
作者&投稿:程胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

可口可乐:具有百年历史,在中国它一直以其结合本土文化的营销方式取得极大成功。 新年:中国人心目中最重要的传统节日,中国情感的归结。
根据以上几点总结,得出2008 可口可乐济南地区春节促销策划计划:
主体创意方案为:择2008年最具传统特征的生肖鼠为创意元素,以小时候人们身边能引起对鼠的记忆与情感的一系列故事为创作背景,色彩上选择最能代表中国又同时象征可口可乐的红色为主色调,采用创意插图在设计项目上的应用为主要表现形式。故事主要围绕儿时小老鼠偷油的儿歌(儿歌:小老鼠上灯台,偷油喝、下不来)做出鼠年偷着乐的主打创意主题。鼠年小老鼠不再偷油,他无法忍受可口可乐的深深诱惑,决定偷可乐 ,偷了可乐,暗中窃喜。将可乐和传统情感记忆以及春节融合,通过主题的设定表现可乐的吸引力,并从情感上获得人们新春的儿时记忆,达到情感共鸣,与春节气氛融合并产生趣味感,产生购买欲。

Coca-Cola promotional design,
Plan & creative planning programme
Coca-Cola: a 100-year-old, it has been in China for its combination of local culture of a very successful marketing. New Year: Chinese people in mind the most important traditional festival, summed up the feelings of China.
Chinese consumers: Emotional attention, arouse their emotional resonance of the forms of advertising most likely to move Chinese consumers, and these feelings for the main family, memory, love, moral character.
According to the above conclusion, reached in the 2008 Coca-Cola Jinan Spring Festival promotional planning scheme:
First of all: the overall promotional strategy on the continuation of native culture and the Coca-Cola marketing strategy. 2008 with the most traditional Chinese cultural identity of the elements in order to arouse the people emotional memory as the main creative direction of China's consumer sentiment moved through the resonance the way to achieve marketing purposes.
The main programme for the creative: Optional 2008 the most traditional Lunar New Year characteristics of the mice for the creative element to people who can cause a child to control the memory and emotion of the story as a series of creative background, color choices on the most representative of China at the same time another symbol of Coca-Cola Mainly the red hue, creative use of illustrations in the design of the project on the application as the main form of expression. The main story on the childhood of small rodents Touyou the children's songs (children's songs: small rodents on the Menorah, Touyou drink, Xiabu Lai) to make the Rat Touzhao Le main theme of creativity. Rat small rodents no longer Touyou, he could not bear the deep temptation of Coca-Cola, Coke decided to steal, steal a Coke, secretly Qiexi. Coke will be the traditional and emotional memory and the integration of the Spring Festival, the theme set by the performance of Coke attraction, and emotional access to people from New Year's childhood memories, to achieve emotional resonance, and the integration of the Spring Festival atmosphere and have fun sense to buy produce.
Second: combination of the consumption environment, according to the need for different design projects.
Again: a combination of effective promotional tools, such as gift, Rangli sales, sweepstakes, interactive activities, and other ways to achieve further promotion purposes.


巡回画派is the representative of realistic art,who puts forward a relatively practical assignment from the beginning.In painting, ,the artists emphasize idelological content sociality and subjectivity of works on the side of democracy,to mirror the social problems、people's life、events in history and beautiful Nature in Russia with profound paiting and extremely strong verisimilitude ability.

Thus their works have profound scope and depth.This paper discusses the origin of 巡回展览画派、its representative figures and artistic style and its influnce on later art circles and other aspects.


