如何用英文回复领导? 领导用邮件交代了一项任务,如何用英文回复大概意思是 我知道了 马上做好之类的,如

作者&投稿:终点 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


All your points are well noted and I will revise it accordingly. I apologize for any incovenience that caused and thank you for catching this error.

Thanks for your email and it's an hornor for me to have this opportunity. I will arrive at your office on time.See you then.签名
Dear Mr. XX / Ms. XX:Thank you for your letter regarding the position available in your organization.I am writing to express my keen interest in the position of (职衔). The goals outlined for the position are well-matched to my abilities, and I consider it a privilege to join your team.I would be glad to make myself available for an interview at your convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information.Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.对方既已发信给你,请尊称对方的姓氏,以示尊重。


就well noted.
上轨道 或较规范的外贸公司每天有许多邮件尤其领导 所以真的别写太多 想一想: i have got your message (废话嘛 不然你怎收到这邮件??)-知道了/收到了 well note/ confirmed noted, 当然就应马上做好, 何必再说 - 要说还有更多不是吗? 例如会尽力早点最好 will try my best at earliest /尽全力去做 ... 我个人觉得都多馀 因为那都是应该的 或是大陆的领导都爱听这呢?

如果觉得短了点 就把他交代的任务重复一遍 证明你清楚重点

regardsing the assigment on *****, well noted & will try best to finish at earlist

Well received and will keep you post. Thanks.

Dear M....
I have got you message.
I will finishi it right away.