
作者&投稿:戴柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I agree with the author and psychologist Sherry Turkle's point of view. In this age of technology, we are becoming alone in a new way, and we are slowly getting used to it.
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, our era has become a network information age. The Internet has become an essential part of our lives. With the in-depth study of science and technology, more and more chat platform and communication software appear constantly, so we can easily get in touch with others on the network, however, the less we in real life face to face. Darwin's theory of evolution said that the use of waste, if we do not face to face with other people for a long time, our ability to communicate will slow down, becoming more and more alone. Nowadays there are more and more "bow", no matter where are looking down at the mobile phone, more surprising is that the Spring Festival home with the elders when eating family reunion dinner, not only low head and elders talking at the dinner table, but also lower the head. Such behavior makes the intimacy between us and our loved ones weaken and become more alone.
I think the Internet is convenient, but it is a new way for us to become alone, and we are used to the new way.

文She takes a 15-minute bus ride, takes a 20-minute subway ride and then walks eight minutes to her uncle's house.

I'm sorry, because this book sold out of our warehouse, but we also want to achieve this order, just booked one for you in other places if we cancel an order, it will reduce the store rating, so we did.When the seller cancel the order and refund, we happen to have a stock, for your ship, and trace display should be reached soon, if you have any questions, please write and tell us, apologize again, hoping to get your understanding(应该差不多希望帮到你)

I am so sorry,at that time we had sold out the book in our storehouse,but we still want to complete this order form,so we order the book in other shop,if we cancel it,we will decline our stores score,that means it is our only choice.When the seller canceled the order form and refunded,we just had inventory,now your book has been delivered.And according to the lock-on display,it will arrive soon.if you have other questions ,please just tell us in a letter.
Apologize to you again,we beg for your understanding.

We are sorry that the book you need has sold out, but we are eager to make the deal, so we booked one for you. If we cancel the order, it will downgrade our store, that's why we booked one for you. Another buyer canceled his order, so we can deliver the book for you. The record shows the book will be arrive soon. If you have any question, please reply a letter. One again, we are very sorry. Hope you can understand.

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