Service, Training and Liabilities for Breach of Contract
with Regard to the Contractual Automatic Mixing & Pumping Unit
Section 1. Service
1 售前服务:
1. Pre-sale Service
The following pre-sale service shall be provided:
1.1Help perform the prophase design and type selection of the automatic mixing & pumping unit for the customer.
1.2 Help select the appropriate model of the automatic mixing & pumping unit, its components and accessories for the customer in accordance with the specific product requirements of the customer.
1.3 Help prepare relevant operational procedures for the customer in accordance with the specific product requirements of the customer.
2 售后服务
2 After-sale Service
2.1 The after-sale service call is reachable for 24 hours and the service personnel available around the clock. The after-sale service department will respond to any service request within one hour.
2.2 The Seller’s service personnel will arrive to the job site within 24 hours upon request.
2.3 The Seller shall provide charge-free parts and services for any failures or defects of the contractual product in normal operation condition within the warranty period. The Seller will provide parts and services at the expense of the Buyer if the mechanical or electrical failure of the contractual product is caused by improper operation or misuse by the Buyer.
2.4 The Seller shall continue to provide aforementioned services to help remove mechanical or electrical failures for the Buyer after the warranty period is expired or such failures are caused by equipment misuse by the Buyer. The service cost in such cases shall be covered by the Buyer.
2.5 Help the customer to solve any problems with the operation of the automatic mixing & pumping unit

Section 2 Training
1. Site training: The Seller shall provide site equipment training for the technical and operational personnel from the Buyer in the process of equipment installation and commissioning.
2. The Seller shall provide the Buyer with operation and maintenance manual for the contractual automatic mixing & pumping unit

Section 3 Breach of Contract
1. The Seller’s liability for breach of contract
1) If the Seller fails to deliver the contractual goods according to the date as specified in the Contract, it shall pay penalty for the delay if the delay exceeds 7 days. The penalty rate is 1‰ of the total contractual product price per day. If the delay exceeds 14 days, the penalty rate is 2‰ of the total contractual product price per day. If the delay is due to the Buyer’s fault, the Seller shall not pay such penalty.
2) For items not in compliance with the contractual technical specifications in the process of material purchase and product manufacturing by the Seller, the Seller shall notify the Buyer of such nonconformity in writing and in advance for consent of the Buyer before proceeding to adopt the items. If the Buyer finds any items noncompliant with the contractual technical specifications and the Seller fails to notify the Buyer of such noncompliance in advance, the Buyer is entitled to demand an compensation and immediate corrections and the Seller shall accept the Buyer’s claim unconditionally. The Buyer will deduct the amount of the noncompliant item from the total payment at the rate of three times of the original item price. For the use of concealed material, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance so that the Buyer can send its technical personnel to the job site to test the material and/or witness the use of the material. If the Buyer fails to arrive at the job site for the inspection within the specified time, the Seller may continue its operation without bearing any responsibilities; the Seller shall not start any operation concerning the concealed material application without informing the Buyer in advance. Should any work be done without due authorization, rework is required.
3) If the Seller fails to provide the Buyer with the product in compliace with the model, technical specification, configuration and manufacturer as specified in this contract and relevant technical agreements, the Buyer is entitled to demand a recall of the noncompliant items by the Seller. The Seller shall be held liable for any equipment troubles and shutdown resulted from use of the noncompliant parts and compensate for the loss at the rate of twice the price of the noncompliant parts. If the Seller is unable to replace the noncompliant parts, it shall pay for the loss caused thereof. The compensation rate in this case shall be three times of the noncompliant parts or product. (considering the continuous improvement of the Seller’s product and component……没有下文了?)
4)If the Seller fails to meet its commitment that the Seller shall provide timely service to the Buyer within 24 hours upon receiving the equipment failure notification from the Buyer within the warranty period, as stipulated in the contract, the Seller shall make compensation for the loss caused thereof, at a rate of RMB100 per hour delay. If the delay exceeds 32 hours, the compensation rate shall be RMB1000 per hour delay.
5) If the quality-related equipment failure occurs within the warranty period and such failure has resulted in the production suspension of the Buyer for more than 7 days, the Seller shall make compensation for the production losses of the Buyer at the rate of RMB1,000 per day. If the production suspension exceeds 14 days, the compensation rate shall be RMB2,000 per day. If the Seller’s product has major quality defects that cannot be removed or repaired, the Buyer is entitled to reject the goods and claim against the direct loss caused thereof.
2. The Buyer’s liability for breach of contract
1) The Buyer shall not cancel the product order after it places the order and make payment for the goods. If the Buyer cancel the order without agreement from the Seller, it shall not demand the return of the amount already paid for the contractual goods.
2) If the Buyer, after placing the purchase order, is unable to make timely payment for the contractual goods in accordance with the date and amount as specified in the contract, the Seller may postpone the contractual delivery date.
3) Any disputes arising from or in connection with the performance of this contract should be solved through friendly negotiation. If the negation fails, either party hereto may bring the case to the local people’s court.
4) The technical agreement shall come into force simultaneously with this contract upon signature and seal of both parties. The technical agreement and this contract have equal legal effect.
5) The technical service and after-sale service shall be performed in accordance with the Service, Training and Liabilities for Breach of Contract herein provided by the Seller. This text and the contract have equal legal effect.
6) This contract shall come into force upon signature and seal of both parties. This contract is made in four original copies, each party holding two copies. All the copies have equal legal effect.

