
作者&投稿:利珠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I will hold you tight in my arms and kiss you billions of times, as fiercely as on the equator.


Congratulations on your marriage! Wish you happiness, love forever and happy marriage!


The bination of sincere love is the purest of all binations. Bless you.


You were born a pair, and made a pair. Now we are together. We need to five each other in the future. I wish you a hundred years of good luck.


Today is a wonderful day for you to get married. On behalf of my family, I congratulate you. I wish you both a happy and happy life together.


The mandarin ducks are proud of each other, and the couple are fond of each other and are fond of each other.


Crystal snow drifting newlyweds noisy, holy wedding dress bride beautiful. Suona blows out Tianxian sister, gongs and drums beat out a little lip curling.


Men respect women and men respect men and women are equal, hu *** and respect women and hu *** and respect hu *** and and wife.


May the fire of your sincere love, like the rising sun, grow stronger and stronger as time goes on, so that the waters can not be extinguished and the floods can not be drowned!


The bride looks like an immortal, the world is doomed to a good marriage; parents at home, good coaches, should respect the old and teach the young.


Your family has bee a great force for the revival of the Church and a great contribution to society and the country.


When the bride and groom are married, the way to be a man will be long ago; when the first child is born, they will have o children, crawling on earth in their hands.


The seas and rocks crumble and crumble together, the earth is wide and the sky is high and flying with wings, the flowers and candles laugh to greet the thousand happy cranes, and the cave is happy to open and plum blossoms. Happy wedding!


At the end of the wedding season, I sincerely wish you happiness. Since then, life has bee a pair, with both joys and sorrows. Happy wedding!


May your home be as beautiful and harmonious as the Garden of Eden, and in the earth as in heaven!


I wish you all the best for a hundred years. Happy new marriage, sweet!


Three joys of life, dear friends, on your wedding day, let me sincerely wish you a happy new marriage!


It's a pleasure to work with you and struggle together. I won't fet the days when we shared weal and woe.


Today is your day of marriage. On behalf of my family, I congratulate you. I wish you both a happy and happy life together.


Wele Suona high into the clouds, invite Phoenix to make a wedding. The cup and tray touched drunken flowers and were married with charm and charm. Wish: A hundred years of harmony!


He's a word, you're a score, you o are a harmonious song. The bination of heaven, Lufeng and Ming!


Looking forward to the endless marriage, good calculation, rising prices of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.


Lotus blossoms and pedicels open, the mood is mutually imprinted; Wuzhi Lianli planting, Lingxi interoperability! May we be together for a hundred years and fly together!


Love and happiness forever, and concentric happiness forever. May you o be deeper than the sea! Happy wedding!


May all the lover in the world get married, be doomed in his previous life, and be happy to get married. My colleagues are very happy to get married! A harmonious union lasting a hundred years!


You are a natural couple. In the future, we need to take care of each other, understand and tolerate each other. Best wishes to you!


You said that this kind, only because things hurt people, really want six root Qing, but hate ruthless people, want to move mountains and rivers, only to wake the world up.


Under the lamp, a couple of happy couples, o love flowers in the cave, golden house, singing, colorful Phoenix cave, flowers and candles are happy to ride on the dragon.


The groom is handsome as a child, and the bride is beautiful as a flower. Please have sweet tea this year and look at Xiaosheng next year.


The highest realm of mutual affection is relative endlessness. I wish you love each other sincerely and make an appointment forever hand in hand. Congratulations on the wedding!


Everyone has a good relationship with God, and the gifted and talented women have no cardan; the piano and the song bear pearls in the morning, and the noble son and the shady hu *** and are born in the early days.


A good flower is a rose, and the door is not open. Tonight, couples are in pairs, and the beauty falls and shines.


Finding her in the vast sea of people is clearly a fate thousands of years ago. I wish you both happiness and harmony.


Baishan black water Yutian snow, Qilu large project Kaihe; Jinshan duck water spring movement, a mon witness to the Centennial festival!


Every year, I send you the first ray of spring and New Year's card together. My dear teacher, may spring be with you forever!


Finding her in the vast sea of people is clearly a fate thousands of years ago. I wish you both happiness and harmony.


Reach out your hand of love, and receive your blessings, so that happiness will blossom in brilliant flowers and usher in your future days. Wish you a happy wedding!


The breeze will carry my blessings, and Liuyun will send my sincere wishes! Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness for you tomorrow!


Good things keep ing and good dreams e true. Happy family, o swallows flying together.

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结婚当天对新人当面说的的祝福语 英文 谢谢
答:The news of your recent marriage having reached me,I beg to offer my most sincere congratulations. 获悉新婚之喜,请接受我最诚挚的祝贺。I wish you both all the luck and happiness life can offer。 祝愿你俩生活美满幸福。你还通过到喜啦结婚资讯频道,查看更多新婚祝福用语。

答:happy nea wedding

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打算 什麼时候结婚啊,祝福新人吖,英文怎麼翻译
答:To what time get married ah, wish the couple.

答:愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。2. 纪念日快乐用英文怎么说 “纪念日快乐”英文翻译:Happy anniversary ;例句: ①At the same time to congratulate the parents happy wedding anniversary! 同时祝贺爸妈结婚纪念日快乐! ②We are so proud of both of you . Happy anniversary. 祝你们...