会计专业英语名词解释(用英文) 考试用 !急!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:能雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
财务专业英语考试的几个名词解释~(要用英语解释哦)哪位大仙帮我翻译下哈 1、stable dollar divident poli~

  1、stable dollar dividend policy
  the firm tries to pay a fixed dollar dividend each quarter.Firms and stockholders prefer stable dividends. Decreasing the dividend sends a negative signal!

  2、residual dividend policy
  A residual dividend policy is used for internal funding of projects from business owned equity. Dividend payments from equity that's left over after the project has been financed, are then paid out. Companies using the residual dividend policy will only pay dividends after all other ways to invest funds are depleted. This policy is good for business because it reduces the occurrence of issuing new stocks. It's risky venture, however, as the companies dividends are at risk.

  3、last-in first-out
  FIFO stands for first-in, first-out, meaning that the oldest inventory items are recorded as sold first but do not necessarily mean that the exact oldest physical object has been tracked and sold;

  4、first-in first-out
  LIFO stands for last-in, first-out, meaning that the most recently produced items are recorded as sold first

  5、treasury share
  A treasury stock or reacquired stock is stock which is bought back by the issuing company, reducing the amount of outstanding stock on the open market ("open market" including insiders' holdings).

  6、outstanding share
  outstanding Shares are shares that have been authorized, issued, and purchased by investors and are held by them. They have voting rights and represent ownership in the corporation by the person that holds the shares. They should be distinguished from treasury shares, which are shares held by the corporation itself, having no exercisable rights.

  7、insitutional investor
  Institutional investors are organizations which pool large sums of money and invest those sums in securities, real property and other investment assets. They can also include operating companies which decide to invest their profits to some degree in these types of assets.

  8、retail investor
  A retail investor is an individual investor possessing shares of a given security. Retail investors can be further divided into two categories of share ownership.

  9、incentive stock option
  Incentive stock options (ISOs), are a type of employee stock option that can be granted only to employees and confer a U.S. tax benefit.

  10、dividend payout ratio
  Dividend payout ratio is the fraction of net income a firm pays to its stockholders in dividends


实质重于形式:substance over form;

1.conservatism 稳健主义
2.going concern assumption 持续经营假设
3.source document 来源
4.owner's equity 资产净值
5.perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制
6.income summary account 收益汇总帐户
7.accrual system 权责发生制
8.double entry system 复式会计制度
9.adjusting procedure 调整程序

1.conservatism 稳健性
2.going concern assumption 持续经营假设
3.source document 原始凭证
4.owner's equity 所有者权益
5.perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制
6.income summary account 收益汇总帐户
7.accrual system 权责发生制
8.double entry system 复式记帐制度
9.adjusting procedure 调整


1.conservatism 稳健主义
2.going concern assumption 持续经营假设
3.source document 原始凭证
4.owner's equity 资产净值
5.perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制
6.income summary account 收益汇总帐户
7.accrual system 权责发生制
8.double entry system 复式会计制度
9.adjusting procedure 调整程序


1.conservatism 稳健主义 或 稳健性

2.going concern assumption 持续经营假设
3.source document 原始凭证
4.owner's equity 资产净值 或所有者权益
5.perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制
6.income summary account 收益汇总帐户
7.accrual system 权责发生制
8.double entry system 复式会计制度
9.adjusting procedure 调整程序


going concern:In the absence of evidence to the contrary,a business is assumed to have an indefinite life and will not be sold or liquidated.

owner's equity:equity is the residual interest in the assets of an entity that remains after deducting tis liabilities.

perpetual inventory:a method of controlling stock in which the movement of each item is recorded,so that the firm always knows the numbers and value of stock remaining in each of its warehouses.

double entry system:a system of recording accounts where each sale or purchase is shown as having an effect on both the DEBIT COLUMN and the CREDIT COLUMN of an account.

income summary account :the account that presents financial performance by matching revenue and expenses to arrive at a profit over a period of time.

accrual system:under the accrual system,the effects of transaction and other events are recognised when they occur(and not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate.

答:题库内容:会计的解释(1) [accounting]∶ 监督 和管理财务的工作,包括填制记帐凭证,处理帐务,编制财务报表等 (2) [accountant]∶担任会计工作的人员 详细解释 (1).核计; 计算 。 《周礼·地官· 舍人 》 :“岁终则会计其政。” 宋 苏舜钦 《谘目三》 :“先令两府与三司,会计 天下 一岁...

名词解释 会计

会计利润( accounting profit) (名词解释)

答:1. 会计主体是指被会计体系所服务和监督的特定实体或组织,它为会计信息的确认、计量和报告提供了空间范围。通常情况下,具有法人资格的实体(如法律上的法人)必然是会计主体,然而会计主体未必是法人实体。会计主体可以包括:- 具备法人资格的实体,例如:XX有限公司(包括母公司、子公司)、XX股份有限...

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会计分析 名词解释
答:会计分析(Accounting Analysis) 是指根据会计核算提供的会计信息,应用一定的分析方法,对企业的经营过程及其经营成果进行定量和定性的分析。会计分析的结果是进行会计预测和会计考核的主要依据。



答:1、会计主体是指会计所核算和监督的特定单位或者组织,是会计确认、计量和报告的空间范围。 一般来说,法律主体(法人)必然是会计主体,但会计主体不一定是法律主体(法人)。 (1)会计主体可以是具备法人资格的:XX有限公司(包括母公司、子公司)、XX股份有限公司——一般是强制要求会计核算的; (2...