Proportion of services, training and liability for breach of contract
A service
1 pre-sale services:
1.1 helps users ratio for the front-end design, selection;
1.2 products according to the user's request, to help users ratio of Selection and related ancillary components Selection;
1.3 products according to the user's request, to help the user to customize the relevant rules;
2 Service
2.1 Department 24-hour telephone service reception, 24 hours standby; from the demand side after the repair, to respond within one hour.
2.2 Upon receipt for the repair within 24 hours after arrived at the scene.
2.3 warranty period, in the proper use of circumstances, such as failure, the responsibility for the provision of free parts and repair services. For caused by improper use of the mechanical, electrical and some other fault, is still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
2.4 warranty period, or demand side, caused by improper use of mechanical, electrical and some other fault, still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
Ratio of 2.5 to help users solve problems for the use of all.

Second, training
1, on-site training: equipment installation, and commissioning process, the technical staff, workers operating equipment-site training.
2, for the need to provide for the proportion of machine operation, maintenance manuals.
Third, liability for breach of contract:
1, the responsibility for the breach:
1), if not for the contractual delivery period of more than seven days or more, each for more than one day, according to the amount of aircraft 1 ‰ for breach of contract payments, and so on. Extension of time of delivery over 14 days above, each more than a day by 2 ‰ cost of the contract for breach of contract payments. As a result of demand-side DELAY causes, and not supply-side.

2) for the actual procurement or manufacture of a book does not meet the technical specifications of the terms of the undertaking, Gongfangying prior written report issued by the initiative, with the consent of the consent of the implementation of demand-side and supply-side in the prior need to inform the circumstances, When the demand side, and found that the actual situation for the technical specifications promised by the contents of the book inconsistencies, the need for the right to put forward, according to the actual prices of parts and components for the implementation of three times a chargeback, for it must be unconditional accept and immediately improved. Not visible part of the materials used in the request for the use of the side prior to inform, to take the time to visit the construction site, the use of the field for the identification of the material required for the notification received after the failure in the provisions of can be achieved within the time arrived for the party, nothing to do with the supply-side. If no notice of demand-side, the production could not be pursued. To be part of rework.
3), if found to have failed to supply-side of this contract and technical specifications by agreement of the type products, equipment configuration, to provide manufacturers, the demand side the right to ask for the timely replacement. If the components have resulted from the use of mechanical failures and the need to stop production for the replacement of parts at the same time should be double the price of compensation demand side, if not replaced, according to the prices of products or components of the compensation of three times the demand side . (Due to the continuous improvement of the products and parts
4) warranty period, the supply side can not be received in accordance with the agreement, equipment failure notification, the latest within 24 hours of arrival in the demand-side services to the community, each extended by one hour, Gongfangying compensation to the 100 yuan / hour loss, more than 32 hours or more, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / hour production loss.
5) warranty period, if the quality of equipment for the cause in the demand-side cut-off for more than seven days, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / day production losses in the production more than 14 days, except for the should be required to take 2,000 yuan / day production loss. Such as the supply-side products beyond repair major quality defects, the need to return and the right to demand compensation as a direct result loss.
2, the demand side of the liability for breach of contract
1) to the demand side, supply-side issue orders and to pay the purchase price, such as the cancellation of orders ordering products, has no right to request for the return of money paid.

