 ! 那是很困难的科目

31. 作着 (c) 不确定故事是否是真的
32. 根据段落 ,杰克森总统 (d) 不擅长阅读、写作或拼写
33. 根据第一个故事 , " OK "这个词(c) 是Van Buren 俱乐部的名字
34. 根据第二个故事, " OK "这个词(D) 是指选举中Van Buren的支持者
35. 根据第二个故事, " ok" 这个词 最初被用于(b) 总统大选

(2) 虽然美国包括这么.....
36. ,如果现在美国有二亿五千万人 ,他们有多少从事农业和林业? (c) 少于二千五百万
37. 下列四个国家当中哪一个人们生活在大都市的比例最小 ? (c) 法国
38. 段落中是”metropolitan”是什么意思 ?(a) 有郊区的大城市
39,根据段落,我们知道美国的小城镇是什么样的?(b) 每个小城镇都很相似
40. 为什么我们很难出说一个村庄变成一个市郊 ? (c) 因为这个过程是缓慢的。

Recently I fell worried aboue my English writing because I found I am so short of some basic writing knowledge and skills
21 take改成talk
30 aboue改成about
35 uded改成used
36 agciculture 改成agriculture
37 france改成France
38 metropplitan改成metropolitan massage改成passage


The tree downsrairs is high enough to reach the roof.
He often looks at the mountain opposite in class.
They overlook the opposite side of the river.
According to my notebook,we will have a important meeting tomorrow afternoon.
What I have done is nothing to do with your grade.
That's( the reason) why I accepted your advise.
Thomas Edison was recognized as one of the greatest inventors in the world.

The brave boy chose to face difficulties without being affected by others.

1.The downstairs tree that with the roof.
2.His class often look across the mountains.
3. Them overlooking the river to the other side.
4.According to my diary on record, tomorrow afternoon, there is an important meeting.
5 things I have done and your grades do not.
6.That is why I can accept the reason of your advice.
7.Thomas Edison is recognized worldwide as the greatest inventor
8.This brave boy are not under the influence of the others, but chose to deal with difficulties.

The downstairs tree that with the roof.
His class often look across the mountains.
3. Them overlooking the river to the other side.
According to my diary on record, tomorrow afternoon, there is an important meeting.
5 things I have done and your grades do not.
That is why I can accept the reason of your advice.
Thomas Edison is recognized worldwide as the greatest inventor
This brave boy are not under the influence of the others, but chose to deal with difficulties.


答:1. lost(we are lost/ we got lost)2. We are(were) scared/shocked by the noise

答:1:I killed the enemies on by one.2:I don't what makes her so angry on me.She won't respond me.3:The unsure attitude of this company make me have no idea on if I would be hired or not.4:Usually,they would come before 5.5:I just want to have a normal life.6:...

一句英语句子翻译 大家帮下忙

答:about that ?(3) Am i really upset like this ?```你的最后一句我实在不知道是什么意思,翻译出三句供你选择。我觉得最后再加一句:Lord,please tell me what i'm supposed to do and guid me to my destny.

答:1.should be planted 2.on 3.successful 4.instead 5.succeeded 对的喔,

答:也:1、表句中停顿语气。2、表句尾判断语气。非:1、不是,2、不,无,没有。3、不能 或:1、有时。2、有的人。3、也许,或许。得:1、取得,获得。2、形容词,合适,正确,指事情做对了或话说对了。3、得以、可以、能够,不得已指不能够抑制或停止。4、念dei,三声,副词,应该。相:...

帮下忙,帮我把这些句子翻译成英语。 1我以前没有学过英语2前面在修路3...
答:1我以前没有学过英语 ---I have never learnt any English before 2前面在修路 ---The road is being repaired ahead.3前面拥堵 --- It is vey crowded ahead / there is a traffic jam ahead.4你在刚才下车的地方等我吧 --- Wait for me where you got of the bus....

答:我的名字是 Emmanuelle 资产阶级,我的编辑器集团购买者。我公司销售 greetigns 卡西欧,今日搜索供应商和打印 greetigns 卡因为我们卖很多问候卡片与迪斯尼设计,所以我有了第一个问题的迪斯尼 Ageement。你有迪斯尼协议或迪斯尼许可证吗?如果本协议没有产品的照片和你能给您的协议数目吗?非常感谢你的...

答:10. 这个题估计是错误的,not until是直到...才...,明显带入这句话欠逻辑。他是想考察前后句子间的逻辑关系,前面是他没有告诉我任何事情,后面又说他不得不去上学。很明显两句之间是因果关系,用because最合适 11.borrow是向别人借,而lend是你借给别人。也就是借出去和借进来的区别 12.这里的...

答:Mr./Mrs. Chen and fellow schoolmates, sorry: I should not skip classes on Wednesday, should not do the work. That is because I had forgotten must do the work, teacher before also has said that a body's must strive for class in individual contribution for the class, but I ...