2) demand side, in order to supply-side issue, if not the contractual period and the amount of payment for the right to defer the delivery date of this contract.
3) Both sides in contract disputes not resolved through consultation, the two sides may apply to the location of people's courts.
4) Technical Agreement signed by the two sides and sealed after the entry into force of this contract at the same time, have the same legal effect.
5) technical service and after-sales service provided for by the services, training and liability for breach of contract implementation, and the contract has the same legal effect.
6) the signing of this contract sealed by the two sides after the entry into force of the two sides Gezhi two with the same legal effect.

Machine ratio (Automatic Mixing & Pumping Unit)是 在“知道”首页左边点开一个分类问题,再点“高分”。就可以到200分了

The allocated proportion machine service, training and the violation responsibility one, serve
1 before-sales service:
1.1 help users carry on the preliminary allocated proportion machine design, the shaping;
1.2 basis user's product request, helps the user to carry on the allocated proportion machine shaping and the correlation auxiliary spare part shaping;
1.3 basis user's product request, helps the user to have custom-made the correlation working instruction;
2 post-sale service
2.1 post-sale service department 24 hour telephone receptions, 24 hours standbies; After receives the consumer requesting repairs, gives the answer in 1 hour.
2.2 suppliers in receive request repairs in the latter 24 hours to rush the scene.
2.3 natures guarantee in the time, in right use situation, if breaks down, the supplier is responsible free to provide the components and the repair service.If consumer's use not when creates the machinery, the electricity and so on the partial breakdowns, the supplier was still responsible to service, but by preferential price collection corresponding reward.
2.4 natures guarantee outside the time or the consumer use not when creates the machinery, the electricity and so on the partial breakdowns, the supplier was still responsible to service, but by preferential price collection corresponding reward. I
2.5 help user solution allocated proportion machine use all difficult problems. Second, trains 1, scene training: In the equipment setup, the debugging process, to the technical personnel, operates the worker to carry on equipment scene training. 2nd, the supplier provides the allocated proportion machine equipment setup, the debugging process, to the technical personnel, operates the worker to carry on equipment scene training. 2nd, the supplier provides the allocated proportion machine equipment operation, the maintenance maintenance instruction booklet for the consumer. Third, violation responsibility: 1st, supplier's violation responsibility:
1) the supplier like cannot surpass above 7 day according to the contract agreement deadline delivery, then surpasses every time one day, 1 ‰ undertakes the penalty according to this machine amount, by this analogy.When the extension delivery time surpasses above 14 day, then surpasses one day 2 ‰ to undertake the penalty every time according to the contract total price.Because if the consumer reason creates the time limit for a project delay, then has 2) the consumer in issues the order form after the supplier, if cannot according to the contract agreement deadline and the amount payment fund, the supplier is authorized to postpone this contract date of delivery. 3) both sides occur when the contract dispute consults the solution inadequately, both sides may to the locus people's court prosecution. 4) after technical agreement Shu Jing both sides sign and seal also become effective with this contract, have the same legal effect. 5) the technical service and the post-sale service the service, training and the violation responsibility execution which provides according to the supplier, has with the contract same legal effect. 6) this contract signs and seals after both sides becomes effective, both sides hold two respectively, has the same legal effect.

A service
1 pre-sale services:
1.1 helps users ratio for the front-end design, selection;
1.2 products according to the user's request, to help users ratio of Selection and related ancillary components Selection;
1.3 products according to the user's request, to help the user to customize the relevant rules;
2 Service
2.1 Department 24-hour telephone service reception, 24 hours standby; from the demand side after the repair, to respond within one hour.
2.2 Upon receipt for the repair within 24 hours after arrived at the scene.
2.3 warranty period, in the proper use of circumstances, such as failure, the responsibility for the provision of free parts and repair services. For caused by improper use of the mechanical, electrical and some other fault, is still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
2.4 warranty period, or demand side, caused by improper use of mechanical, electrical and some other fault, still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
Ratio of 2.5 to help users solve problems for the use of all.

Second, training
1, on-site training: equipment installation, and commissioning process, the technical staff, workers operating equipment-site training.
2, for the need to provide for the proportion of machine operation, maintenance manuals.
Third, liability for breach of contract:
1, the responsibility for the breach:
1), if not for the contractual delivery period of more than seven days or more, each for more than one day, according to the amount of aircraft 1 ‰ for breach of contract payments, and so on. Extension of time of delivery over 14 days above, each more than a day by 2 ‰ cost of the contract for breach of contract payments. As a result of demand-side DELAY causes, and not supply-side.

2) for the actual procurement or manufacture of a book does not meet the technical specifications of the terms of the undertaking, Gongfangying prior written report issued by the initiative, with the consent of the consent of the implementation of demand-side and supply-side in the prior need to inform the circumstances, When the demand side, and found that the actual situation for the technical specifications promised by the contents of the book inconsistencies, the need for the right to put forward, according to the actual prices of parts and components for the implementation of three times a chargeback, for it must be unconditional accept and immediately improved. Not visible part of the materials used in the request for the use of the side prior to inform, to take the time to visit the construction site, the use of the field for the identification of the material required for the notification received after the failure in the provisions of can be achieved within the time arrived for the party, nothing to do with the supply-side. If no notice of demand-side, the production could not be pursued. To be part of rework.
3), if found to have failed to supply-side of this contract and technical specifications by agreement of the type products, equipment configuration, to provide manufacturers, the demand side the right to ask for the timely replacement. If the components have resulted from the use of mechanical failures and the need to stop production for the replacement of parts at the same time should be double the price of compensation demand side, if not replaced, according to the prices of products or components of the compensation of three times the demand side . (Due to the continuous improvement of the products and parts
4) warranty period, the supply side can not be received in accordance with the agreement, equipment failure notification, the latest within 24 hours of arrival in the demand-side services to the community, each extended by one hour, Gongfangying compensation to the 100 yuan / hour loss, more than 32 hours or more, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / hour production loss.
5) warranty period, if the quality of equipment for the cause in the demand-side cut-off for more than seven days, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / day production losses in the production more than 14 days, except for the should be required to take 2,000 yuan / day production loss. Such as the supply-side products beyond repair major quality defects, the need to return and the right to demand compensation as a direct result loss.
2, the demand side of the liability for breach of contract
1) to the demand side, supply-side issue orders and to pay the purchase price, such as the cancellation of orders ordering products, has no right to request for the return of money paid.

2) demand side, in order to supply-side issue, if not the contractual period and the amount of payment for the right to defer the delivery date of this contract.
3) Both sides in contract disputes not resolved through consultation, the two sides may apply to the location of people's courts.
4) Technical Agreement signed by the two sides and sealed after the entry into force of this contract at the same time, have the same legal effect.
5) technical service and after-sales service provided for by the services, training and liability for breach of contract implementation, and the contract has the same legal effect.
6) the signing of this contract sealed by the two sides after the entry into force of the two sides Gezhi two with the same legal effect.

Machine ratio (Automatic Mixing & Pumping Unit)

Wanted to 200 points, but the system set up to the 100. So after only used to separate. Necessity, please help out, thank you!
Add: added: machine as I turned the experience, especially the second floor, declined the machine up, please contract format.

Proportion of services, training and liability for breach of contract
A service
1 pre-sale services:
1.1 helps users ratio for the front-end design, selection;
1.2 products according to the user's request, to help users ratio of Selection and related ancillary components Selection;
1.3 products according to the user's request, to help the user to customize the relevant rules;
2 Service
2.1 Department 24-hour telephone service reception, 24 hours standby; from the demand side after the repair, to respond within one hour.
2.2 Upon receipt for the repair within 24 hours after arrived at the scene.
2.3 warranty period, in the proper use of circumstances, such as failure, the responsibility for the provision of free parts and repair services. For caused by improper use of the mechanical, electrical and some other fault, is still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
2.4 warranty period, or demand side, caused by improper use of mechanical, electrical and some other fault, still responsible for the maintenance, but the price charged to the corresponding rewards.
Ratio of 2.5 to help users solve problems for the use of all.

Second, training
1, on-site training: equipment installation, and commissioning process, the technical staff, workers operating equipment-site training.
2, for the need to provide for the proportion of machine operation, maintenance manuals.
Third, liability for breach of contract:
1, the responsibility for the breach:
1), if not for the contractual delivery period of more than seven days or more, each for more than one day, according to the amount of aircraft 1 ‰ for breach of contract payments, and so on. Extension of time of delivery over 14 days above, each more than a day by 2 ‰ cost of the contract for breach of contract payments. As a result of demand-side DELAY causes, and not supply-side.

2) for the actual procurement or manufacture of a book does not meet the technical specifications of the terms of the undertaking, Gongfangying prior written report issued by the initiative, with the consent of the consent of the implementation of demand-side and supply-side in the prior need to inform the circumstances, When the demand side, and found that the actual situation for the technical specifications promised by the contents of the book inconsistencies, the need for the right to put forward, according to the actual prices of parts and components for the implementation of three times a chargeback, for it must be unconditional accept and immediately improved. Not visible part of the materials used in the request for the use of the side prior to inform, to take the time to visit the construction site, the use of the field for the identification of the material required for the notification received after the failure in the provisions of can be achieved within the time arrived for the party, nothing to do with the supply-side. If no notice of demand-side, the production could not be pursued. To be part of rework.
3), if found to have failed to supply-side of this contract and technical specifications by agreement of the type products, equipment configuration, to provide manufacturers, the demand side the right to ask for the timely replacement. If the components have resulted from the use of mechanical failures and the need to stop production for the replacement of parts at the same time should be double the price of compensation demand side, if not replaced, according to the prices of products or components of the compensation of three times the demand side . (Due to the continuous improvement of the products and parts
4) warranty period, the supply side can not be received in accordance with the agreement, equipment failure notification, the latest within 24 hours of arrival in the demand-side services to the community, each extended by one hour, Gongfangying compensation to the 100 yuan / hour loss, more than 32 hours or more, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / hour production loss.
5) warranty period, if the quality of equipment for the cause in the demand-side cut-off for more than seven days, Gongfangying commitment to the 1000 yuan / day production losses in the production more than 14 days, except for the should be required to take 2,000 yuan / day production loss. Such as the supply-side products beyond repair major quality defects, the need to return and the right to demand compensation as a direct result loss.
2, the demand side of the liability for breach of contract
1) to the demand side, supply-side issue orders and to pay the purchase price, such as the cancellation of orders ordering products, has no right to request for the return of money paid.

2) demand side, in order to supply-side issue, if not the contractual period and the amount of payment for the right to defer the delivery date of this contract.
3) Both sides in contract disputes not resolved through consultation, the two sides may apply to the location of people's courts.
4) Technical Agreement signed by the two sides and sealed after the entry into force of this contract at the same time, have the same legal effect.
5) technical service and after-sales service provided for by the services, training and liability for breach of contract implementation, and the contract has the same legal effect.
6) the signing of this contract sealed by the two sides after the entry into force of the two sides Gezhi two with the same legal effect.

Machine ratio (Automatic Mixing & Pumping Unit


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